paneer tomato lettuce salad recipe | paneer salad for weight loss | green peas, capsicum, celery salad | pregnancy salad | protein, fibre, vitamin b1 rich salad | with 25 amazing images. paneer tomato lettuce salad is made with basic ingredients available in your Indian kitchen. Learn how to make green peas, capsicum, celery salad. paneer tomato lettuce salad is an interesting combination of textures blended with a tangy dressing. For a healthier option in this protein, fibre, vitamin b1 rich salad , replace low fat paneer with tofu (soya paneer), which contains beneficial phytonutrients like 'genistein' and 'isoflavones' that lower blood cholesterol levels and remove fatty deposits from the arteries. Lettuce in paneer salad for weight loss is rich in vitamin C works as an immune building vitamin by helping multiply white blood cells (WBC). Lettuce abounds in vitamin AStops Inflammation and Improves Eyesight. Enjoy paneer tomato lettuce salad recipe | paneer salad for weight loss | green peas, capsicum, celery salad | pregnancy salad | protein, fibre, vitamin b1 rich salad | with step by step photos.
minty apple salad recipe | healthy mint apple salad | apple pudina salad | mint and apple salad with lemon ginger dressing | with 18 amazing images. Just a look at this delightful Minty Apple Salad recipe is enough to boost your appetite. Fresh herb mint pairs very well with red apples in this Healthy Mint Apple Salad. Learn how to make Mint and Apple Salad with Lemon Ginger Dressing in a step-by-step manner. A lovely combination of apple cubes dotted with peppy mint leaves, and laced with ginger and lemon juices as well as honey, this Minty Apple Salad recipe has a combination of ingredients, all of which work in favour of your appetite. While mint, lemon juice and ginger in Mint and Apple Salad with Lemon Ginger and Honey Dressing all are known to be appetite boosters, not many people are aware of the fact that apple too helps improve digestion and thereby boosts one’s appetite. All in all, this tasty salad is a perfect cure for anorexia! Apple as known to all ranks high in fiber. This fiber has many benefits. Firstly it keeps you full for long hours and thus beneficial for those aiming for a trimmed waistline. Moreover those with high sugar and cholesterol can also include apple in the form of Apple Pudina Salad in their diet, as fiber helps to keep these levels under control. Fiber also helps to keep the gut healthy and prevent constipation. Mint, an aromatic herb known for its cool, sweet and refreshing flavours, boosts immunity and protects against diseases. The salicylic acid present in the mint shows potent anti-bacterial effect. While including mint in your diet by way of Healthy Mint Apple Salad does help, applying fresh mint juice is a majestic face mask for acne. It can help achieve your goal of a clear and youthful skin. Ginger used to flavour Minty Apple Salad further is rich in antioxidants which helps remove harmful substances called free radicals from our body. The anti-inflammatory properties of ginger can also help reduce inflammation associated with osteoarthritis, muscle pains etc. Enjoy minty apple salad recipe | healthy mint apple salad | apple pudina salad | mint and apple salad with lemon ginger dressing |with step by step photos
tabbouleh recipe | Lebanese tabbouleh | Indian style tabbouleh | healthy tabouli | with 31 amazing images. tabbouleh recipe | Lebanese tabbouleh | Indian style tabbouleh | healthy tabouli is a nourishing bowl for all those who aspire to eat healthy. Learn how to make Lebanese tabbouleh. To make tabbouleh, combine all the ingredients together. Chill in the fridge. Whisk the tabbouleh dressing and add to tabbouleh just before serving. Mix healthy tabouli well. Serve Indian style tabbouleh chilled. Tabbouleh is a popular Middle Eastern vegetarian recipe, made by tossing together cooked broken wheat and veggies like tomatoes and onions with herbs and lemon juice. A seasoning of freshly ground black pepper enhances the flavours of all the other ingredients making this salad super tasty. Broken wheat being high in fibre and low in glycemic index is known to be a wise choice for weight watchers, diabetics and heart patients. This Indian style tabbouleh is further enriched with veggies which lend a horde of antioxidants like vitamin A, vitamin C, lycopene, quercetin etc. These antioxidants are a ladder to good health as they help reduce stress in the body. The dressing of this healthy tabouli is also filled with nourishment. Though the oil used is 2 tbsp, the use of olive oil adds mono unsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) which helps reduce inflammation in the body and protect the heart. Lemon juice, another ingredient of the dressing, is full of vitamin C – a nutrient which boosts our immunity and builds our resistance to various diseases. Tips for tabbouleh. 1. Keep a close eye while cooking bulgur wheat. It has to be perfectly cooked, but not mushy as we have to make a salad. 2. Parsley can be substituted with finely chopped coriander. 3. This salad can be carried to work. But pack the salad and the dressing in separate containers and combine and toss them just before serving. 4. While pita is most commonly served with tabbouleh, we recommend a healthy soup like minty vegetable oats soup to make a satiating and wholesome meal. Enjoy tabbouleh recipe | Lebanese tabbouleh | Indian style tabbouleh | healthy tabouli | with step by step photos.
