minty couscous recipe | healthy minty couscous salad | Indian style couscous | lemon mint couscous | with 19 amazing images. minty couscous is a healthy variant of the couscous salad inspired from Middle Eastern cuisine. Learn how to make Indian style couscous. To make minty couscous, clean and wash the couscous thoroughly. Combine the couscous and milk in a deep non-stick pan, mix well and cook on a medium flame for 8 to 10 minutes or till it is tender. Keep aside to cool slightly. Combine all the ingredients, including the cooked couscous, in a deep bowl and mix gently. Refrigerate for at least half an hour. Serve lemon mint couscous chilled. Although it sounds very exotic, couscous is nothing but broken wheat cooked in water or milk, something that everybody can prepare easily at home. A traditional food of Northern Africa, minty couscous salad is a great source of protein and iron. These 2 nutrients are required to maintain cell health. A good level of iron in the body prevents anaemia. Indian style couscous is a flavourful salad in which couscous is enhanced with chopped veggies, coriander and mint, along with a dash of lemon juice. The ingredients accompanying the couscous pull in sufficient Vitamin C to enhance the absorption of iron and improve blood circulation. This lemon mint couscous is a good way of adding some fibre to your diet as well. This key nutrient benefits diabetics as well as heart patients. This healthy minty couscous salad is brimming with many antioxidants too! From ‘allium’ in spring onions to ‘lycopene’ in tomatoes, these antioxidants are a means of fighting free radicals in our body and in turn protecting our body organs. The use of olive oil in this Indian style couscous is beneficial as it is a good source of MUFA (mono unsaturated fatty acids) which helps reduce inflammation in the body. It is one of the healthiest oils to use in making salads. Mint, one of its main ingredients, though used in small quantities lends a fresh herby touch to this salad. Tips for minty couscous. 1. Cook the couscous at step 1 till it is parboiled and not overcooked. 2. Remember to cool the cooked couscous before adding all the other ingredients. Enjoy minty couscous recipe | healthy minty couscous salad | Indian style couscous | lemon mint couscous.
chana, tuvar and green moong dal recipe | trevati dal | mixed dal with vegetables | healthy Indian dal | with 40 amazing images. chana, tuvar and green moong dal recipe | trevati dal | mixed dal with vegetables | healthy Indian dal is a traditional accompaniment from the land of Gujarat. Learn how to make trevati dal. To make chana, tuvar and green moong dal, clean, wash and soak the dals in water about 30 minutes. Drain. Combine the soaked dals, salt and 3½ cups of water in a pressure cooker and pressure cook for 2 whistles. Allow the steam to escape before opening the lid. Keep aside. Heat the oil in a pan, add the cumin seeds, cloves, bayleaves, red chillies and asafoetida and sauté on a medium flame for a few seconds. Add the onions, green chillies, garlic and ginger and sauté on a medium flame for 1 to 2 minutes. Add the tomatoes, chilli powder and turmeric powder, mix well and cook on a medium flame for 3 to 4 minutes or till the oil separates from the masala. Add the dals and 2 cups of water, lemon juice and salt and simmer for 10 minutes. Serve hot garnished with the chopped coriander. Known traditionally as the trevati dal, this is a protein-rich combination of chana, toovar and green moong dals prepared in an authentic Indian style, with aromatic spices and powders, onions, tomatoes, ginger, chillies, et al. This is something you can cook every day and welcome health. Have this mixed dal with vegetables as part of your lunch menu, and you are sure to have enough energy to face the rest of the day confidently and cheerfully. Using a variety of dals also ensure you get a lot more dietary fibre and B-complex vitamins too. You can omit the onion, ginger and garlic to make a Jain version too. All health conscious individuals including those suffering from diabetics, heart disease, cancer and obesity can make this healthy Indian dal a part of their menu too! However, we suggest a minor modification in the recipe for them. It is suggested to reduce the quantity of oil for tempering to 2 tsp. This timeless Indian fare is best accompanied with chapati or multigrain roti and a bowl of kachumber. Tips for chana, tuvar and green moong dal. 1. Serve chana, tuvar and green moong dal with rice. 2. This is the consistency of mixed dal. Enjoy chana, tuvar and green moong dal recipe | trevati dal | mixed dal with vegetables | healthy Indian dal | with step by step photos.
