Maharashtrian Upvas (Fasting) Recipes and Foods

Maharashtrian fasting recipes, Maharashtrain upvas recipes. In Maharashtra at home, they clean the puja ghar, give a bath to the God’s idol with chandan or utna (a fragrant herb paste), offer fresh flowers and garland, doop or agarbathi and aarthi with ghee or camphor as per their practice.

It is also auspicious to do puja with tulsi leaves. It is also customary to make Panchamrut or Trithamrut. Panchamrut consists of five elements like milk, curds, honey, pure cow’s ghee and sugar. A few tulsi leaves may also be added. Many people also break a coconut and offer to God along with sweets, which are later distributed to others as prasad. Some offer fruits as bhog.

Only sattvik foods are to be consumed during a fast. Normally, grains are not consumed. Many fasts also have specific rules. For example, some people observe a no-salt fast on Tuesdays. Likewise, those who fast for Santhoshimata, do not have sour foods. Some people take curds during a fast, while many people especially in South India have curds only when they break the fast and not during the fast. Likewise, some communities do not have coriander and mint while fasting. So, it is best to know the rules of your fast from an elderly person at home or your family priest, and plan your meals accordingly.

Morning Fast for Maharashtrians

Generally, you can start your day with a breakfast of fruits with a hot beverage like tea, coffee or milk. Try the Fresh Fruit Salad with Basil Dressing, Fruit and Nut Milkshake, Masala Milk or South Indian Filter Coffee.

Lunch Fast for Maharashtrians

For lunch, you can have some dishes made of kand like Sweet Potato Rabadi, Sweet Potato Khichdi, Oven Roasted Sweet Potatoes or Potato Khichdi. Sabudana Khichdi or Sama Pulao with a peanut based accompaniment like peanut curry or chutney makes a sumptuous meal. You can also go for something crunchy like the Potatoes and Buckwheat Pakora. Add some fruits to the meal too.

Evening before Upvaas is broken Bhog is offered

In the evening, before ending the fast, they perform aarti and offer naivedya or panchpakwaan bhog to the God. This includes some sweet dish like kheer, srikand, basundi or rava sheera. If the fast is for Ganpati, then it is customary to offer modak or ladoos. Delight your favourite deity with delicious offerings like Steamed or Fried Modak, Puris and Mango Shrikhand, Puran Poli, Basundi or Varan Bhaat. When you are short of time, go for something quick and easy like the Rava Sheera. South Indian delicacies like the Paal Payasam are also mouth-watering treats ideal to make for naivedya.

Saatvik Food eaten after Maharashtrian fast broken in the Evening

After aarti and naivedya, the fast is broken by eating regular but saatvik food like rice, dal, chapatis and subzis. Some fasts are broken on the same evening while others are ended only the following morning. In South India for example, the Ekadashi fast is broken only the next morning by having a special meal called the Dwadashi Parana, which is cooked without tamarind and raw bananas. It includes amla and sundaikkai (Turkey Berry), simply boiled or prepared as a raita. The meal also includes rice, some subzis, Mor Kuzhambu (a gravy made of curds) and Lemon Rasam.

Perhaps because of the devotion that goes into the cooking or because of our peaceful state of mind and increased concentration during a fast, the faraali dishes always turn out to be awesomely tasty. So tasty that they are often wiped out by friends and family who are not fasting! So make sure you make generous amounts of the fasting food and bhog as well!

Rituals of how Maharashtrians Fast

Fasting is a practice that is closely intertwined with Hindu culture. It is a way of enforcing mastery over our senses, focusing on prayers to God rather than sensory pleasures like food. A religious fast is very different from the modern notion of fasting and dieting for detoxification, weight loss, etc. In a religious fast, the fasting principles combine abstinence with religious rituals. By consuming sattvik foods and focusing on God, both our mind and our body get detoxified in an enduring and effective way.

