Chocolate cups with cream & fruits


This recipe has been viewed 3833 times

Childern love the cups.ideal for birthday parties.

Chocolate cups with cream & fruits recipe - How to make Chocolate cups with cream & fruits

Cooking Time:    Total Time:   


for the chocolate cups: 1cup grated plain chocolate;
2tbsp margarine or butter ;
For the filling: 200g vanilla ice cream;
2-3 teacups chopped fruit(8-10grapes,1banana,chopped,strawberries,peeled 1orange wedges, kiwi fruit slices, pineapple slices ,chopped, cherry for the top garnishing)
Tart moulds and aluminum foil for setting the cups


  1. For the chocolate cups: melt the chocolate & margarine or butter in a double boiler & mix well. line small tart moulds with aluminum foil. apply little chocolate mixture over each mould. put to set in the refrigerator. when set remove the foil & store the chocolate cups in the refrigerator.
  2. How to proceed: beat the cream with the sugar until thick. fill each chocolate cup with mixed fruits and pour a little cream over fruits and lastly garnish with cherry at top and serve.