sultani dal recipe | Indian dal sultani | healthy moong dal sultani | zero oil dal | with 31 amazing images. sultani dal recipe | Indian dal sultani | healthy moong dal sultani | zero oil dal is a simple everyday wholesome fare. Learn how to make Indian dal sultani. Even commonly consumed dals rock when combined intelligently with the right ingredients! Garlic and tomatoes add tang and taste to this versatile Indian dal sultani, which is made with a combination of moong dal and toovar dal. Everyday spices along with a generous sprinkle of coriander adds on to its aroma and flavour. The dals are a source of protein which work to protect cell and tissues of the body. Folic acid content of moong dal is an added benefit to this dal. Tomatoes and garlic, on the other hand, lend antioxidants like lycopene and allicin respectively which helps protect our heart. The healthy moong dal sultani is thus a wise pick for not only heart patients, but also for diabetics. The zero oil dal suits a weight loss menu as well. Serve it with Bajra and Cauliflower Roti to make a satiating meal. Tips for dal sultani. 1. If you are serving the dal later, we recommend you to adjust the consistency of dal by adding water while re heating. 2. You can increase the proportion of green chillies according to your spice. 3. You can also add 1 tsp lemon juice in the dal for the tangy flavour. Enjoy sultani dal recipe | Indian dal sultani | healthy moong dal sultani | zero oil dal | with step by step photos.
onion tomato koshimbir recipe | healthy onion tomato salad | kanda tomato koshimbir | Maharashtrian tomato koshimbir | With 14 amazing images. onion tomato koshimbir is a simple side dish which can be served with any Indian meal of roti and sabzi. Learn how to make kanda tomato koshimbir. To make onion tomato koshimbir, combine the onions, tomatoes, sugar, coriander and salt in a deep bowl and mix well. Keep aside. Heat the oil in a small non-stick pan and add the mustard seeds. When the seeds crackle, add the asafoetida, green chillies and sauté on a medium flame for a few seconds. Pour the tempering over the tomato-onion mixture and mix well. Serve immediately. Easy to prepare, it just involves chopping the veggies and giving a phodni’ them with traditional ingredients. The word ‘phodni’ is a Maharashtrian word which in simple terms means tempering. Raw and juicy, it is quite refreshing, onion tomato salad is considered an essential accompaniment for a Maharashtrian meal. Remember that the asafoetida, though used very mildly, play very important roles in improving the aroma and flavour of this dish, so forget to add it! You can also add a dash of lemon juice as well, to enhance the flavour of this Maharashtrian tomato koshimbir further. This kanda tomato koshimbir is a weight-watchers delight. The onions are considered to be heart friendly because of the presence of antioxidant Quercetin in it. The tomatoes, on the other hand, are brimming with lycopene – another antioxidant. Both of them together help to reduce inflammation in the body and protect organs like heart, liver, kidney, skin etc. With 1 g of fibre per serving, this healthy onion tomato salad is a good snack in between meals for women with PCOS and aiming weight loss. The fibre in it will also aid in weight loss. Moreover, you will not reach out for unhealthy snacks as this salad keeps you satiated. Tips for onion tomato koshimbir. 1. While this recipe has chopped onions and tomatoes, you can also use thinly sliced veggies as a variation. 2. You can add ½ tsp of sugar to balance the tanginess of tomatoes if you wish to. 3. If you are carrying this salad to work, it would be advisable to carry salt in a small container and add it to the salad and toss it just before eating. Enjoy onion tomato koshimbir recipe | healthy onion tomato salad | kanda tomato koshimbir | Maharashtrian tomato koshimbir | with recipe below.
