Moong Dal Khichdi, Gujarati Recipe
 on 28 May 20 08:38 PM

Absolutely rubbish about rice. It may be high in glycemic index making it difficult for diabetics but it is a great source of nutrition when had moderately and in a calorie counted way. In fact, amongst the sundry items, out of roti rice oats and stuff, it is easiest to digest and a better choice... If the reader has any doubts, you may consult the accounts of several renowned celebrities including Gwyneth Paltrow, who maintain their lean stature by sticking to rice and steering clear of wheat based products. It''s on the Internet, their interviews appeared some time back on YouTube. One may search for it and find it. In fact, weight loss is totally dependent on calories being restricted, not at all about the type of food. But yes, if one must live healthy even in weight loss, then junk foods and other such common bad foods are a no no. But keeping nutritious and low fat and moderate calorie food like rice away is a big, I mean bigggg mistake.
Tarla Dalal
29 May 20 06:13 PM
   Since rice is high in glycemic index, given a choice other fiber, protein and antioxidant rich ingredients are a much healthier choice than rice solely. Rice thus in combination with dals, sprouts and other protein rich foods is more healthier and allowed in small portions for diabetics as mentioned in the write up for yellow moong dal above. However as you have correctly mentioned it can be included in a diet plan for weight loss in small amounts occasionally if well-planned by a dietitian with correct amounts of carbs, protein, fat and calories. Only including rice, but not adequate protein and fiber rich foods in diet is not promoted.