Plumpy exotic tulips


This recipe has been viewed 2075 times

The plum stew after cooling can be stored in the fridge for 3 months.
chill the glasses as well so as to line them with salt.

Plumpy exotic tulips recipe - How to make Plumpy exotic tulips


Cooking Time:    Total Time:   


Fresh Plums
a pinch sugar
water as required
lime juice
7 up
mint leaves
salt to line the champagne tulips


  1. Wash & clean the plums.
  2. Cut into big pieces
  3. Prepare sugar syrup to stew the plums.
  4. Blend the plums to make a puree.
  5. Chill the plum puree.
  6. Get chilled champagne tulips, line them with salt add the plum puree and top with 7 up
  7. Leave a few plums cut into strips for garnish.
  8. Add a few sprigs of mint on top of the glass & serve.