For full benefits, you need to systematically follow the fasting practices. Generally, those on a fast get up early in the morning and take abhyanga bath to purify their body. Women make sure they wash their hair on fasting days. Then, they wear clean clothes and visit a nearby temple of the God whom they are fasting in honour of. For example, if they are fasting on Monday, they visit a Shiva temple; on Tuesday, they go to Ganpati mandir or Durgamata temple; on Thursday, they go to Saibaba mandir or Gurudutt mandir; on Friday, they go to Durgamata or Santoshimata temple; and on Saturday, they will worship at Shanidev or Hanuman temple.

Happy Cooking!

Enjoy our Maharashtrian fasting recipes, Maharashtrain upvas recipes and other Maharashtrian Recipe articles below. 

360 Maharashtrain Recipes
40 Maharashtrian Bhaat (Rice) Recipes
55 Maharashtrian Bhaji Recipes
44 Maharashtrian Breakfast Recipes
30 Maharashtrian Chutneys Pickles Recipes
32 Maharashtrian Varan Amti Kalvan Recipes
40 Maharashtrian Rotis Polis Recipes
24 Maharashtrian Snacks Nashta Recipes
38 Maharashtrian Sweet Dishes Recipes

sabudana vada stuffed with coconut chutney recipe | stuffed sabudana vada | chutney stuffed sabudana vada for vrat | with 40 amazing images. Sabudana Vada is one of the most traditional and all-time favourite fasting foods. Learn how to make sabudana vada stuffed with coconut chutney recipe | stuffed sabudana vada | chutney stuffed sabudana vada for vrat | These unique stuffed sabudana vadas are made with a filling of coconut chutney, boiled potatoes, crushed peanuts, and soaked sabudana. This unique combination of ingredients gives the vadas a unique texture and pleasing flavor. We have innovated the traditional sabudana vada recipe by stuffing it with a delicious coconut chutney. The chutney should be thick enough to be easily stuffed into the vada mixture. This flavourful sabudana vada stuffed with coconut chutney is a delightful treat with a unique flavor and texture. The coriander and green chilies add a bright and refreshing zest. pro tips to make sabudana vada: 1. You can skip adding coriander if you don’t have it while fasting. 2. For a richer flavor, you can add 1 tablespoon of ghee to the sabudana mixture. 3. Be careful not to overfill the vadas and seal them properly as they may break when frying. Enjoy sabudana vada stuffed with coconut chutney recipe | stuffed sabudana vada | chutney stuffed sabudana vada for vrat | with detailed step by step photos.
modak | steamed modak | Ukadiche Modak for Ganesh Chaturthi recipe | modak made with mould | modak handmade recipe | with 20 amazing images. Here is the Modak recipe made of rice flour shells filled with a succulent mixture of jaggery and coconut. It’s Ganesh Chaturthi ! Time to make umpteen varieties of modak, Ganesha’s favourite. The authentic sweet filling on the inside of a modak (steamed modak) consists of freshly grated coconut and jaggery. Many people also use dry coconut with nuts and poppy seeds as well. Do not overcook the jaggery mixture, as it will harden once it has cooled. Ukadiche Modak which is steamed modak is specially made during the first day of Ganesh Chaturti to welcome him. While this mouth-watering modak delicacy is an inseparable part of Ganesh Chaturthi celebrations, you can try and make it more often as it is a tasty treat for the whole family, especially the young ones. Offering to Ganesha usually concludes with an offering of 11 or 21 Steamed handmade modaks. On Sankashti Chaturthi which occurs every month and Angarki Chaturthi, steamed modak is made as an offering to the lord. We also have the recipe of modak made with modak mould. Enjoy modak | steamed modak | Ukadiche Modak for Ganesh Chaturthi recipe | modak made with mould | modak handmade recipe with detailed step by step photos.