Jain pav bhaji recipe | Jain pav bhaji using raw bananas | healthy no onion, garlic, potatoes pav bhaji | with 40 amazing images. If you thought Pav Bhaji cannot be made without potatoes, then this Jain pav bhaji will be an eye-opener for you. Made with raw bananas and other vegetables spiced up with red chilli paste and pav bhaji masala, this delicious Jain pav bhaji tastes as wonderful as the original, especially after you garnish it with lemon juice and coriander. Hand-in-hand with buttered pav, this Jain pav bhaji is so delectable, you will actually feel a mild pinch of sorry deep down your heart when the plate becomes empty! The best part is that this is a healthy Jain pav bhaji. One serving has 117 calories for Jain pav bhaji making this good for diabetics, weight loss, healthy heart, pregnant women. Raw bananas used in Jain pav bhaji are good for the heart as they are rich in potassium. Rich in vitamin C, vitamin B6 and good for the kidney. Raw bananas are healthy and very good for people with diabetes. Jain Pav Bhaji is rich in Vitamin C, Vitamin B, Folic Acid, Iron, Fiber. pro tips for Jain pav bhaji. 1. Raw bananas when cooked taste like cooked potatoes. 2. Mash Jain pav bhaji lightly using a potato masher. The best time to mash is after cooking. 3. Soaking Kashmiri red chillies gives Jain pan bhaji a bright red colour. 4. Jain pav bhaji is best enjoyed hot, but it can also be stored in the refrigerator for up to 2 days. 5. You can add cauliflower florets to the Jain pav bhaji recipe. Enjoy Jain pav bhaji recipe | Jain pav bhaji using raw bananas | healthy no onion, garlic, potatoes pav bhaji | with step by step photos.
low fat paneer recipe | how to make low fat paneer at home | nutrition in low fat paneer | Indian low fat cottage cheese for weight loss | with 21 amazing images. low fat paneer is one of the best vegetarian sources of protein. Learn low fat paneer recipe | how to make low fat paneer at home | nutrition in low fat paneer | Indian low fat cottage cheese for weight loss | Soft and mild, paneer is a delicious fresh Indian cheese that is easily made at home with just a couple of simple ingredients that you probably already have in your kitchen. This low fat paneer is made with low fat milk, which means it has a lower fat content than regular paneer. To make low fat paneer, boil low fat milk in a deep pan. When it starts boiling, add the vinegar gradually and stir it gently. Once the milk has curdled, strain using a muslin cloth and wash it thoroughly. For making firm low fat paneer cubes, place the paneer into the muslin cloth and put heavy weight on the paneer and keep aside for 30 minutes. After it sets, remove the paneer from the muslin cloth and cut into even sized cubes or grate it and use as required. Low Fat Paneer (low fat cottage cheese) is rich in Calcium, Protein, Vitamin A, Magnesium, Phosphorus. Low fat paneer for weight loss can be used in a variety of dishes, such as sabzis, curries, stir-fries, and salads. It can also be eaten on its own as a snack or appetizer. Even diabetics and cardiac patients who have been advised to restrict fat intake can opt for this homemade low fat paneer in prescribed quantities. It is low in carbs too, so it will metabolize quickly! 1 cup low fat paneer is made from 2 litres low fat milk and yields 700 calories, makes 250 grams and has 70 grams of protein and is 127% of the RDA. See calories for low fat paneer details. 1/2 cup Indian low fat cottage cheese for weight loss gives 35 grams of protein and is 350 calories. pro tips to make low fat paneer: 1. You can use lemon juice or vinegar to make low fat paneer. Lemon juice and vinegar are both acidic substances that will curdle the milk. 2. Store the Indian low fat cottage cheese in an airtight container in the refrigerator. This will help to keep the paneer fresh for up to 3 days. It is very important to store it in enough water otherwise the discoloration happens and paneer gets spoilt. 3. Set the paneer for at least 30 minutes. This will remove the excess whey and give the paneer a firm texture. 4. Wash the chenna thoroughly to remove the acidic flavour. 5. Low fat paneer curdled using lemon has a mild zesty flavour which will be best used for making salad or stir fries. Enjoy low fat paneer recipe | how to make low fat paneer at home | nutrition in low fat paneer | Indian low fat cottage cheese for weight loss | with step by step photos and video below.
