Sunset sorbet

You can adjust the sugar according to sweetness or sourness of the mango .
you can also adjust the lemon juice as per taste .
looks beautiful and tastes divine ....

Sunset sorbet

This recipe has been viewed 2539 times

Sunset sorbet recipe - How to make Sunset sorbet

Cooking Time:    Total Time:    


Mangoes - 2
Sugar - 3/4 cup
Lemon juice - 2 tsp
Rose Syrup - 4 tbsp .


  1. Make sugar syrup of 1 thread consistency . puree the mangoes . add the sugar syrup and lemon juice to the mango puree .
  2. Now , take the dish in which sorbet is to be set .
  3. Pour the rose syrup on the base . pour chilled mango mixture over it and chill in the freezer for 3 hrs .
  4. Scoop out and serve .
  5. or
  6. Take the serving glasses . pour rose syrup unevenly all over the glass .
  7. Now pour the mango mixture slowly .
  8. Let it chill for 3 hrs . serve ..