buckwheat khichdi recipe | kutto khichdi | farali kutto khichdi | healthy kutto khichdi | with 15 amazing images. One look at this buckwheat khichdi recipe and you know that faaral foods can be more sumptuous and often more flavourful than everyday meals! The garnish of sesame seeds and coriander is to this kutto khichdi what a cherry is to icing! It really boosts the aroma and flavour of the kutto khichdi. As you start making this kutto khichdi, you might have some concerns about the stickiness of buckwheat, and the curdled look of the buttermilk when cooked. Worry not, everything will turn out perfectly when done! Team this irresistible kutto khichdi with Peanut Kadhi to make a satiating meal. See why we think this is a healthy kutto khichdi? Buckwheat, a cereal not known to many, is a good source of calcium. To stock up on your calcium and protein reserves and boost your bone health, apart from greens you should also include this cereal in your meals. Apart from buckwheat itself, other ingredients like curd, peanuts and sesame seeds used in this khichdi also lend substantial amount of calcium. In all this khichdi fulfills 27% (164.9 mg) of your daily calcium intake. Learn to make buckwheat khichdi recipe | kutto khichdi | farali kutto khichdi | healthy kutto khichdi | with step by step photos and video below.
sweet potato khichdi recipe | shakarkand upvas khichdi | rataloo chi khichdi | faral, vrat khichdi | with 25 amazing images. sweet potato khichdi recipe | shakarkand upvas khichdi | rataloo chi khichdi | faral, vrat khichdi is a simple recipes for fasting days that sync with upvas rules. Learn how to make shakarkand upvas khichdi. To make sweet potato khichdi, heat the oil in a deep non-stick pan, add the cumin seeds and curry leaves and sauté on a medium flame for 30 seconds. Add the sweet potatoes, potatoes, mix well and cover it with a lid and cook on a medium flame for 8 to 10 minutes, or till the potatoes are cooked, while stirring occasionally. Add the green chilli paste, lemon juice, coriander, peanuts, sugar and salt, mix well and cook on a medium flame for 3 minutes, while stirring occasionally. Serve hot. This simple but tasty rataloo chi khichdi is made with grated potatoes and sweet potatoes, tempered traditionally and flavoured with everyday ingredients like green chillies and lemon juice. We have added coarsely crushed peanuts to the recipe, to improve the flavour and texture. While we have used curry leaves and coriander in this sumptuous khichdi for upvas, you can avoid adding it if you wish to. Enjoy the faral, vrat khichdi hot and fresh with Rajgira ki Kadhi as a satiating meal. Tips for sweet potato khichdi. 1. There are two things you need to take care of, when making this khichdi. As you grate the potatoes and sweet potatoes, you should keep immediately placing them in water to avoid discoloration. 2. Also, when the Sweet Potato Khichdi is getting cooked, you must keep stirring it to avoid the grated potatoes sticking to the pan. 3. One of the popular Maharashtrian shakarkand upvas khichdi can be served with curds. Enjoy sweet potato khichdi recipe | shakarkand upvas khichdi | rataloo chi khichdi | faral, vrat khichdi | with step by step photos.
upvas masala dosa recipe | instant farali dosa | vrat ka sama dosa | with 28 amazing images. upvas masala dosa recipe | instant farali dosa | vrat ka sama dosa | is a yummy treat which can be enjoyed during the Indian fasting festivals. Learn how to make upvas masala dosa. instant farali dosa is made using sama which is also called as sanwa, moriyo, barnyard millet, bhagar. upvas masala dosa is a crispy, flavour-packed dosa just like the Rava Dosa, one of South India’s most famous snacks. Once cooked, it is difficult to differentiate between Sama Dosa and Rava Dosa! Here we have innovated the batter using ginger paste which enhances the flavour of the farali dosa and green chillies to add up the spicy note. Next what comes to your mind is chutney which is served in most South Indian restaurants with dosa. Do not despair, we have farali chutney which is peanut curd chutney as an accompaniment to vrat ka sama dosa. This together makes a completely satiating vrat fasting meal. Tips for upvas masala dosa. 1. The batter for the dosa has to be smooth and free of lumps on blending. 2. This dosa batter is thin and it will spread on its own by tilting the pan. There is no need to spread the batter with a ladle. 3. Always mix the batter before making every dosa, as the batter settles in the bottom. 4. Make sure to grease and sprinkle the tawa with water after making every dosa. 5. If you wish you can also add coriander in upvas aloo bhaji. Enjoy upvas masala dosa recipe | instant farali dosa | vrat ka sama dosa | with step by step photos.
