Frozen Strayberry Slices


This recipe has been viewed 4215 times

Frozen strawberry slices are a great way of enjoying the fresh strawberries. Simply cut the strawberries into slices and freeze. Strawberries are rich sources of Carotenoid and antioxidants.

Frozen Strayberry Slices recipe - How to make Frozen Strayberry Slices

Preparation Time:    Cooking Time: no cooking required   Total Time:   


350 gms fresh strawberries
250 gms digestive and nice biscuits (mixed)
1 1/2 tbsp honey
1/4 tsp vanilla essence
250 gms whipped cream
4 tbsp roasted and coarsely powdered almonds (badam)


  1. Line a 7-inch shallow square tin or 2 ice trays with grease proof paper for easy removal.
  2. Keep 6 good strayberries aside and squash the rest thoroughly.
  3. Put the biscuits few at a time in a plastic bag and with a rolling pin crush them.
  4. Mix together the crushed strayberries,biscuit crumbs,3 tblspns. of crushed almonds,honey,vanilla essence and 150 gms of whipped cream.
  5. Turn into the lined tin,levelling tho top,and place in the freezer for 1 hour.
  6. Turn out and cut into 6 slices.
  7. Decorate with piped cream place a reserved strayberry in the centre of each and sprinkle little crushed almondson each.