lauki chilla recipe | doodhi pudla | healthy bottle gourd Indian pancake | with 18 images. lauki chilla is a Gujarati breakfast. Learn how to make healthy bottle gourd Indian pancakes. Chilla, the Indian pancake, is so versatile that you can add any combination of ingredients to the basic besan batter to come up with something new like lauki chilla that tastes different! This lauki chilla is one such version that you will definitely fall in love with. With the succulence of lauki, the pleasant tanginess of curds and the warmth of chilli powder, these pancakes are sure to make your breakfast or supper very special indeed. It also happens to be a no-fuss, no-sweat doodhi pudla recipe, which instantly topples the votes in its favour! With extremely low levels of sodium, this doodhi used in lauki chilla is highly suitable for those with high BP. It helps reduce blood cholesterol levels and regulate high blood pressure and ensures a proper blood flow to heart and they're onwards to all parts of the body. 96 calories for one lauki chilla making it a healthy snack to have at any time. Enjoy with lauki chilla recipe | doodhi pudla | cheela rich in Folic Acid, Thiamine, Protein, Fiber, Magnesium | step by step photos.
eggless date and almond cake | healthy Indian date almond cake | khajur badam cake recipe | with 28 images. After lots of hard work, we have finally found a healthy Indian date almond cake recipe. To make a cake without plain flour and sugar is not easy. Here in thiseggless date and almond cake we have used dates as the sweetener and oats to bind the cake. date and almond cake is made from easily available ingredients in the Indian kitchen. khajur badam cake recipe is made from dates, almonds, almond milk, whole wheat flour, butter and Indian spices. For those who are fit and eat healthy, here is a super the answer. This cake is also good for marathoners, athletes dessert. See why we think this is a healthy Indian date almond cake recipe? 1 cup of dates (90 gm) used in the recipe gives around 8.05 gm of fiber and will lower down the cholesterol level and will also aid in weight loss. A cup of dates contain 703 mg of potassium (14.95% of RDA) which helps in the regulation of blood pressure and also prevents formation of kidney stones. Dates have a low glycemic index from 43 to 55 depending on the variety, so they are a boon to diabetics to satisfy their sweet tooth. Note that butter used in healthy Indian date almond cake recipe has a short chain fatty acids and medium chain fatty acids which are broken down and absorbed into the body directly and go straight to the liver and get converted to fuel to be used by the muscles. Research shows that small amounts of butter has positive effects on heart health and diabetics. Also butter is a healthy fat. The eggless date and almond cake sold in Indian restaurants have brown sugar or jaggery added to it making it unhealthy. To make the eggless date and almond cake gluten free, you can replace the whole wheat flour with jowar or bajra flour. When to have date and almond cake? The best time is after dinner as everyone craves for something sweet. Having one slice of this healthy Indian date almond cake every night is perfectly healthy also for diabetics, weight loss and heart patients. Enjoy eggless date and almond cake | healthy Indian date almond cake | khajur badam cake recipe | with detailed step by step photos below.
