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83 recipes

watermelon slush recipe | healthy frozen Indian watermelon summer dessert | 3 ingredient watermelon sorbet | no sugar tarbuj sorbet | with 12 amazing images. watermelon slush is a healthy Indian no sugar summer dessert made in a few minutes. Learn to make frozen Indian watermelon summer dessert. Often, a watermelon slush is more invigorating than a simple juice, perhaps because you tend to roll the icy granules in your mouth for a while, and so the refreshing glass lasts longer! Here is a marvelous watermelon slush that is ideal for warm summer afternoons. This effective frozen Indian watermelon summer dessert is loaded with iron and significantly low on calories, as watermelon comprises more than 75 percent water and hence a cup of this satiating fruit has just 28 calories! That makes it a yes-yes ingredient for weight-watchers. 1 cup of chopped watermelon gives 5.85% of Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) of Potassium which is required for regular pumping of heart and enhances HDL. Enjoy watermelon slush recipe | healthy frozen Indian watermelon summer dessert | 3 ingredient watermelon sorbet | no sugar tarbuj sorbet | with step by step photos.
Fruits and veggies boost one's immunity as they are rich in natural antioxidants, vitamins a and c. Cooking destroys these vitamins, and so it is better to have them raw as in this recipe.
Being completely caffeine free, this Tulsi-based herbal tea is a guilt-free cuppa that you can have any time you are feeling down. Tulsi, also known as Indian basil or holy basil, has many medicinal properties. It is a great stress reliever and an effective remedy for cold and cough too. Also note that iron-rich jaggery is used instead of white sugar. You may also add honey to your Herbal Caffeine-free Tea if you like it that way.
Amla Infused water is prepared from pure amlas and will give your drink a yummy sour flavour along with Vitamin C which will help boost and detoxify your system. Fruit Infuser Water Bottles are easily available all over India, in online shops as well as the home needs section of supermarkets and retail chains. If you don’t have a Fruit Infuser Bottle, you can just use any glass jar or pitcher. Put the amla in the pitcher along with water and allow them to infuse for 2 to 3 hours. Then, strain the mixture to get detox water. The amla can be discarded or more water can be added to make more detox water. Do not use the amla for more than twice. You can also try other Fruit Infused Water recipes from our collection like the Sweet Lime Coriander Mint Infused Water or Chickoo Pear Infused Water .
amla coriander and spinach juice recipe | palak amla detox juice | healthy coriander spinach juice to build immunity | with 13 amazing images. amla coriander and spinach juice recipe is a nourishing concoction, best to begin your day with a healthy Indian drink. Learn how to make palak amla detox juice. To make amla coriander and spinach juice, combine all the ingredients along with 3 cups of water in a blender and blend till smooth. We suggest you use a good quality blender as that will make the amla blend easily and uniformly. This will also avoid straining. Serve immediately or chilled. This lasts good for 4 to 6 hours in the refrigerator. This coriander and spinach juice to build immunity helps to build your vitamin C stores to strengthen your immune system. This key nutrient is a ladder to fight various diseases, right from common cold to chronic diseases like cancer . An unmistakable Indian juice, this healthy green juice tops up your Vitamin A, iron and folic acid levels from spinach and coriander too! These fresh greens make this juice absolutely healthy and hearty beginning to the day. If you are looking for a detox glass, you can add palak amla detox juice to diet is an ideal choice. It does wonders for your heart. This antioxidant rich juice helps to reduce inflammation in the body and de-stress as well. Tips for amla coriander and spinach juice. 1. Though the juice stays fresh for 4 to 6 hours in the refrigerator, we suggest you drink it immediately upon making as vitamin C in it is a volatile nutrient. Some of it is lost on exposure to air. 2. As a substitute to coriander, you can add mint leaves. Enjoy amla coriander and spinach juice recipe | palak amla detox juice | healthy coriander spinach juice to build immunity | with step by step images.
Apple Carrot Beetroot infused water: The most common fruits and vegetables find place in this infused drink. You will enjoy the flavours of both apple and carrot and the eye appealing colour of the beetroot. Try it! You would be tempted to try other fruit infused drinks too. Fruit Infuser Water Bottles are easily available all over India, in online shops as well as the home needs section of supermarkets and retail chains. If you don’t have a Fruit Infuser Bottle, you can just use any glass jar or pitcher. Put the fruits and vegetables in the pitcher along with water and allow them to infuse for 2 to 3 hours. Then, strain the mixture to get detox water. The fruits and vegetables can be discarded or more water can be added to make more detox water. Do not use the fruits or vegetables for more than twice. You can also try other Fruit Infused Water recipes from our collection like the Pink Guava Apple Infused Water or Pear Cinnamon Honey Infused Water .
Add a punch of cinnamon to your detox water as it has got many benefits like giving a sensation of satiety. Apple Cinnamon Infused Water will curb down your appetite and will help you avoid the extra calories. Fruit Infuser Water Bottles are easily available all over India, in online shops as well as the home needs section of supermarkets and retail chains. If you don’t have a Fruit Infuser Bottle, you can just use any glass jar or pitcher. Put the apple and cinnamon in the pitcher along with water and allow them to infuse for 2 to 3 hours. Then, strain the mixture to get detox water. The apple and cinnamon can be discarded or more water can be added to make more detox water. Do not use the apple and cinnamon for more than twice. You can also try Plum Guava Infused Water and Pineapple Apple Mint Infused Water .
