Brinjal Kotsu


This recipe has been viewed 11642 times

Brinjal kotsu is a south indian recipe to prepare brinjals or egg plants in spices, grated coconut and then seasoning it with mustard seeds, curry leaves and red chillies.

Brinjal Kotsu recipe - How to make Brinjal Kotsu

Preparation Time:    Cooking Time:    Total Time:    Makes 4 servings

  1. Apply a little oil on the brinjals and roast on an open flame , till it is cripsy brown and the outer skin breaks up.
  2. Keep aside.
  3. Add little water to the tamarind pulp and mix well and keep aside.
  4. Mash the roasted brinjals while it is hot and add the tamarind pulp and mix well.
  5. Add the salt and turmeric and cook for 2 to 3 minutes.
  6. Remove from the flame and keep aside.
  7. For the tempering, heat the oil in a small pan, add the mustard seeds, curry leaves and green chillies and asfoetida and saute till the seeds crackle.
  8. Pour this tempering to the brinjals, mix well and serve hot.