Pineapple and cucumbers tossed with coriander and lemon juice furnish a storehouse of vitamin C which is extremely essential to build up your immunity against infections. Honey imparts a delicate sweetness to this tangy salad. Rather than serving it as an occasional treat, make this sweet and sour salad a part of your daily meal and say goodbye to infections!
kachumber salad recipe | Gujarati kachumber salad | healthy kachumber salad | with 10 amazing images. kachumber salad recipe | Gujarati kachumber salad | healthy kachumber salad is a daily fare with umpteen health benefits. Learn how to make Gujarati kachumber salad. To make kachumber salad, combine all the ingredients in a deep bowl and mix well. Refrigerate it for at least one hour and serve chilled. A chatpata salad spiked with lemon juice and green chillies. With not much planning nor cooking involved, this Gujarati kachumber salad has a homely and a special feeling at the same time. Vitamins A and lycopene from tomatoes, quercetin from onions and vitamin C from lemon juice are important antioxidants provided by this spicy kachumber. The antioxidants are extremely necessary substances needed to remove the potentially harmful substances called “free radicals” from our body. They prevent or stop cell damage in the body. They also help in enhancing your body’s immunity and ability to fight infections. The fibre from the veggies in this healthy kachumber salad makes it a wise choice for weight watchers, diabetics and heart patients too. Fibre helps to maintain a healthy gut too. Serve it chilled with chapati, and healthy chana palak sabzi, to complete a full meal on a lazy afternoon. Tips for kachumber salad. 1. Instead of chopping the veggies, you can cut them into thin long slices too. This has a different mouth feel. 2. Use of cumin powder or black pepper powder is your choice. 3. We would suggest that you serve this salad immediately on tossing, to benefit the most from its vitamin C. Remember that vitamin C is a volatile nutrient and some of it is lost on exposure to air. Enjoy kachumber salad recipe | Gujarati kachumber salad | healthy kachumber salad | with step by step photos.
green salad with muskmelon dressing recipe | healthy Indian lettuce broccoli sprouts salad | no cooking sprouts tomatoes and peanut salad | with 13 images. green salad with muskmelon dressing is a healthy Indian summer salad. Learn how to make no cooking sprouts tomatoes and peanut salad. green salad with muskmelon dressing is a refreshing and vibrant dish that combines crisp, fresh greens with the sweet and aromatic flavor of muskmelon. The salad typically features leafy greens such as lettuce ( you can use spinach, arugula, or mixed salad greens ) along with an assortment of colorful vegetables like broccoli, celery and cherry tomatoes. To make muskmelon dressing blend the muskmelon in a blender to a smooth purée. Transfer the purée into a bowl, add cumin seeds, coriander, black pepper, salt and mix well. Refrigerate till required. Note you can add any healthy salad dressing if you want. To make green salad with muskmelon dressing combine the iceberg lettuce, bean sprouts, broccoli florets, celery, cherry tomatoes, roasted peanuts in a bowl. Toss well. Refrigerate till chilled. Just before serving, add the muskmelon dressing and toss well. Serve green salad with muskmelon dressing immediately. This green salad with muskmelon dressing is not only delicious but also a great way to incorporate the natural sweetness and nutritional benefits of muskmelon into a healthy and colorful dish. It's a perfect choice for a light and refreshing appetizer or a side dish for a summer meal. pro tips for green salad with muskmelon dressing. 1. In a bowl iceberg lettuce, torn into small pieces. Iceberg lettuce offers a satisfying crunch to the salad. Lettuce is low in calories and aids in Weight Loss. Being rich in vitamin C works as an immune building vitamin by way of helping multiply white blood cells (WBC). 2. Add bean sprouts. Bean Sprouts are one of the most complete and nutritional of all the foods that exist, with lots of dietary fiber to their credit. With significant amounts of iron, bean sprouts help to maintain the red blood cell (RBC) count. A good RBC count means no sign of anaemia. 3. Add blanched broccoli florets. The crunchy bite of broccoli florets adds a nice textural contrast to the soft greens and creamy dressing. Broccoli is loaded with beta-carotene which converts to vitamin A once it is inside the body. Vitamin A plays a critical role in maintaining healthy vision. Enjoy green salad with muskmelon dressing recipe | healthy Indian lettuce broccoli sprouts salad | no cooking sprouts tomatoes and peanut salad | with step by step photos.
