Lettuce Cups recipe - How to make Lettuce Cups
For the curds dressing- Tie the curds in a muslin cloth and hang up for about 2 hours.
- Squeeze a little water from the cucumber and then mix the curds and cream.
- Add the green chillies and salt. Chill thoroughly.
How to serve- Put the lettuce leaves and carrots in separate bowls of cold water for about 30 minutes. Drain thereafter.
- Tear the lettuce leaves into small pieces, approximately square in size. Make smaller pieces if serving as an accompaniment.
- Arrange the lettuce pieces in one corner of a large tray, fruits in another and carrots in the third leaving sufficient margin in the centre.
- Put the dressing in a bowl and sprinkle nuts on top. Place the bowl in the centre of the tray.
- Let the guests help themselves by putting some fruit on lettuce leaves, a little dressing on top and finally sprinkling carrots on it.