Apple Cucumber Parsley Infused Water will curb your appetite. Try this unique flavorful blend of detox water as the blend of parsley and cucumber will help in flushing out the harmful toxins from your body and provide you a healthier skin. Fruit Infuser Water Bottles are easily available all over India, in online shops as well as the home needs section of supermarkets and retail chains. If you don’t have a Fruit Infuser Bottle, you can just use any glass jar or pitcher. Put the fruit and herbs in the pitcher along with water and allow them to infuse for 2 to 3 hours. Then, strain the mixture to get detox water. The fruit and herbs can be discarded or more water can be added to make more detox water. Do not use the fruit and herbs for more than twice. You can also try other fruits and herbs combo like Strawberry Lemon Basil Infused Water and Sweet Lime Coriander Mint Infused Water .
If you love grapes and pineapples then Black Grape Infused Water will be perfect for you. Enjoy the flavorful blend of pineapple and grapes. Sip on this refreshing infused water on a hot summery day and keep yourself hydrated. Fruit Infuser Water Bottles are easily available all over India, in online shops as well as the home needs section of supermarkets and retail chains. If you don’t have a Fruit Infuser Bottle, you can just use any glass jar or pitcher. Put the fruits in the pitcher along with water and allow them to infuse for 2 to 3 hours. Then, strain the mixture to get detox water. The fruits can be discarded or more water can be added to make more detox water. Do not use the fruits for more than twice. You can also try other recipes like Pink Guava Apple Infused Water or Lemony Papaya Infused Water .
If you love chickoos then here’s Chickoo Pear Infused Water Detox Water that you’d love to drink. This detox water will shun away all your tiredness and will help in flushing out toxins from your body. Fruit Infuser Water Bottles are easily available all over India, in online shops as well as the home needs section of supermarkets and retail chains. If you don’t have a Fruit Infuser Bottle, you can just use any glass jar or pitcher. Put the fruits in the pitcher along with water and allow them to infuse for 2 to 3 hours. Then, strain the mixture to get detox water. The fruits can be discarded or more water can be added to make more detox water. Do not use the fruits for more than twice. You can alo try other fruit combos like Plum Guava Infused Water or Kiwi Watermelon Infused Water .
Custard apple infused coconut water has the perfect amount of sweetness for all the people who have a sweet tooth. The flavours of custard apple and coconut blend together to add a unique sweetness to the drink which is sure to make your day more exciting! Fruit Infuser Water Bottles are easily available all over India, in online shops as well as the home needs section of supermarkets and retail chains. If you don’t have a Fruit Infuser Bottle, you can just use any glass jar or pitcher. Put the custard apple in the pitcher along with coconut water and allow them to infuse for 2 to 3 hours. Then, strain the mixture to get detox water. The custard apple can be discarded or more coconut water can be added to make more detox water. Do not use the custard apple for more than twice. You can also try other Fruit Infused Water recipes from our collection like the Pineapple Celery Infused Coconut Water or Apple Carrot Ginger Honey Infused Water .
An absolute weight loss drink! While doodhi is a bit bland, papaya helps to perk up the flavour of this drink. Sip on this Doodhi Papaya Infused water in between meals to curb your hunger pangs without piling up on any excess calorie. Fruit Infuser Water Bottles are easily available all over India, in online shops as well as the home needs section of supermarkets and retail chains. If you don’t have a Fruit Infuser Bottle, you can just use any glass jar or pitcher. Put the fruits and vegetables in the pitcher along with water and allow them to infuse for 2 to 3 hours. Then, strain the mixture to get detox water. The fruits and vegetables can be discarded or more water can be added to make more detox water. Do not use the fruits or vegetables for more than twice. You can also try other Fruit Infused Water recipes from our collection like the Pear Beetroot Infused Water or Tomato Cucumber Infused Water .
On a hot summery day try Fresh Figs Infused Water which is a unique sipper and feel relaxed and refreshed. Fresh Figs Infused Water has a mild flavor and perfect for people who don’t like strong flavors. Fruit Infuser Water Bottles are easily available all over India, in online shops as well as the home needs section of supermarkets and retail chains. If you don’t have a Fruit Infuser Bottle, you can just use any glass jar or pitcher. Put the fig cubes in the pitcher along with water and allow them to infuse for 2 to 3 hours. Then, strain the mixture to get detox water. The fig cubes can be discarded or more water can be added to make more detox water. Do not use the fig cubes for more than twice. You can also try other recipes like Chickoo Pear Infused Water or Honey Banana Infused Water .
Fruits contain fruit sugar or ‘fructose’ which does not raise blood sugar levels unlike other form of sugar like table sugar, glucose, honey etc. Any form of added sugar in fruit juices or fruit milkshakes can increase your blood sugar levels; so it is better to always buy fully-ripe and sweet fruits to avoid adding any sugar or sugar substitute. Remember, natural is always better! Besides this, grapes are also rich in antioxidants, cancer-fighting flavonoids and vitamin C. Not to forget that the apples and oranges their share of substance, flavour and nutrients to this drink, making it a pleasant surprise to your taste-buds and health!
Grapefruit Indian Jujube Infused water, made from grapefruit and pieces of Indian Bor, it is sure to refresh your day! It has the perfect blend of tanginess and sweetness. Fruit Infuser Water Bottles are easily available all over India, in online shops as well as the home needs section of supermarkets and retail chains. If you don’t have a Fruit Infuser Bottle, you can just use any glass jar or pitcher. Put the fruits in the pitcher along with water and allow them to infuse for 2 to 3 hours. Then, strain the mixture to get detox water. The fruits can be discarded or more water can be added to make more detox water. Do not use the fruits for more than twice. You can also try other Fruit Infused Water recipes from our collection like the Strawberry Spinach Infused Water or Pomegranate Black Grapes Infused Water .
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