drumstick dal recipe | South Indian style toor dal with drumsticks | phalli wali dal | with 31 amazing images. South Indian style toor dal with drumsticks is a more flavourful variant of the everyday Dal. Learn how to make drumstick dal recipe | South Indian style toor dal with drumsticks | phalli wali dal | phalli wali dal is a sumptuous mixture of cooked toovar dal, drumstick and vegetables like onions and tomatoes is flavoured with a few spices, and tempered with a traditional mix of mustard seeds, garlic and red chillies. Adding drumsticks to your diet gives you a plethora of health benefits. Drumsticks regulates blood sugar levels, helps improve digestive health, great for developing stronger bones, helps purifying blood, relieves respiratory disorders and boosts immunity. Not just for kids but adults too can reap health benefits of drumsticks and dal by eating drumstick dal. Drumsticks are rich in proteins and minerals and are extremely healthy. pro tips to make drumstick dal: 1. Dal tends to thicken if you serve it later, then just add little water and re-heat. 2. You can also add chopped onions to make this dal. 3. Do not overcook the dal otherwise the drum stick will get over cooked and become mushy. Enjoy drumstick dal recipe | South Indian style toor dal with drumsticks | phalli wali dal | with detailed step by step photos.
methi bajra paratha | healthy bajra paratha | methi bajra paratha for lunch | how to make methi bajra paratha | with 14 amazing images. Methi bajra paratha is an Indian bread that combines the eye- appealing fenugreek leaves with the guaranteed satisfaction of having a paratha. Everyone loves ghee and potato laden parathas and most of you also thoroughly enjoy this healthy bajra paratha. Learn how to make methi bajra paratha. Methi bajra paratha, is an all-in-one paratha in which all ingredients like bajra flour, methi leaves, sesame seeds and some basic spices have to combined in a deep bowl and kneaded into a soft dough using enough water. Divide the dough into small portions and roll into size of your choice using whole wheat flour. Healthy bajra paratha is a treasure trove of nutrients and a must-have in every healthy kitchen. Bajra flour, methi and sesame seeds all are rich in iron which help build hemoglobin levels and keep fatigue and tiredness away. They aid in lending a glowing skin too! These methi bajra paratha for lunch are a good source of antioxidants like vitamin A, which helps to build body’s immune system to fight against common illnesses. These compounds also fight against free radicals which otherwise are a causative factor of chronic diseases like heart disease and cancer. With just 56 calories per paratha, these methi bajra paratha are also a treat for weight-watchers who aim to eat healthy flours and avoid refined flours like maida completely. These flours and the parathas made with them are quite satiating as well as they abound in fiber. Fair amounts of potassium and magnesium help to maintain heart health. Only remember not to go over-board in the usage of fat to cook these parathas – else you will negate the effect of its nutritional benefits. Enjoy methi bajra paratha | healthy bajra paratha | methi bajra paratha for lunch | how to make methi bajra paratha | with step by step photos.
how to sprout moong | healthy mung beans sprouts | how to sprout mung beans at home | how to make sprouts | with 23 amazing images. Healthy Mung Beans Sprouts is a time consuming recipe, but it’s truly worth trying due to the list of nutrients it possess. Here we bring to you how to sprout mung beans at home. To make Sprouted Mung Beans at Home firstly you need to make perfect moong sprouts. For that soak the whole moong for about 6 hours in enough water. Then drain that water and place the soaked moong on a muslin cloth. Twist the muslin cloth and dab some water on it. Keep it in a warm place for 10 to 12 hours. Once the moong sprouts are ready, boil the measured quantity of water in a deep non-stick pan and add moong sprouts, salt and turmeric powder to it. Cook them on medium flame for 15 minutes with a lid covered on the pan. This is not only a convenient way but also a healthy method, because we cook it in just the required amount of water, to avoid nutrient loss. If you do not have a muslin cloth to Sprout Mung Beans at Home, then you can place the soaked and drained sprouts on a strainer and keep them covered for 10 to 12 hours to sprout. In this procedure you might have to sprinkle some water twice in between and also toss them twice or thrice using a spoon. Sprouting is a wonderful way to enhance the nutritional benefits of beans like moong, and it also adds to the flavour with a mild sweetness and pleasurable crunch. The process of Sprouting Moong at Home increases the nutrient value of most nutrients by 15 to 30%. You can enjoy these Mung Bean Sprouts at Home with a sprinkle of some lemon juice and a dash of chilli powder. Alternatively you can add the Healthy Mung Bean Sprouts to a salad, or toss it with some salt and chilli powder to enjoy it as a snack. You can also cook it further and use it to make healthy recipes like subzis and parathas. Enjoy how to sprout moong | healthy mung beans sprouts | how to sprout mung beans at home | how to make sprouts | with step by step photos.