how to make rajgira flour | how to make amaranth flour at home | with 6 amazing images We show you how to make rajgira flour | how to make amaranth flour at home in 6 simple steps. All you need to do is roast the amaranth seeds, cool and then blend. Your homemade rajgira flour is ready. With more and more people looking for healthy food alternatives, amaranth flour (rajgira flour) have come to the limelight and gained reputation as a super foods. Rajgira flour is rich in protein, ½ cup of amaranth seeds provides 14.7 g of protein. The high fiber in general can help bind excess cholesterol and excrete it from the body, thus maintain healthy levels of cholesterol. Well-deserved we would say. This traditional grain has ultimately got the attention it deserves. Amaranth or rajgira has innumerable health benefits. While the seeds can be used fresh, dried, popped and flaked, flour is the most popular form perhaps because of the sheer convenience of using it. You can use amaranth flour to make a variety of dishes, ranging from sheera to chapatis and puris. Rajgira flour, also known as Ramdana flour, is traditionally used to prepare non-cereal foods for consumption during religious fasts. It is also ideal for use in gluten-free diets. You can grind the dried rajgira seeds coarsely or finely depending on the recipe requirement. From healthy snacks like Rajgira Buckwheat Brown Rice Flour Khakhra to wholesome meals like Dahiwale Aloo Ki Subzi with Rajgira Puris, Rajgira ki Kadhi this Rajgira flour recipe can be used to make not only healthy but, vrat recipes too. Enjoy how to make Rajgira Flour recipe with detailed step by step photos below.
coffee recipe | Indian style instant coffee | easy homemade coffee | how to make milk coffee | Indian style instant coffee is a daily morning cuppa in many Indian households. Learn how to make milk coffee. To make instant coffee, combine 1 tsp instant coffee powder, 2 tsp sugar and 1 tbsp hot water in a serving cup and mix very well for 2 to 3 minutes or till the sugar dissolves. Pour ½ cup of hot milk over it and mix gently. Repeat steps 1 and 2 to make 3 more servings. Serve immediately. Nothing like a cup of instant coffee Indian style to jazz up your day! Instant Coffee tastes best when first made into a decoction with sugar and then mixed with milk. Easy homemade coffee is an instant energy booster for millions of people worldwide. While everyone has their own proportion of milk to water and sugar, here’s how to make the perfect cuppa... Milk coffee in India is available not only in restaurants but also sold by roadside vendors in small cups at a very reasonable price. Do give a try to this simple café style instant coffee. Tips for instant coffee. 1. Buy instant coffee powder and not coffee beans for this recipe. 2. If you like your coffee less sweet, then add only 1 tsp of sugar per serving. 3. Serve it with biscuits at tea-time. Enjoy coffee recipe | Indian style instant coffee | easy homemade coffee | how to make milk coffee | with video below.
farali pattice | farali aloo pattice | Mumbai roadside farali pattice | with 29 amazing pictures. Who says a person cannot feast when fasting! Faral means "fast" and farali pattice are designed specifically for those who are fasting. The name itself says, “Farali” meaning fast and pattice meaning “dumpling”. Farali pattice is a famous Gujarati snack which is consumed especially during the fasting days or religious occasions or also can be even had as a evening snack. The steps for making farali aloo pattice are divided, firstly the stuffing is made and the key ingredient to the stuffing is coconut. Other ingredients like roasted and coarsely powdered peanuts, finely chopped coriander (dhania), chopped raisins (kismis), chopped cashew-nuts (kaju), ( Both raisins and cashew-nuts enhance the taste and the mouthfeel of the Farali pattice) ginger-green chilli paste, sugar and lemon juice are also added and mixed together. Next mixture for potato only needs potatoes and arrow root for binding, we have used arrowroot flour as this is a fasting recipe. If you