What is Jujubes? Glossary | Benefits, Uses, Recipes with Jujubes |
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What is jujubes?
The jujubes are a type of starch, gum and corn syrup based candy drops originally produced by the Heide Candy Company. The product was sold to The Hershey Company, and then to the current owner, Farley & Sathers. although jujubes are sweet in taste and generally colorful, they do not have the strong and distinctive flavor of modern candies due to the expense of chemical flavor ants at the time. Original flavors included lilac, violet, rose, spearmint, and lemon. Rose and spearmint have been changed to cherry and lime, as a result of flavor availability." Thus, the current flavor lineup is lemon (yellow), orange (orange), lime (green), cherry (red), and violet (purple). These chewy gelatine-based sweets show some similarities to jelly-like confectionery common elsewhere. Traditionally, they are small, squishy, colorful blobs. They usually have a flat base, and are covered in a thick layer of sugar. They can be either hard or soft. Soft jubes are often half moon shaped. They are also commonly known as,'Jube Jubies, Jubies or just Joobs'.
How to select jujubes
Jujubes are available in various colors and flavors and are readily available in confectionary stores. Choose the jujubes as per individual preferences and recipe requirements. Check the best before date before buying.
Culinary Uses of jujubes
· Due to the soft, semi goey and sugar coatings dense, the jujubes are often eaten as a type of candy - "sucked on" rather than chewed. Individual Jujubes can be allowed to gradually rehydrate in the mouth with gentle chewing.
· These chewy, fruity gelatin-based treats can be used as topping on desserts or chopped and added to ice creams.
· Jujubes with roasted peanuts and honey make for a nice salad, especially for children.
· Jujube Cakes are an easy to make sweet dish.
How to store jujubes
Store jujubes in a plastic wrapped sheet in the refrigerator.
Health benefits of jujubes
· Since commercially prepared jujubes are typically prepared with fruit flavourings and gelatine, they do not possess any healthful benefits associated with fruits.,
· Being quite rich in sugar, they should ideally be taken only in moderation.