2 blanched carrot strips recipes

Children will love these appetising and healthy rice noodles tossed with vegetables and bean sprouts.
The true highlight of this dish is the paste that is made using red chillies, onions and other well-chosen ingredients. You can make it fresh for a better taste; or to save time, you can make it in bulk and deep-freeze to use as and when required. Healthy ingredients like tofu, mushroom and other veggies enhance this recipe’s health quotient while a basket of creatively-combined ingredients make it a delight for the taste-buds. If you do not like tofu, you can replace it with low fat paneer. Thai cooking is incomplete without coconut milk but as a matter of fact it is high in fat; I have therefore restricted its use to ½ cup as compared to the original recipe that calls for almost 3 times more. Another key ingredient in Thai cooking is lemon grass, which can be used liberally without any fear of calories… this is the secret behind the refreshing touch of most Thai recipes.