bean sprouts dill salad recipe | bean sprouts and suva tossed salad | healthy bean sprouts with dill salad | Indian style sprouts dill salad | with 12 amazing images. bean sprouts dill salad recipe | bean sprouts and suva tossed salad | healthy bean sprouts with dill salad | Indian style sprouts dill salad is a light and colourful way to begin lunch! Learn how to make bean sprouts and suva tossed salad. To make bean sprouts dill salad, combine bean sprouts, dill leaves, tomatoes, lemon juice, basil and salt in a deep bowl and toss well. Serve immediately. Suva, tomatoes and bean sprouts combine beautifully with salt and lemon juice in this tangy, crunchy Indian style sprouts dill salad. Suva is an excellent source of iron, while bean sprouts and tomatoes are rich sources of vitamin C which helps to absorb iron. Further with only 21 calories per serving, this healthy bean sprouts with dill salad qualifies as a nourishing bowl for weight-watchers, heart patients and diabetics too. The fibre in bean sprouts makes this salad extremely satiating. This Indian style sprouts dill salad is sure to help you gain a host of antioxidants like lycopene and vitamin A from tomatoes which help to enhance vision and avoid premature onset of cataract. Along with vitamin C from basil it is beneficial from the skin too. Basil has the power to reduce inflammation in the body. It helps fight free radicals and protects our cells from their harmful effect. Tips for bean sprouts dill salad. 1. Bean sprouts are readily available in the market. Prefer to buy them from the market. 2. If basil is not easily available, replace it with mint leaves. 3. Opt to serve this healthy salad immediately on chopping and tossing, as vitamin C is a volatile nutrient and some of it is lost on exposure to air. Enjoy bean sprouts dill salad recipe | bean sprouts and suva tossed salad | healthy bean sprouts with dill salad | Indian style sprouts dill salad | with step by step photos.
fruit chana salad recipe | Indian fruit, vegetable and chana salad | healthy kabuli chana salad | with 26 amazing images. fruit chana salad recipe | Indian fruit, vegetable and chana salad | healthy kabuli chana salad is a wholesome salad with lots of health benefits to reap. Learn how to make Indian fruit, vegetable and chana salad. Turn to this delightful Indian fruit, vegetable and chana salad when you have leftover chick peas and a basket of fruits in the refrigerator. It is a perfect blend of texture and flavours ranging from not just perfectly cooked kabuli chana, but also pleasant tang from tomatoes and lemon juice to crunch of veggies like onions, cucumber and lettuce. The chick peas have a wealth of nutrients like energy, protein, calcium and iron while the orange segments together with lemon juice abound in vitamin C which helps to enhance our resistance to diseases. Feel free to replace orange with fruits that are handy or fruits you love the most, taking care to avoid ones like mangoes, bananas etc in this healthy kabuli chana salad. Heart patients, diabetics, weight-watchers and all healthy individuals can turn to this protein dense salad. They can also benefit from antioxidants like lycopene from tomatoes and quercetin from onions. These antioxidants are a way to ward off the harmful free radicals from the body and maintain the health of organs. Serve this fruit chana salad with a light main course at lunch time and watch your loved one's relish it. Tips for fruit chana salad. 1. You can add extra virgin olive oil to the recipe. 2. Add roasted and crushed peanuts to get the nice crunch to the salad. 3. Replace orange with pomegranate if you wish. Enjoy fruit chana salad recipe | Indian fruit, vegetable and chana salad | healthy kabuli chana salad | with step by step photos.
Here is a very appealing salad of veggies and fruits in a creamy, curd-based mustard dressing. Apples and grapes combine beautifully with capsicum, lettuce and celery to make a colourful and crunchy salad, which is perked up further by a tongue-tickling, honey-laced dressing. Waldorf Salad traditionally has walnuts, and you can add it if you wish, but we have avoided it to keep the calories low. We have also replaced mayonnaise with thick curds, to get an equally tasty but low-fat dressing, so that you can enjoy the goodness of the fibre, vitamin C and protein that you get from this tasty Waldorf Salad without a being burdened by additional calories.
The Sweet Potato Salad with Mustard and Curd Dressing is quite different from all other salads, in texture as well as flavour! Soft sweet potatoes, juicy apples and crunchy capsicum provide an exciting mix-and-match of textures, which is further enhanced by the addition of walnuts, which brings in a rustic texture and taste. Curds and mustard paste make a tangy dressing for this sprightly salad, which must be served immediately on preparation before the curd gets watery and ruins the texture of the salad. To create a salad bar for a party select recipes from Fruit Based Salads , Light Salads , Salads with dressing and Toss and Mix Salads .
