Besan Chola


This recipe has been viewed 12433 times

Besan chola is a quick reciep of cooking up the cholas or chickpeas with besan or gramflour, onion, tomatoes, garlic and then serving it up with bhature or puris.

Besan Chola recipe - How to make Besan Chola

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1 can chola
1 onion
1 tomato
garlic 2 tes
ginger1 tes
1 tes garam masala
1 tes coriander pd
1 tes tandoori pd
half tes chilli pd
besan 1 tes
imli pulp 2 tbs
corrander leaves for garnish


  1. Saute onion with oil.then add garlic ginger,saute.then add tomatoes and all dry ingredients .saute then add chola can.and cook until its nice and soft.then at the end make a bater of imli and besan mix it nicely then pour this mixture on top of cooked chola.and cook in cooker.give 1 whistle to chola.and garnish with corriander.serve hot with puri o