are not fasting then use cornflour. The potato mixture is flattened and the stuffing is put in the middle and is sealed by bringing all the sides together and shaped round. The farali aloo pattice is then rolled in arrowroot till evenly coated from all the sides, the coating of arrowroat adds a unique dimension to this otherwise common dish and further it is deep-fried till turns brown in colour. It is a famous mumbai street food dish and is also sold in some mithai shops. Whenever I make farali pattice, everyone gulps it down in minutes. It makes fasting better with its unique taste. My mother would make farali pattice alternate days for family members fasting during Navratri, also it would always be on the menu even when their would be another religious days like Ekadashi. You can have farali pattice with with sweetened curds and teekha chuntney to complete the mast experience! Enjoy how to make farali pattice | farali aloo pattice | Mumbai roadside farali pattice | recipe with detailed step by step photos and video below.
sabudana kheer recipe | how to make sabudana kheer | janmashtami vrat special recipe | Indian dessert for fasting | with amazing 17 images. sabudana kheer without jaggery is a tasty and satiating dessert, ideal to have on fasting days. Learn how to make sabudana kheer. sabudana kheer made of sabudana cooked in milk and sweetened with sugar, is a janmashtami vrat special recipe which has a very rich taste and interesting mouth-feel. As it keeps you full for a long time, sabudana is a popular food for fasting days. Due to its pleasant shape and unique texture, it is also loved by kids, so this sabudana kheer without jaggery is sure to become your entire family’s favourite! To make sabudana kheer, soak the sabudana and keep aside for 1 hour. Heat the milk in a deep non-stick pan and boil on a medium flame for 4 to 5 minutes. Add the soaked sabudana, mix well and cook on a medium flame for 12 minutes. Add the sugar, saffron and cardamom powder, mix well and cook on a medium flame for 2 minutes. Heat the ghee in a small non-stick pan, add the cashew nuts and raisins and sauté on a medium flame for 1 to 2 minutes. Pour it over the prepared sabudana kheer and mix well. Indian dessert for fasting is ready. Tips for sabudana kheer. 1. Soak the sabudana in the measured amount of water given here. 2. While cooking the sabudana in milk, remember to keep stirring the mixture occasionally so it does not stick to the bottom of the pan. 3. Saute the cashew nuts and raisins on a slow or medium flame, else they will burn easily. 4. This kheer tastes yummy when served chilled. So refrigerate for at least an hour before serving. You can also try other kheer recipes like Seb ki Kheer or Makhane ki Kheer. Enjoy sabudana kheer recipe | how to make sabudana kheer | janmashtami vrat special recipe | Indian dessert for fasting | sabudana kheer without jaggery | with step by step photos and video below.
farali idli sambar recipe | vrat sambar | navratri, vrat idli chutney | fasting idli sambar | farali idli sambar is a treat you should not miss on indulging during upvas. Learn how to make navratri, vrat idli chutney. The famous South Indian snack will not be missed out even on fasting days now. Delicious navratri, vrat idli chutney can be enjoyed by making the idlis with sanwa millet and sago with peanut used as a stuffing. Quite unusual you may think, but it’s worth a try! The sambar of vrat sambar is made with boiled vegetable purée. Tempered with only cumin seeds and spiced up with coriander seeds and boriya mirch, this sambar is indeed tasty and filling. You will not miss the dals too! To make farali idli sambar, make idli first. For that combine sama, sago, curd, rock salt and ginger green chilli paste. Blend and keep aside. For the stuffing, heat the oil in a non-stick kadhai and add the cumin seeds. When the seeds crackle, add the remaining 2 tsp of ginger-green chilli paste and sauté on a medium flame for a few seconds. Add the potatoes, sugar, lemon juice and rock salt, mix well and cook on a slow flame for 5 minutes. Cool and divide the stuffing into 16 equal portions. Put 1 tbsp of the idli batter into greased idli moulds, spread a portion of the potato stuffing