Jello Mix


This recipe has been viewed 2817 times

A quick and easy dessert recipe, Jello mix is a fruit jelly recipe which is prepared and then served topped with fresh cream and honey.

Jello Mix recipe - How to make Jello Mix


Preparation Time:    Cooking Time: ---------------   Total Time:   


1/2 tin of pineapple
1/2 bar of chocolate
jello packet
thick cream


  1. Make jello when it is liquid put in freezer for only the surface of it to harden
  2. Then take full cream {thick cream} add honey to it taste it if it is sweet according to your taste then spread it on the jello after spreading decorate it with triangular pieces of pineapple then grate some chocolate on it according to your wish
  3. And serve after puting in fridge. thank you