lettuce and bean sprouts salad recipe | Indian style bean sprout salad in lemon dressing | healthy bean sprout recipe | lemony sprouts salad | lettuce and bean sprouts salad is a nourishing bowl which can be enjoyed as a part of a meal or in between meals. Learn how to make Indian style bean sprout salad in lemon dressing. To make lettuce and bean sprouts salad, combine bean sprouts, lettuce, tomatoes and spring onions. Make a dressing of lemon juice, olive oil, salt and pepper. Add the dressing to the veggies and toss well. Serve immediately. Your eyes are the windows through which you see the world, which makes it very important that they are sharp and clear! Healthy bean sprout salad is a scrumptious salad of vitamin A rich lettuce and tomatoes paired with moderately protein rich bean sprouts, which are excellent for clear vision. The tangy lemon dressing is also a storehouse of vitamin C, which improves the nutrient quotient of this salad. Enjoy the lemony sprouts salad as soon as it is prepared, to benefit the most from its nutrients, and to enjoy the crunchiest texture. Both vitamins A and C are also necessary to add a glow to skin by maintaining the health of the skin cells. They help build immunity and fight inflammation as well. This colourful lettuce and bean sprouts salad has a truly irresistible flavour which is sure to kindle your appetite. With 55 calories per serving this Indian style bean sprout salad in lemon dressing is a welcome addition for people of all ages, whether you are healthy or have common ailments like diabetes, heart disease, cancer, PCOS or weight loss. Tips for lettuce and bean sprouts salad. 1. Prefer to deseed the tomatoes or use cherry tomatoes. 2. Olive oil has been used in the recipe so that you benefit from its MUFA (mono unsaturated fatty acid) content. It is best for salads. So try and use it if it is easily available. 3. You can carry this salad to work. Carry the mixed veggies and dressing in a separate container and toss both together just before eating. Enjoy lettuce and bean sprouts salad recipe | Indian style bean sprout salad in lemon dressing | healthy bean sprout recipe | lemony sprouts salad | with recipe below.
A hearty summer fare of bittersweet rocket leaves (arugula) with sweet fresh strawberries flavour fully combined with just the right amount of balsamic vinegar and sugar, the Strawberry Rocket Leaves Salad features a rare combination of flavours that everybody will enjoy. Rocket leaves are a wonder food rich in vitamin A, C and fibre but not readily consumed – however, combining it with a sweet fruit like strawberry makes it not just palatable but very enjoyable too.
A colourful salad that's sure to appeal to your taste buds as well your eyes. This fibre rich salad will also add plenty of vitamin A, vitamin C, calcium and iron. Since vitamin C is a very volatile nutrient, it should be added just before serving, so do use freshly squeezed lemon juice. You can also add a dash of finely chopped garlic to this dressing if you like. Wash the spinach and lettuce in ice cold water to keep them crisp. Then dry them by placing them on a dry towel, so that they absorb the dressing well.
No dish could be so easy to prepare, yet so exciting! An innovative combination of fruits and vegetables, and a smooth dressing of apple and lemon juice give this salad a stimulating blend of flavours, hues and textures. The Fruit and Vegetable Salad with Apple Dressing is rich in iron, which maintains normal blood circulation and improves nerve impulses, which are otherwise bound to deteriorate as diabetes advances. It also abounds in Potassiumwhich improves insulin sensitivity.
beet and sprouts salad recipe | healthy sprouted beetroot salad | beetroot and alfa-alfa sprouts salad | beetroot sprout salad | with 11 amazing images. Beet and sprouts salad is a true Indian style simple salad for everyday cooking. Healthy sprouted beetroot salad needs a little planning to buy alfa-alfa sprouts, but it’s worth the effort. Learn how to make beetroot and alfa-alfa sprouts salad. To make beet and sprouts salad, boil beetroot in a pressure cooker. On cooling, peel the beetroot and cut into cubes. Combine these beetroot cubes and alfa-alfa sprout in a deep bowl. Sprinkle some lemon juice, salt and pepper and toss well. Healthy sprouted beetroot salad is ready for serving. Popularly called as ‘Chukandar’ beet has a very sweet taste and an appealing colour which makes it very popular. The lovely beets are known to beat inflammation due to their antioxidants like betalain and vitamin C they possess. The nitrates in beet can help to reduce the cholesterol levels in the body. It also has fair amounts of fibre, thus gives a satiety value. Mixed with it are alfa-alfa sprouts. They are very delicately flavoured and give just the needed slight contrasting crunch to the beetroot and alfa-alfa sprouts salad. They are low in calories and carbs too. The vitamin C from beets and sprouts along with lemon juice all help in achieving a wrinkle-free skin, as vitamin C helps in collagen synthesis. It is also that nutrient which build our immunity and resistance to fight diseases like cold and cough. So do not miss out on adding lemon juice to beetroot sprout salad. Enjoy beet and sprouts salad recipe | healthy sprouted beetroot salad | beetroot and alfa-alfa sprouts salad | beetroot sprout salad | with step by step photos.
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