The shape of the fruit varies and it may be lopsided, irregular, spherical, heart shaped, or round. It has a creamy and granular textured flesh, with lots of seeds. The skin of custard apple is tough, mostly black and green in colour. The fruit is native to West Indies, Central America, Peru and Mexico. Check out the article to know about the nutritional value and benefits of custard apples in detail.
1. Custard Apple Benefits to Reduce Oxidative Stress :
The plant, Annona squamosa traditionally known as custard apple possesses potent bioactive principles in all its parts. There are many antioxidants in custard apple like vitamin C, flavonoids, phenolic compounds. These antioxidants are helpful in reducing the oxidative stress by scavenging free radicals in the body.
2. Good for Bones :
Almost 50% of the Recommended Daily Allowance of Vitamin K can be met by consuming 100 grams of Custard Apple. Vitamin K plays a role in bone metabolism. Has a potential protection against osteoporosis (1). Vitamin K is also involved in preventing the loss of bone density. It also contains Phosphorus which helps to develop and maintain healthy bones.
3. Helps in Wound Healing :
Vitamin K’s role in blood clotting has been well established and it helps in wound healing. Another vitamin present in custard apple responsible for its wound healing effects is Vitamin C (2). The fruit also contains Manganese which is involved in wound healing.
4. Custard Apple Benefits for Heart :
Custard Apples are good source of magnesium as 100g of the fruit provides 24% of the Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) of Magnesium. Magnesium helps maintain nerve function and normal heartbeat (3). Magnesium deficiency is associated with Congestive Heart Failure (4) therefore, it is important to obtain optimal magnesium from the diet. Having Custard Apples can reduce the risk of Congestive Heart Failure.
5. Good for Hypertension :
Being low in sodium it is safe to be consumed by hypertensive individuals.
6. High Fibre Benefits of Custard Apple :
It is high in fibre i.e. it provides 22% of the Recommended Daily Allowance of fibre to an adult. Fibre has many health benefits like aids digestion, prevents constipation, decreases cholesterol, and has detoxifies the body by binding with harmful substances.
7. Good for Skin Health :
Custard apple contains a variety of B-complex vitamins like Riboflavin, Niacin and Pyridoxine which make the skin healthy. Vitamin C protects the skin from ultraviolet induced erythema (redness) (6). B-complex vitamins protect against cellular damage caused by ultraviolet light (7).
8. Hepatoprotective Effects :
Consuming custard apple can have a protective effect on the liver by causing a reduction in the SGOT, SGPT, ALKP and serum bilirubin levels (8).
9. Custard Apple Benefits to Fight Cancer :
The anti-cancer properties of custard apples appear to be due to a class of compounds called acetogenins which are specifically found in Annonaceaous species. Acetogenins have been tested in vitro against 60 types of cancer cells, including breast, prostate and colon (9).
Nutrition Information for Custard Apple
1 whole medium Custard Apple is approx. 265 grams
1 medium Custard Apple without the peel is approx. 137 grams.
1 medium deseeded Custard Apple is approx. 96 grams
Nutritional Information for 1 serving of Custard Apple
One serving of Custard Apple is 100 grams.
RDA stands for Recommended Daily Allowance.
104 Calories
1.6 grams of Protein
23.5 grams of Carbs
0.4 grams of Fat
37.0 mg Vitamin C = 92.5% of RDA (about 40 mg)
See full nutritional details of custard apple in Custard Apple glossary click here.