Extremely light in texture with absence of fat, is a perfect for gateau or base for desserts or even bake it in a 6” diameter cake tin to serve it casually for tea time
Like chocolate sauce, strawberry sauce is also a favourite topping for ice-creams and other desserts like pies and puddings too. It is loved by children especially, due to the attractive colour and fruity flavour. Now, you do not have to buy strawberry sauce from outside as it can be prepared within minutes using this easy and quick method of thickening using corn flour. So, treat yourself and your family to a fruity, vitamin-rich, homemade delight.
Follow the baking instructions for time and temperature as specified in the recipe; it is necessary to ensure that the cake is uniformly cooked before removing from the oven. Often the cake may rise evenly and seem brown from the outside but may be uncooked inside due to some fault or low baking time. Hence, it is necessary to ensure that the inside of the cake is done, and there are ways to do this without slicing the cake!
It is interesting to note that the procedures for whipping different types of cream vary, therefore ensure that you follow the instructions for the specific type of cream you have bought!
Eggless waffle is a simple recipe to prepare the crispy baked waffles without eggs. Serve the waffles with honey or maple syrup. Tarla Dalal has tried and updated the recipe.
A simple way of preparing the all time favorite Chocolate sponge cake with your choice of cream or chocolate sauce topping. Entice your guests on birthdays and anniversaries with this chocolate cake recipe.
Homemade Chocolate, nutty chocolates made from milk powder, cocoa powder, drinking chocolate, sugar, butter and almonds are quick to make and satiate your craving for chocolate. you can also use nuts other than almonds or a combo of nuts.
Find an easy way for preparing the delectable apple sauce which can be used warm or chilled as topping, filling or spread. The diced apples are cooked along with lime juice, sugar and nutmeg powder.
I am into home cooking since long time. I have tried making some dishes at home. I would like to share one of them here. This dish is called "Bischoc Balls". Bischoc means Chocolate + Biscuits. It is made without cooking or baking. It's is very easy. Everyone, from kids to elderly, loves it.
This recipe came into picture when we were making pizza at home. We brought 6 pizza bases for 5 of us. We prepared pizza with all the veggie toppings. It was very yummy indeed. But then our tummy was full and 1 pizza base was left over. I did not have the mood of having pizza again. So I started wondering what can be done with the pizza base except pizza. I searched the internet to find but there was none. Then I sat thinking if I can come up with some recipe of my own. Then this recipe striked my mind. Initially I was not sure if this recipe would come out well so I chopped a small portion of the pizza base and experimented. My family members loved it. Then I was confident and went ahead with the recipe with the left over base. So I thought I will share this with you all. Here is how the recipe goes. Its a very simple recipe that can be quickly prepared.
Handy tips
1. points to remember :
2. make sure that the milk is lukewarm while adding the citric acid mixture. do not shock hot milk as it will affect the quality of the chenna.
3. always use cow's milk for making chenna as it has a low fat content.
4. if you use buffalo's milk, let the milk rest after boiling it and then discard the skin that is formed.
5. always use fresh chenna for making rasgullas.
Chocolate coconut balls is an unique dessert recipe with a delicious combination of chocolate and coconut together. The balls look pretty due to the color combination of white coconut powder over the brown chocolate balls as well as it tastes yummy. The children are sure to find this chocolate coconut ball amazing.
Kids all time favourite, can have daily in summers, after school, or can be served in kids parties. Even liked by everyone after any meal....
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