2 chopped plums recipes

Plum Compote is a quick and easy dessert sauce with a sweet and tangy flavour that tickles your taste buds. The measured but wise use of spices gives the Plum Compote a lovely aroma and flavour without overpowering the naturally-awesome taste of plums. Panna Cottas or Short Cakes, but can be enjoyed with warm toasted bread as well. Make yourself more jams like the Apple Jam or Mango Jam too.
Combining chopped plums and bananas into a sorbet is a really brilliant idea, because the ingredients help each other to shine! While banana gives a creamy touch to the sorbet, the plums give it a wonderful tang. Together the two result in a Plum and Banana Sorbet that has an ideal texture and taste. As in the case of all sorbets, make sure you serve it as soon as it is assembled into the glasses, to enjoy the icy crispness. Love sorbet? Here's a wide range of fruity and refreshing sorbet recipes, I am sure you will love to try them all - Strawberry Banana Apple Sorbet , Sugarcane Sorbet , Guava Sorbet , Green Grapes Sorbet , Mango Ginger Sorbet , Orange Sorbet and Watermelon Sorbet .