Cabbage and Carrot Rice Bhakri


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Made with a dough of cooked rice flour, the bhakris have a nice rustic texture and homely flavour. Veggies like cabbage and carrot add to the taste and texture of the bhakris while ingredients like crushed cumin seeds, green chillies and onions give it an appetizing pungency.

Cabbage and Carrot Rice Bhakri must be enjoyed hot and fresh, right off the tava to relish its wonderful texture. It might get a bit chewy or hard once it cools.

You can also try other bhakris like the Stuffed Urad Dal Bhakri or Chawal Bhakri .

Cabbage and Carrot Rice Bhakri recipe - How to make Cabbage and Carrot Rice Bhakri

Preparation Time:    Cooking Time:    Total Time:    Makes 11 bhakris

  1. Combine the rice flour, onions, coriander, green chillies, cumin seeds and salt in a deep bowl, mix well and keep aside.
  2. Heat 1 cup of water and little salt in a deep non-stick pan and allow the water to come to a boil.
  3. Add the cabbage and carrot, mix well and cook on a medium flame for 2 minutes, while stirring occasionally.
  4. Add the cabbage and carrot mixture to the rice flour mixture, mix well and let it cool slightly.
  5. Once slightly cooled, knead into a soft dough without using any water.
  6. Divide the dough into 11 equal portions.
  7. Roll out a portion of the dough with help of your hand into a 125 mm. (5”) diameter thick circle using a little rice flour for rolling.
  8. Heat a non-stick tava (griddle) and cook the bhakri on a medium flame till both the sides turn light brown in colour.
  9. Repeat steps 7 and 8 to make 10 more bhakris.
  10. Serve immediately.

Nutrient values per bhakri
Energy49 cal
Protein0.9 g
Carbohydrates10.6 g
Fiber0.5 g
Fat0.2 g
Cholesterol0 mg
Vitamin A55.2 mcg
Vitamin B10 mg
Vitamin B20 mg
Vitamin B30.4 mg
Vitamin C5.6 mg
Folic Acid2 mcg
Calcium6.1 mg
Iron0.1 mg
Magnesium6.4 mg
Phosphorus26.1 mg
Sodium1.7 mg
Potassium22.6 mg
Zinc0.1 mg


Cabbage and Carrot Rice Bhakris
 on 18 Apr 17 03:35 PM

Never thought rice bhakris can be made this way.... it was a all in one meal type, 2 bhakris filled my stomach up.... I made this for my tiffin too... They are appetizing and filling