1 aloe vera recipes

A bright-coloured orange drink to welcome a clear, sunny day! You will love this tasty drink as it innovative and extremely healthy too, with the goodness of fresh aloe vera. While the pineapple, papaya and aloe vera juice is a good addition to anybody’s breakfast , it is highly recommended for those with hypertension. Aloe vera helps manage blood pressure as it dilates capillaries and enhances circulation, thus ensuring a proper flow of blood. It is also rich in vitamin c, which according to scientific research helps lower blood pressure. Besides, aloe vera also works wonders for the skin! a diet that includes natural sources of potassium, such as pineapples, lessens the effect of sodium and thus lowers blood pressure. Coming to papaya, this wonderful fruit not only adds bulk to the juice but also contains a compound called papain, which helps to regulate blood pressure .