Hot Chocolate Mousse ( Mousses Recipe)


This recipe has been viewed 41231 times

This wonderful mousse can be whipped up in less than two minutes using a microwave oven! it is hot, yummy, quick—what more can you ask for? you can prepare the mixture in advance, store it in individual serving bowls, and microwave it just before serving to enjoy the best flavour. For an extra celebration, serve the hot mousse with chilled vanilla ice-cream!

Hot Chocolate Mousse ( Mousses Recipe) recipe - How to make Hot Chocolate Mousse ( Mousses Recipe)

Preparation Time:    Cooking Time:    Total Time:    Makes 4 servings


1 cup paneer (cottage cheese) cubes
1/2 cup milk
2 1/4 tbsp plain flour (maida)
6 tbsp sugar
2 1/4 tbsp cocoa powder
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp vanilla essence
2 tbsp grated dark chocolate
1 1/2 tbsp fresh cream

For The Garnish
a few chopped walnuts (akhrot)

  1. Combine all the ingredients, except the fresh cream and the chocolate, and blend in a mixer to a smooth mixture.
  2. Transfer the mixture to a bowl, add the chocolate and fresh cream and mix gently.
  3. Pour equal quantities of the mixture into 4 individual bowls of approx. 50 mm. (2”) diameter.
  4. Place all the 4 bowls in a microwave and microwave on high for 1 minute 40 seconds.
  5. Serve immediately garnished with walnuts.

Hot Chocolate Mousse Video by Tarla Dalal

Nutrient values per serving
Energy285 cal
Protein7.5 g
Carbohydrates34.3 g
Fiber0.9 g
Fat13.6 g
Cholesterol4 mg
Vitamin A207.4 mcg
Vitamin B10.1 mg
Vitamin B20 mg
Vitamin B30.2 mg
Vitamin C1.4 mg
Folic Acid2.8 mcg
Calcium236.2 mg
Iron0.8 mg
Magnesium30.3 mg
Phosphorus170.4 mg
Sodium7.8 mg
Potassium102.2 mg
Zinc0.2 mg