over it. Sprinkle a little peanut powder over it and top it up with another tbsp of the idli batter. Steam in an idli steamer for 10 minutes or till done. Next, make sambar. For that cook 1 cup of bottle gourd, yam and potatoes, cool and blend till smooth. Add 4 cups of water and cook for 7 to 8 minutes. Add the remaining ½ cup of bottle gourd and yam, ground powder and rock salt, mix well and cook for 3 to 4 minutes. Then heat the oil in a small non-stick pan and add the cumin seeds. When the seeds crackle, add the remaining 2 round red chillies and sauté for a few seconds. Pour the tempering over the boiling sambar, mix well and simmer for another 3 to 4 minutes. Add the lemon juice and mix well. Serve fasting idli sambar with peanut curd chutney for an added dash of innovativeness. This combines roasted peanuts with the right ingredients like curd, ginger green chilli paste, cumin seeds and rock salt. In all, this recipe makes a wide variety of ingredients allowed during fasting and gives you a feast to enjoy during festivals. You can serve this fasting idli sambar for Navratri, Janmashtami, Ekadashi and other days of upvas etc. Tips for farali idli sambar. 1. Prefer fresh curd and not sour curd for soaking. 2. Simmer the sambar as mentioned at each step to get the perfect thick consistency. 3. You can avoid cinnamon if you wish to. Enjoy farali idli sambar recipe | vrat sambar | navratri, vrat idli chutney | fasting idli sambar | with recipe below.
farali misal recipe | upvas misal Indian snack | Maharashtrian upvasachi farali misal | quick upvas snack | with 28 amazing images. farali misal recipe | upvas misal Indian snack | Maharashtrian upvasachi farali misal | quick upvas snack. Learn how to make Maharashtrian upvasachi farali misal. To make farali misal, combine the peanuts, coconut, coriander and approx. 4 tbsp of water in a mixer and blend till smooth. Keep aside. Heat the oil in a deep non-stick pan and add the cumin seeds and sauté on a medium flame for a few seconds. Add the potatoes and sauté on a medium flame for 2 to 3 minutes. Add the prepared peanut-coconut paste, mix well and cook on a medium flame for 1 minute, while stirring occasionally. Add the chilli powder, salt and 1½ cups of hot water, mix well and cook on a medium flame for 6 to 8 minutes, while stirring occasionally. Pour half the portion on a serving bowl. Top it with 2 tbsp of farali chivda and 2 tbsp of masala salli evenly over it. Repeat steps 5 and 6 to make 1 more serving. Serve immediately. Misal is an all-time favourite Maharashtrian snack that is tasty, energising and nutritious. Here, we have created a faraali version of this popular snack - upvas misal Indian snack, so you can top up your energy reserves on fasting days too. Potato cubes are cooked with an out of-the-world masala that combines peanuts, coconut and coriander. This gives the Maharashtrian upvasachi farali misal a wonderful flavour and interesting mouth-feel too. This quick upvas snack has the blend of varied textures - from perfectly cooked potato cubes to juicy raisins of the farali chivda. Top it with farali chivda and masala salli to enhance the flavour and further add an exciting crunchy texture. You can also have a go at other faraal recipes like Kand Aloo Pakoda or Buckwheat Dhokla. Tips for farali misal. 1. Prefer to use grated coconut so blending is easier. But if you don’t have it, add finely chopped coconut and ensure after blending there are no pieces left behind. 2. To decrease cooking time, you can cook the potatoes in a microwave instead of the traditional way of cooking them in a pressure cooker. 3. Some people do not include coriander in their list of fasting food. If so, you can avoid it. 4. Some people do not use chilli powder also during fasting. You can replace it with green chilli paste. 5. We have used rock salt in this recipe as it is allowed in upvas cooking. But if you wish, you can add table salt. 6. The misal can be made in advance, but it should be re-heated and topped with farali chivda and potato salli just before serving. This is because the chivda and salli may otherwise make the misal dry. Also with time, the misal and chivda will become soggy. Enjoy farali misal recipe | upvas misal Indian snack | Maharashtrian upvasachi farali misal | quick upvas snack | with step by step photos.
