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Weaning Food, Indian Homemade Baby Recipes, 6 to 7 months

When is the right time to start weaning?

Weaning is not about charts or time. Weaning is about readiness. So, a gradual shift from breast milk to supplementary feeds is always advised.

The World Health Organization (WHO) and United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) both recommend exclusive breast feeding for the first six months (180 days), after which you can introduce supplementary feeds gradually along with breast feeding till the age of one year.

Most paediatricians also follow the weaning patterns suggested by WHO and UNICEF. But, depending on individual needs, some paediatricians might recommend weaning foods by the end of sixth month (i.e., after 5 1/2 months). You can definitely go ahead with your paediatrician’s recommendations as all babies are not the same. Your paediatrician is the best person to know about your baby's nutritional needs. Babies are also a good guide of readiness. When you see babies putting things in their mouth, showing interest when others eat, demanding more frequent feeds, or being restless at night, it might signal the time to start weaning.

Remember to start additional supplementary feeds at the appropriate time because research shows that babies who are weaned later have a harder time adjusting to weaning.

Weaning Food for 6 to 7 months Baby, what to start with? 

Weaning is a period of experiments, both for you and your baby. It is really a matter of trial and error to find out what is best for your baby. Most paediatricians advise weaning gradually over a period of time beginning with home-cooked foods using fresh ingredients as these are healthy and easily-digestible for your little one.

Starting off with Weaning Recipes.

When you initiate your baby to weaning, the question uppermost in your mind will be — "What and how much to start with?" Well, the answer to this one is simple. Start with anything that is healthy and easily-digestible and let your baby guide you about the quantity she is ready for.

It is usual to start with half to one teaspoon of a cereal water like rice or even dal water, and to gradually increase the quantity to about half a cup. Both liquid and semi-solid supplements can be introduced to your baby's diet at seven months. Try Moong Dal Water or Rice Water. Start with one or two additional feeds each day, during the first month of weaning. Gradually, as the number of supplementary feeds increase, the interval between breast feeds will also increase.

Be patient with Weaning Foods for Babies

Your little one may really enjoy this treat and begin to show signs of savouring the first taste of real food. However, it is also possible that she may take some time getting used to newer foods. Some babies adapt to weaning quicker while others may be fussy for a while before they adjust. You will have to be patient during this period. Introduce your baby to weaning gradually and lovingly, making it a pleasurable experience both for you and your precious one. Do not force your baby to eat foods she does not want to eat. It is not unusual for babies to react badly or be allergic to some foods, so watch your baby's reactions closely when you introduce a new food.

The best time to introduce supplementary foods is during the daytime, when your baby is fresh and also hungry. If she is not hungry, she will not accept any new food and even become cranky. So, feeding during the day will save both you and your little one an uncomfortable night as digestion is easier earlier during the day than in the latter half.

Start by offering one food at a time and continue this for a couple of days before trying something new. This way, if your baby does have any adverse reaction to a particular food, you will know the likely culprit.

Weaning Foods, Do it yourself…

It is recommended that you feed your baby yourself till she is one year old. This will give you exclusive personal time with your little one and strengthen the maternal bond of love. Give the baby some healthy Banana and Papaya Puree or Beetroot and Carrot Soup. This is the most important time for nurturing your precious one. You will soon be adept at feeding your baby and this time spent together will be precious for both of you.

Always hold your baby comfortably on your lap in an upright position while feeding. This will make swallowing easier for your baby and also prevent choking on foods. A small, rounded spoon with a long handle is the safest means to feed your baby as it will not injure her mouth or gums. Put a small portion of food on the spoon and gently place it on your baby's tongue. If she likes it, you will hear a swallow and if not, you'll see a splatter!

Enjoy our collection of Indian Weaning Foods for 6 to 7 months babies given below.

Enjoy our healthy toddler recipes for 1 to 3 years  and other baby recipes articles below.

