Healthy Fresh Juices

Fresh juices! Ah…the name itself is so refreshing, and these juices fit conveniently into our hectic schedules too! Here are some nutrient-packed juices, which you can include in your day-to-day diet. Various combinations of natural ingredients like fruits and vegetables are used innovatively to come up with tongue-tickling juices. Delightfully free from additives, synthetic colours and sugar, these fresh juices will leave you refreshed, and also answer your hunger pangs in a healthy and 'fruitful' way!

Turn to freshly made juices to consume a healthy portion of vegetables/ fruits daily at one go. For example, one cup of carrot juice is approximately equivalent to four cups of raw chopped carrots. I am sure a glass of juice early in the morning or anytime of the day can easily fit into our busy lifestyles.

Although eating fruits and vegetables in their natural state does provide us with a substantial amount of vitamins and minerals, juicing benefits us equally. It is true that some amount of fibre is lost while juicing in a hopper and by the process of straining after juicing in a juicer. However, the digestive enzymes and the nutrients are retained in the juice, which are easily absorbed by our body.

Remember, despite the fact that juices provide us with a quick and easy way to increase our nutrient intake, do make it a point to include whole fruits, vegetables, whole grains and legumes in your daily diet.

Top 10 Benefits of Juicing

1. Energizing and satiating

2. A chockfull of vitamins, minerals and enzymes (that make food easier to digest)

3. Provides natural sugars

4. Quick and easy to prepare

5. Easily absorbed

6. Powerful blood cleanser

7. Detoxifies the body

8. Replaces lost fluids and electrolytes (e.g. sodium and potassium)

9. Concentrated phyto-nutrients and antioxidants that help fight diseases

10.  Proven healing properties

Juices and Drinks is the way to go!

See what Indian's are drinking. Also check out our fresh juices, green juices and vegetables juices  to live a super healthy lifestyle.