filter coffee recipe | South Indian filter coffee recipe | kaapi | Kumbakonam degree coffee | Mylapore filter coffee | Madras kaapi | with 15 amazing images. South Indian Filter Coffee, with its stimulating aroma, is like an alarm clock that can wake you up even when you are dog-tired! An everyday beverage in Tamil Nadu and Karnataka, Filter Coffee has now become popular throughout the country. Filter Coffee is made using a special utensil that has two parts. The upper part has a perforated base, which allows the decoction to seep through into the lower half, which is basically a container. To make Filter Coffee, you need to put the coffee powder into the upper strainer-like container, press it using the special inverted-umbrella shaped attachment and top it with hot water. Check out our collection of hot and cold coffee based beverages like Orange Coffee , Banana Coffee Frappe and many more. Slowly, decoction collects in the lower container. If you do not have this special coffee filter, you can line a strainer with muslin cloth, place it over a container and follow the same procedure. Here is how to make the perfect filter coffee recipe | South Indian filter coffee recipe | kaapi | Kumbakonam degree coffee | Mylapore filter coffee | Madras kaapi with detailed step by step photos and video below.
healthy buckwheat dhokla recipe | kuttu dhokla | high fibre buckwheat dhokla | healthy dhokla - breakfast recipe | with 24 amazing images. healthy buckwheat dhokla recipe | kuttu dhokla | high fibre buckwheat dhokla | healthy dhokla - breakfast recipe is a nourishing breakfast or snack with amazing health benefits. Learn how to make kuttu dhokla. To make healthy buckwheat dhokla, clean and wash the buckwheat in enough water only once. Washing it more will cause the starch to drain out. Drain the excess water using a strainer. Combine the buckwheat, curds and 1/3 cup of water in a deep bowl and mix well. Cover with a lid and keep aside to soak for at least 4 to 5 hours. Add the green chilli paste, ginger paste and salt. Add 1/2 tsp fruit salt (optional). Let the bubbles form. Mix batter gently. Pour half the batter into a greased 175 mm. (7") diameter thali and spread evenly by rotating the thali clockwise. Steam in a steamer for 10 to 12 minutes or till the dhoklas are cooked. Repeat to make 1 more thali. Cool slightly, cut into pieces and serve immediately. Snacks don't always have to be fat traps! With a bit of tact, you can make healthy versions of most of your all-time favourites. So, you get the best of both worlds – great taste and good health. Here is a delicious healthy dhokla - breakfast recipe that proves the point. Buckwheat is one such cereal which has a well balanced amino acid and thus is a high quality protein, especially for vegetarians. This protein when served in the form of kuttu dhokla can help to maintain cell health of various organs like skin, heart, liver and even immune cells. Rutin found in buckwheat helps maintain blood flow and prevents fatty clot formation in the arteries. It improves heart health and is beneficial for those suffering from heart ailments. Now, get ready for the surprise. There is no oil used in making this delectable snack. So this no fat, high fibre buckwheat dhokla is good for those having high blood cholesterol levels also. Its low GI makes it a suitable choice for diabetics too. A good source of fibre helps to keep you full for long hours and keep the gut healthy too! This and many more nutritional benefits - make healthy buckwheat dhokla a good snack for all! Tips for healthy buckwheat dhokla. 1. Remember to wash the buckwheat so as to remove the starch. Wash it once and not many times. 2. Depending on the weather and temperature in your area, the soaking time will vary. We suggest a minimum of 4 hours of soaking which can increase to 5 to 6 hours during winter season. Enjoy healthy buckwheat dhokla recipe | kuttu dhokla | high fibre buckwheat dhokla | healthy dhokla - breakfast recipe | with step by step photos.
