Sugarcane Sorbet

Why go for readymade ice creams or lollies that provide only calories and no nutrients? treat your child to sugarcane, a natural source of carbohydrates, in this interesting way!

Sugarcane Sorbet

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Sugarcane Sorbet recipe - How to make Sugarcane Sorbet

Preparation Time:    Cooking Time:    Total Time:     4Makes 4 servings
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6 cups sugarcane juice
6 tbsp sugar
juice of 1/2 lemon
2 to 3 drops of ginger (adrak) juice (optional)

  1. Combine all the ingredients in a bowl and mix well till the sugar dissolves.
  2. Pour into a shallow container. Cover and freeze till it is set (approximately 4 to 6 hours).
  3. Transfer to a mixer and blend till it is slushy.
  4. Spoon it into 4 individual serving glasses and serve immediately.

Handy tip:

    Handy tip:
  1. Readymade sugarcane juice sometimes already contains ginger juice. Hence add as per the requirement.
Nutrient values (Abbrv) per serving
Energy96 cal
Protein0 g
Carbohydrates23.9 g
Fiber0 g
Fat0 g
Cholesterol0 mg
Sodium0 mg


Sugarcane Sorbet
 on 14 Jan 21 11:15 PM

Tarla Dalal
15 Jan 21 02:56 PM
   Thanks for the feedback !!! Keep reviewing recipes and articles you loved.
Sugarcane Sorbet
 on 15 Jul 13 04:24 PM

A good variety for kids....