fresh turmeric and ginger pickle recipe | kachi haldi ka achar | haldi adrak ka achar | Indian style ginger turmeric pickle | with 11 amazing images. fresh turmeric and ginger pickle is an Indian winter special pickle which carries umpteen health benefits. Learn how to make kachi haldi ka achar. The soothing taste of fresh turmeric and the spiky flavour of tender ginger make for a fabulous pickle! While fresh and tender, you will find the texture and taste of ginger in Indian style ginger turmeric are very enjoyable. Although mild, you can still feel your taste buds tingle when you bite into a piece. To make fresh turmeric and ginger pickle, combine all the ingredients in a deep bowl and mix well. Transfer it to an air-tight glass jar, close the lid and set it aside in a cool, dry place for 4 to 5 hours for the flavours to blend well. Serve or store refrigerated in the same glass jar. It stays fresh up to 6 months when refrigerated. Turmeric too has a unique flavour, which has to be experienced to be understood. Together with a dash of lemon juice, the duo in haldi adrak ka achar pickle are sure to pleasantly surprise you. This kachi haldi ka achar can be made only when the ingredients are in season which is winter season. During this time when they make their appearance in the market, almost every household whips up a batch of this pickle as it is not only tasty but also good for health. Make a batch at the beginning of winter season (during the end of October) and towards the end of January make 1 to 2 more batches for the coming months. Ginger has compound Gingerol and fresh turmeric has curcuminoids, both which have anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial benefits. The lemon juice added not only acts as a preservative for the Indian style ginger turmeric pickle, but also adds vitamin C , which too acts as an antioxidants and helps builds your immunity to fight various infections. Read more about the health benefits of fresh turmeric, amba haldi. This recipe can be enjoyed by healthy people to heart patients, cancer patients to even diabetics. Have a small quantity of kachi haldi ka achar daily during meal time. Tips for fresh turmeric and ginger pickle. 1. While this recipe mentions to use sliced ginger and turmeric, you can also finely chop it. 2. For this pickle, use the special white variety of tender ginger, available with this fresh turmeric in the winter season. It has a slightly mild taste and hence is a good addition to the pickle. Enjoy fresh turmeric and ginger pickle recipe | kachi haldi ka achar | haldi adrak ka achar | Indian style ginger turmeric pickle | with photos and recipe below.
how to make skimmed milk recipe | how to make skim milk from whole milk | homemade skimmed milk | how to make low fat milk at home | with 11 amazing images. how is skim milk made is a homemade version of low fat milk. Learn how to make how to make skim milk from whole milk. To make skim milk, boil the milk in a deep non-stick pan, which will take 8 to 10 minutes. Cool for atleast 2 to 3 hours. Put it in the refrigerator for atleast 10 to 12 hours. Remove the cream from the top. Repeat steps 1 to 4 two more times to get the skimmed milk. Use as required. Many people like to do their stuff themselves – some for kicks, some for the satisfaction of making it in their own kitchen, some for hygiene reasons and others because they like the quality of homemade foods. So, while skimmed milk is readily available in the market, here’s a recipe of homemade skimmed milk for those who want to make it at home in their own kitchen. To make skim milk from whole milk is a bit time consuming as the process of skimming the fat has to be repeated twice, but you get good, tasty almost fat-free milk. This homemade skimmed milk, which is devoid of fat and low in sodium, is healthy even for those with excess weight, diabetes and heart diseases who need to monitor their fat intake. Tips on how to make low fat milk at home. 1. Use a deep non-stick pan instead of a broad pan. 2. Let the milk boil completely, else the cream layer wouldn’t be thick and fat will remain in the milk. 3. Cool it very well, to remove the fat laden cream. 4. Repeat the procedure thrice, instead of twice if you think there is a need. You can also try Homemade Almond Milk Made with Soaked Almonds or Homemade Oat Milk. Enjoy how to make skimmed milk recipe | how to make skim milk from whole milk | homemade skimmed milk | how to make low fat milk at home | how is skim milk made.