sweet potato rabdi recipe | shakarkand rabri | rabdi for vrat, upvas, fasting | with 26 amazing images. sweet potato rabdi recipe | shakarkand rabri | rabdi for vrat, upvas, fasting is a gratifying sweet which can be enjoyed during upvas. Learn how to make shakarkand rabri. To make sweet potato rabdi, first put the milk to boil in a broad non-stick pan. Add the sweet potatoes and cook on a slow flame for 15 minutes or till the potatoes are tender, while stirring occasionally. Add the sugar, mix well and cook on a slow flame for 2 minutes, while stirring occasionally. Add the saffron-milk mixture and cardamom powder and mix well. Cool sweet potato rabdi lightly and then refrigerate for 1 hour. Serve the sweet potato rabdi chilled garnished with almond and pistachio slivers. Sweets are an integral part of Indian meals. Shakarkand rabri is a unique mithai which is delicately flavoured with saffron and cardamom powder. This is sure to make you feel like a king! Since sweet potato has an innate sweetness, the amount of sugar to be added is also less. Garnished with almonds and pistachios, you will be amazed to see how closely this quick sweet potato rabdi resembles the traditional, time consuming recipe. Enjoy it during fasting festivals like Janmashtami, Holi, Navratri etc. Adding grated sweet potatoes along with milk being boiled to make rabdi helps achieve the desired consistency and texture quite easily and quickly, without much ado. This is because the grated sweet potato, once cooked, gives a texture similar to the creamy chunks found in traditional rabdi. If you like rabdi for vrat, upvas, fasting, then also do try mithais using sweet potatoes like Sweet Potato Halwa or Sweet Potato Puranpoli. Tips for sweet potato rabdi. 1. Cook on a slow flame for 15 minutes or till the potatoes are tender, while stirring occasionally. You need to stir the sides and the bottom of the pan from preventing the milk from burning. 2. Always use full-fat milk to make sweet potato rabri | shakarkand rabdi | it gives a rich and creamy consistency. 3. Cook rabri on a slow to medium flame only. 4. Always serve sweet potato rabri chilled. Enjoy sweet potato rabdi recipe | shakarkand rabri | rabdi for vrat, upvas, fasting | with step by step photos.
shakarkand ka halwa recipe | faral sweet potato halwa | navratri vrat ka halwa | upvas ka halwa | with 26 amazing images. shakarkand ka halwa is a way to satisfy your sweet cravings during fasting days. Learn how to make navratri vrat ka halwa. An irresistibly sweet dish made from a sweet ingredient! Try this unique faral sweet potato halwa made using sweet potatoes, flavoured with cardamom powder and saffron, and enriched with nuts to keep your energy levels high. This upvas ka halwa is a pleasurable experience for all those who enjoy warm gooey desserts. This desi mithai is a tad above all the mithais. The use of saffron and cardamom are its flavour enahncers, while the mixed nuts like almonds and pistachios added a shahi touch further. This navratri vrat ka halwa is sure to lift up your spirits of the festival while warming up your soul and giving you a feeling of satiety. To make shakarkand ka halwa, combine the saffron and warm milk in a small bowl, mix well and keep aside. Heat the ghee in a deep non-stick pan, add the sweet potatoes and sauté on a medium flame for 2 to 3 minutes. Add the milk, ½ cup of water, sugar and cardamom powder and mix well. Cook on a slow flam for 2 to 3 minutes or till the mixture has little liquid remaining and not completely dry, while stirring continuously. Switch off the flame, add the saffron-milk mixture and mixed nuts and mix well. Serve immediately. Tips for sshakarkand ka halwa. 1. Make sure you sauté the sweet potatoes for the recommended time, so that the raw smell goes off, and you get a rich aroma. 2. Cook the sweet potato mixture on a slow flame only and keep stirring it continuously so it doesn’t burn and stick to the sides of the pan. 3. When you switch off the flame, the halwa should be of a soft, semi-solid consistency and not completely dry. Check out extensive collection of Faaral recipes. Enjoy shakarkand ka halwa recipe | faral sweet potato halwa | navratri vrat ka halwa | upvas ka halwa | with step by step photos and video below.
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