1. Recipes for Baby (10 to 12 Months)

2. Recipes for Toddlers (1-3 Years)

3. 7 months baby food

4. Recipes for weaning, 6 to 7 months

5. Teething Recipes for Babies

6. Babies Recipes

rice water for babies | how to rice water at home for babies | chawal ka paani for babies | homemade rice water for 6 month old baby | with 11 amazing images. When your precious little one is ready to experiment with foods other than the mother’s milk which it is so familiar with, consider feeding it with this nourishing and soothing Rice Water for Babies. Rice Water for Babies is a wonderful food for 6 to 7 months old infants, as it tones up their digestive system to new foods. Once you strain the rice water, you can cook the rice further in whatever way you wish, to make delicious rice recipe for the adults at home! Enjoy rice water for babies | how to rice water at home for babies | chawal ka paani for babies | homemade rice water for 6 month old baby with detailed step by step photos.
carrot and muskmelon juice for babies | how to make carrot and muskmelon juice for 6 month old baby | carrot cantaloupe juice recipe for babies | homemade carrot melon jucie for babies | with 15 amazing images. Carrot itself is mildly sweet, naturally. Add to it the sweetness and attractive scent of muskmelon, and you have a lovely Carrot and Muskmelon Juice that will be slurped up by babies. The vitamin A in carrots together with the vitamin C in muskmelon helps to build immunity and keep infections at bay. Serve this Carrot and Muskmelon Juice for Babies immediately to reap the best benefits, before the efficacy of the nutrients reduces. Enjoy carrot and muskmelon juice for babies | how to make carrot and muskmelon juice for 6 month old baby | carrot cantaloupe juice recipe for babies | homemade carrot melon jucie for babies | with detailed step by step photos below.
Apple water for babies | apple punch for babies | how to make apple water for babies | with 12 amazing images. An apple a day keeps the doctor away, but this is one fruit that babies initially have trouble digesting in the raw form. So, this apple water for babies is a wonderful way of introducing apples to your baby's diet ate around 6 to 7 months during the early stages of weaning. As your little one grows older (8 to 9 months) and is able to digest this apple punch for babies easily, apples can be stewed in lesser water to make a purée and served to the babies without straining as shown in the recipe of Apple Stew. Enjoy how to make Apple water for babies | apple punch for babies | how to make apple water for babies | with detailed step by step photos below.
Sometimes the simplest of recipes turns out to be most handy! This Homemade Strained Apple Juice is one such. The sweet and clear juice extracted from red apples is useful for those on a clear fluid diet, such as those recovering from surgery who cannot have normal food due to vomiting, nausea or diarrhoea. It is also an apt food for babies who are just being weaned off mother’s milk. While making this juice, we have peeled the apple and also strained the juice later to remove all fibre. If normal adults wish to have this, then you can avoid straining the juice at the end, so that some of the fibre will be retained.
banana smoothie recipe | healthy banana smoothie | Indian banana smoothie | banana and honey smoothie | with 12 amazing images. banana smoothie recipe | healthy banana smoothie | Indian banana smoothie | banana and honey smoothie is one of the easiest and familiar drink made in most households. Learn how to make healthy banana smoothie. To make banana smoothie, combine all the ingredients in a blender and blend till smooth. Pour equal quantities into 3 glasses. Serve immediately. Banana is a fruit which is liked by kids and adults alike. Teamed up with milk, curd and ice-cubes it is transformed into a luscious drink - Indian banana smoothie. This can be enjoyed for breakfast on days you are on the go and have less time to whip up a morning meal. Banana and honey smoothie, as the name says is a sugar-free drink which is a tad healthier than sugar laden smoothies. Banana lends the necessary energy, while the dairy products contribute enough calcium and protein for bone strengthening process. Banana is a good source of potassium and thus this healthy banana smoothie can be included in a heart patient's diet. Weight-watchers can enjoy a small portion of the drink and benefit from the fibre from banana, but they need to have a peak at the carbs while adding it to their daily meals. Tips to make banana smoothie. 1. Do not use sour curd otherwise the milk will curdle. 2. Use chilled milk for better taste. 3. Serve immediately, otherwise the smoothie will turns blackish if kept for longer time. Enjoy banana smoothie recipe | healthy banana smoothie | Indian banana smoothie | banana and honey smoothie | with step by step photos.
Most babies take to figs very enthusiastically because of their mildly sweet taste and grainy texture - something new for their palates. Apricot and fig puree, thinned down with milk, is a good combination rich in vitamin A and fibre. Milk adds calcium which is required for the healthy development of your baby's bones.
Here is a fantastic porridge of sprouted cereals and pulses, sweetened naturally with mashed banana! Toasting the sprouts till they are crisp, not only improves the shelf-life but also increases the aroma incredibly, making this porridge mix a real winner, something you will want to try having yourself! Moreover, the Nutritious Sprouts and Banana Porridge is a good source of energy, protein and a host of other nutrients like calcium and iron, which are all essential for your child at this age. You can keep the dry porridge powder in an airtight container for a couple of weeks, to treat your child to a tasty and wholesome treat any time!