garlic vegetable soup recipe | easy healthy clear vegetable soup | mix vegetable garlic soup | mix vegetable soup for weight loss | with 12 amazing images. garlic vegetable soup recipe is a tempting soup transformed into a healthy fare with a mix of fiber rich veggies. Learn how to make mix vegetable soup for weight loss. Mix vegetable soup for weight loss is a sumptuous soup of mixed vegetables flavoured predominantly with garlic, this nourishing recipe is innovatively thickened with rolled oats. Garlic is known for its anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. The compound Allicin has protective activities against bacteria, fungus, parasites and virus. The vitamin C in this easy healthy clear vegetable soup also builds your overall immunity to fight infections. To make garlic vegetable soup, heat the oil in a deep non-stick pan, add the garlic and onions and sauté on a medium flame for 1 to 2 minutes. Add the mixed vegetables, 3 cups of water, salt and pepper, mix well and cook on a medium flame for 2 minutes, while stirring occasionally. Add the oats and coriander, mix well and cook on a medium flame for another 1 minute. Serve the garlic vegetable soup hot. Along with mixed veggies, oats add in fiber which helps in managing weight as well as blood sugar and cholesterol levels. Together, the ingredients make mix vegetable garlic soup a very heart-friendly concoction. This recipe is a welcome addition for all right from healthy individuals to those on weight loss regime and kids to women with PCOS. Garlic vegetable soup can be carried to work as well. Reheat it and enjoy it. Tips for garlic vegetable soup. 1. Do not over cook the vegetables. Boil them just enough to maintain their crunch and enjoy their mouthfeel while having the soup. 2. A dash of lemon juice after cooking will add a little more flavour and vitamin C to the soup. Enjoy garlic vegetable soup recipe | easy healthy clear vegetable soup | mix vegetable garlic soup | mix vegetable soup for weight loss | with step by step photos below.
plain ragi roti recipe | soft ragi roti |plain nachni roti | gluten-free nachni roti | with amazing 16 images. A hearty roti that is sure to remind you of home. The plain ragi roti recipe or ragi chapatti is made from 100% ragi making it super healthy. This Indian bread is also called plain nachni roti or red millet roti. This sumptuous plain ragi roti is rich in calcium and protein, which are required to support our bones and maintain the cells in our body respectively. Method to make plain ragi roti is very easy. All you need to do is knead a dough combining ragi flour, ghee which will help in making the roti soft as it is gluten free and salt. Use warm water to knead the dough as warm water helps binding the dough better. Further, divide and roll into roti and cook on a non-stick tava. Cook until blisters appear on both the sides and then cook on an open flame. Serve plain nachni roti immediately. You should be able to roll these plain nachni rotis comfortably with a little flour for dusting. But, if you find it difficult, you can place the dough portions between two plastic sheets dusted with ragi flour and roll, so it will be easier. Also, take care to use flat tongs as these rotis are soft and hence known as soft ragi rotis, with a tendency to tear easily. Serve soft ragi rotis hot off the flame for a satiating and earthy meal! Even then, it still requires a bit of knack to roll nachni dough. Not to worry, once you roll a few rotis you will get a hang of it. One thing about Basic Ragi Roti, or for that matter any other roti made with millet flours, is that it needs to be served immediately – in fact, it is best enjoyed right off the tava, with a bowl of Raita and a spicy Dal. Enjoy plain ragi roti recipe | soft ragi roti |plain nachni roti | gluten-free nachni roti | with detailed step by step recipes photos below.
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