glacial acetic acid

Glacial Acetic Acid Glossary |Health Benefits, Nutritional Information + Recipes with Glacial Acetic Acid | Viewed 35705 times

Also known as

Vinegar acid


Pure, water-free acetic acid is called glacial acetic acid. It is a colourless liquid that absorbs water from the environment , and freezes at 16.7 °C to a colourless crystalline solid. It is a weak acid, and is known as Glacial because on freezing it forms needle shape crystals .It is a clear, colorless liquid with a pungent odor. It is obtained by the destructive distillation of wood, by oxidation of acetylene and water by air, or by the oxidation of ethyl alcohol by aerobic bacteria, as in the production of vinegar. Glacial acetic acid is strongly corrosive and potentially flammable, having a low flash point. Home vinegar is five percent by mass acetic acid. Dilute acetic acid in the form of vinegar has many home and culinary purposes.

How to select

Check the best before date before buying.

Culinary uses

· The main use of glacial acetic acid in cooking is in form of vinegar.
· It is generally used in cooking, making salads, and pickling and canning.
· Marinating meat in dilute acetic acid kills bacteria and tenderises the meat.
· Soak wilted vegetables in a mixture of two cups of water and a tablespoon of acetic acid to freshen them up.
· To make cheese last longer, store it in a acid soaked cloth.
· To prevent eggs from cracking when you boil them, just add two tablespoons of glacial acetic caid to the water before boiling it. This will also help you to peel off the egg shells faster and easier.

How to store

Store glacial acetic acid in a glass bottle in a dark place, away from sunlight and gas stove.

Health Benefits

· Glacial acetic acid may benefit the digestive system by improving the absorption and utilization of several essential nutrients.