carrot juice for babies | how to make carrot juice for 6 month old baby | Indian baby food – carrot juice | homemade carrot juice | with 7 amazing images. A wonder veggie, rich in vitamins and other nutrients, carrots are also tasty enough to be liked by babies! Thanks to its natural sweetness and satiating consistency, this Carrot Juice for Babies is sure to be loved by your precious one too. It is important to make this Carrot Juice for Babies in a hopper to completely eliminate fibre and get a clear juice, as carrot’s fibre is not digestible at 7th month. When serving Carrot Juice for Babies the first time, prefer day time when they are fresh and are more open to trying out new foods. When serving it the first time, always look for allergies if any. Also remember to feed it immediately on making. Enjoy carrot juice for babies | how to make carrot juice for 6 month old baby | Indian baby food – carrot juice | homemade carrot juice with detailed step by step photos and video.
apple stew for babies | stewed apples for babies | apple puree for babies | soft food for babies | with 15 amazing images. At 8 to 9 months, babies start getting more active – and, of course, naughtier too. Naturally, they need more energy and more nutrients to fuel their activities and growth. By now, your baby will be used to liquid foods like the Apple Punch and so this recipe represents the next stage, of having cooked and puréed fruits. Apple Stew for Babies is a tasty recipe served by most mums, and is liked by most babies as well. Stewed Apple for Babies is a soft food for babies in which apple is chopped and cooked in water, cooled and blended with little water to get the right consistency of puree which babies enjoy. Since the chopped apple in this Apple Stew for Babies have been cooked, the oxidation effect and the colour change are not seen instantly which is common in chopped or grated apple. The fiber from the apple in apple puree for babies aids in digestion. It is an good source of energy for growing babies as well. Enjoy how to make apple stew for babies | stewed apples for babies | apple puree for babies | soft food for babies | recipe with detailed step by step photos below.
avocado mash for babies recipe | healthy avocado baby food recipe idea | avocado puree for infants | how to make avocado puree for baby | with 7 amazing images. Avocado Mash for Babies has a buttery, creamy taste will satisfy your little one in the more natural and tasty way. This easy-to-swallow healthy avocado baby food recipe idea has a perfect texture for babies to eat in the beginning months of weaning at around 8 to 9 months. Learn how to make avocado puree for baby. Avocado puree for infants is very easy to make. It is a hassle free recipe, which requires no major equipment. So it can be made even when you are travelling. You just need one ripe avocado, a bowl and a fork. All you have to do is cut the avocado into 2 halves and deseed them. Follow this by scooping out the centre portion with a spoon. Remove it in a bowl and mash it very well using a fork. Ensure that there are no big pieces of chunks of avocado that may choke the baby. It is amazing how children develop a fondness for creamy things right from when they are weaned! But, wait – none of that artificial, sugary, creamy stuff! Try this natural healthy avocado baby food recipe idea. What is more, although this looks creamy, it is actually easy to digest as it has enough fiber, all of which makes it a super food for your little one. Avocado Mash for Babies also provides good fats that help in the baby’s brain development. Half avocado will be enough to keep them full for longer time. So a wiser idea is to feed your little one Avocado Puree when you have a long journey to catch up. Avocado Puree for Infants also lend other key nutrients like potassium, phosphorus and vitamin E. Do not make the mistake of adding salt or sugar to this Avocado Puree for Infants. Remember that the habit you lay down now will stay them forever. This soft Avocado Mash for Babies when they have no teeth. Once they grown up a little and start teething as well, you can let them experience a slightly chunky texture of avocado. Enjoy avocado mash for babies recipe | healthy avocado baby food recipe idea | avocado puree for infants | how to make avocado puree for baby | with step by step photos.
Papaya and mango are a lovely duo! They balance each other well in flavour, have a similar colour, and reinforce the vitamin A content doubly well! Vitamin A, from both the fruits, does wonders for your child’s vision and skin, while the fibre from papaya improves digestion. The Papaya and Mango Purée is easy to swallow and so tasty that all babies are sure to love it.
jowar porridge recipe for babies | jowar flour porridge of babies | sorghum porridge for babies | how to make jowar porridge for babies at home | with 14 amazing images. This wholesome and satiating Jowar Porridge for Babies is made with jowar flour, which is good for your baby now that s(he) is growing rapidly with an ever-increasing appetite too. Jowar Flour Porridge for Babies is a great weaning food for babies over 6 months of age. Learn how to make Jowar Porridge for Babies at Home. Making this Sorghum Porridge for Babies takes only 2 minutes. Firstly you need to soak the dates in warm water for 10 minutes and then blend in a mixer to a smooth puree. Then heat in a small pan and roast jowar flour. Add dates puree and some water, mix well and cook for 1 minute. Jowar Porridge for Babies is ready. You can flavour this Jowar Porridge for Babies with jaggery also, though dates are a more healthier option. This Jowar Porridge for Babies tastes the best when cooked and served immediately. With ample nutrients, including iron, fibre and protein too, this porridge will keep him/her satisfied for a couple of hours. Enjoy jowar porridge recipe for babies | jowar flour porridge of babies | sorghum porridge for babies | how to make jowar porridge for babies at home | with step by step photos.
As a variation you can occasionally serve your baby a purée of chopped mango and chopped tender coconut flesh.

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