Khakhra- Papad Nu Chewdo


This recipe has been viewed 25242 times

This is a good, fast-made snack for children esp during vacation when they ask for snacks anytime.

Khakhra- Papad Nu Chewdo recipe - How to make Khakhra- Papad Nu Chewdo

Preparation Time:    Cooking Time:    Total Time:    Makes 4 servings


10 left over chapatis
6 papad , roasted
chilli powder to taste
salt to taste
powdered sugar
ghee for cooking

  1. Heat a tava and roast the left over chapatis, using little ghee into crisp golden brown khakhras. Keep aside.
  2. Crumble the khakhras and papad into tiny pieces using hands and keep aside.
  3. Heat the ghee in a pan, add the coarse powder, salt, red chilli powder and sugar, mix well and saute for 5 to 7 minutes.
  4. Remove from the flame and keep aside to cool.
  5. Store in an air-tight container.

