Chhanar payes.


This recipe has been viewed 3427 times

Nb- this is the most delicious bengali desert .

Chhanar payes. recipe - How to make Chhanar payes.

Cooking Time:    Total Time:   


- Milk: 4 litres fresh full cream milk.
- Sugar: Just over a cup
- Lemons: 2-3 (juice)
- Almonds: 8-10 (chopped)
- Pistachio: 1 tbsp. (Chopped)
- Saffron: 1/4 tsp mixed with 1 tbsp lukewarm milk.


  1. Pour 2 litres milk into a large saucepan and boil. when the milk begins to boil, pour the lemon juice with a little water. as the milk begins to curdle, turn off the heat. pour a glass of cold water into the mixture and strain it using a muslin cloth. tie the cloth with a string and hang it for an hour.
  2. After the hour, untie the cloth and pour the paneer onto a plate and knead using the palm. this causes the paneer to be smooth.
  3. Take another medium sized sauce pan, pour 1/3 cup water and turn on the heat. pour all the sugar and stir. then mix the paneer and stir continuously for 6-7 minutes.
  4. While the paneer is being prepared, pour 2 litres of milk into a large sauce pan and boil. when the milk begins to boil, turn the heat to low and stir continuously till it thickens (i.e. when the quantity remaining is halved). once the desired quantity is obtained, turn the heat off.
  5. Now mix the paneer with the thickened milk and boil for another 5-6 minutes. then pour the saffron milk, stir for a minute and turn off the heat. finally pour into a serving bowl and sprinkle the chopped almonds and pistachio on top.
  6. Chhanamrita is now ready. place it in the refrigerator to cool. serve chilled.