ginger lemon drink recipe | ginger lemon water for weight loss, detox and anorexia | Indian adrak lemon water | with 11 amazing images. Nothing like a natural, caffeine-free cuppa to relieve a headache. What – no caffeine, but cures headache? Yes, this ginger lemon drink recipe is a really pleasant surprise for anybody with a headache. Learn how to make ginger lemon water for weight loss, detox and anorexia. Grate the ginger and extract its juice, add lemon juice and warm water in mentioned amounts, mix it and enjoy it warm. It is so simple to make Indian adrak lemon water. With every sip of ginger lemon drink recipe, you will find a refreshing energy tingling through your cells, and as a good side-effect, you will realize it soothes your throat too and relives cold and cough if any. Remember to make this ginger lemon water for weight loss, detox and anorexia just before drinking, to reap most of its benefits. You can sip on this drink 3 to 4 times in a day in a portion size that you can handle. Enjoy ginger lemon drink recipe | ginger lemon water for weight loss, detox and anorexia | Indian adrak lemon water | with step-by-step photos.
karela juice recipe for diabetics | bitter gourd juice for weight loss, blood pressure, glowing skin | healthy karela juice | with 10 amazing images. Karela Juice is a boon for those with diabetes, because the high dose of insulin and other anti-diabetic substances in the karela plant help to control blood sugar levels! It is suggested that diabetic people have healthy karela juice first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. Doing this regularly is sure to avoid unnecessary spike in blood sugar levels. Plus, being a good source of potassium, Karela Juice is beneficial for those with high blood pressure too. Antioxidants vitamin A and vitamin C work to give you glowing skin, healthy eyesight and better immunity too. Being low in carbs, thisbitter gourd juice for weight loss, blood pressure, glowing skin helps in weight loss too. So, Karela Juice is good not just for diabetics but for anybody! So, how do you make this juice properly so that it tastes good and you will enjoy having it in the morning? Well, dilute it with the right proportions of water and spike it up with a little salt and lemon juice. Isn’t that easy? And it tastes good enough to have every day! Here’s how to make Karela Juice... To make karela juice, combine the karela and ½ cup of water in mixer and blend till smooth. Strain the mixture using ½ cup of water. Add the lemon juice and salt and mix bitter gourd juice well. Enjoy how to make karela juice recipe for diabetics | bitter gourd juice for weight loss, blood pressure, glowing skin | healthy karela juice | with detailed step by step photos below.
mint honey lemon drink recipe | lemon mint and honey water | pudina nimbu drink | lemon mint water | with 15 amazing images. mint honey lemon drink recipe | lemon mint and honey water | pudina nimbu drink | lemon mint water is a nutritious drink packed with punch and nourishment. Learn how to make lemon mint and honey water. To make mint honey lemon drink, combine the honey, lemon juice, cumin seeds powder, salt and 2½ cups of warm water in a deep bowl and blend it using a hand blender. Add the mint leaves and mix well. Pour the drink into 4 individual glasses and serve immediately. A perfect cuppa to have in the mornings, the pudina nimbu drink has a zesty flavour that shakes you awake. Having this refreshing drink nice and warm is not only very soothing, but also helps to break down fat and lose weight. Honey energizes and lends you the strength you need in the morning, while lemon, mint and cumin lend a wonderful flavour and also improve your digestion. The salt is optional in this lemon mint water, but a pinch will help highlight the flavours well. The lemon juice in lemon mint and honey water also lends enough vitamin C to help ward off the harmful free radicals from the body, which otherwise can lead to chronic diseases like heart disease and cancer. Vitamin C is a nutrient which is also necessary to add glow to your skin and prevent bleeding gums. Tips for mint honey lemon drink. 1. Choose the perfect mint leaves. Look for mint leaves that have firm, unwilted leaves, are vividly deep green in color with no signs of yellowing or browning. 2. Serve the drink immediately as vitamin C is a volatile nutrient and some of it is lost on exposure to air. 3. Also ensure the drink is warm while serving. Enjoy mint honey lemon drink recipe | lemon mint and honey water | pudina nimbu drink | lemon mint water | with step by step photos.
An icy cold, refreshing sorbet ideal for a hot summer’s day! With sweet mangoes, tangy lemon and zingy ginger, the Mango Ginger Sorbet will touch every cell in your body and tickle them back to life even at the most tiring moments.
broccoli and pear juice recipe | Indian broccoli detox juice | pear apple broccoli juice for weight loss | with 16 amazing images. broccoli and pear juice recipe | Indian broccoli detox juice | pear apple broccoli juice for weight loss is a quick and easy way to increase our nutrient intake. Learn how to make Indian broccoli detox juice. In today’s hectic lifestyle, stress is one thing that haunts most people. Worries about office, about kids, family, finance, and what not cloud our minds, while lack of routine, exercise and relaxation stress out the body. A proper blend of diet, exercise and lifestyle changes is needed to beat stress, and on the first front, we offer you a delicious broccoli and pear juice that does wonders for your mind and body. Broccoli, the key ingredient of this Indian broccoli detox juice, is rich in antioxidants like vitamin A and vitamin C, which are very effective in beating stress. The fruits used in the preparation of this juice are also chockfull of antioxidants and fiber, and they help to perk up the bland taste of broccoli too. To finish it, the black salt accentuates the flavours further, making the drink a delightful treat. Since this juice is low in calories and most of the fiber is retained as it is not strained, it is a wise pick for weight-watchers. This pear apple broccoli juice for weight loss is also great to maintain digestive health. A treat for your senses, heart patients can enjoy it to in the morning or in between meals as an antioxidant boost which can help to reduce inflammation and protect heart. Tips for broccoli pear and apple juice. 1. Add 10 to 12 ice cubes. You can also use crushed ice. This will chill your juice. 2. Add 1 1/4 cups apple cubes (unpeeled). Apples are naturally sweet and hence there is no sugar added to this juice. Enjoy broccoli and pear juice recipe | Indian broccoli detox juice | pear apple broccoli juice for weight loss | with step by step photos.
coconut water with coconut meat | coconut water with malai | benefits of coconut water | nariyal ka paani with malai | with 14 amazing images. Coconut water with coconut meat is a refreshing drink. Coconut water with malai has a nice texture, which is quite unlike any juice you have ever had before. Learn how to cut coconut and make nariyal ka paani with malai in a step-by-step fashion. Making coconut water with coconut meat is very simple. Cut open the tender coconut, remover coconut water and coconut meat and blend them together in a mixer till smooth. The art is to learn how to cut open the coconut to get coconut water and malai. The roadside vendors who sell these coconut are the people who have mastered this art. Coconut water with coconut meat has a pulpy texture, and when served chilled, it tingles your taste buds with the mildly-sweet but electrifying flavour, which is unique to coconut water. The best way to serve coconut water with malai, is to chill the coconut water earlier, but blend the drink just before serving. Do not blend it and then refrigerate because it will lose its fresh taste and texture. The are many benefits of coconut water. It is a cooling drink which is quite pleasing to the stomach. It can relieve acidity and help balance the water and electrolyte balance in the body. Kids, adults, senior citizens – all can have this healthy drink. Coconut water with coconut meat is enough to recharge you after a tiring day. Enjoy coconut water with coconut meat | coconut water with malai | benefits of coconut water | nariyal ka paani with malai | with step by step photos.
pineapple apple and cucumber juice | detox pineapple cucumber drink | weight loss apple pineapple juice | healthy apple cucumber drink | with 10 amazing images. A glass of this healthy apple cucumber drink early morning is sure to keep you fresh through the day. Learn how to makepineapple apple and cucumber juice | detox pineapple cucumber drink | weight loss apple pineapple juice | healthy apple cucumber drink | This refreshing and hydrating weight loss apple pineapple juice is a great way to start your day. The pineapple and apple provide sweetness, while the cucumber adds a refreshing and crisp flavor. This detox pineapple cucumber drink is rich in fibre, antioxidants, also a good source of vitamins C and K, as well as potassium. Pineapple not only adds slight tang but also adds a dose of vitamin C which build your immunity. Pro tips to make pineapple apple and cucumber juice: 1. If you find difficulty while blending the juice add little water and then blend. 2. Serve the juice immediately to avoid it from getting discoloration. 3. Do not peel the fruits and do not strain the juice to avail its best benefits. Enjoy pineapple apple and cucumber juice | detox pineapple cucumber drink | weight loss apple pineapple juice | healthy apple cucumber drink | with detailed step by step photos.
carrot, spinach and parsley juice recipe | Indian carrot parsley juice | spinach carrot celery juice for detox | with 18 amazing images. carrot, spinach and parsley juice recipe | Indian carrot parsley juice | spinach carrot celery juice for detox is a healthy concoction which can help flush toxins from your body. Learn how to make Indian carrot parsley juice. Juices are a good way of keeping up your veggie consumption even on busy days. You can quickly prepare a glassful of Indian carrot parsley juice and slurp it up in a jiffy, or even carry it along in a leak-proof container to relish on-the-go. While we have used spinach and parsley, you can also use other greens of your choice. However, make sure you toss in a little lemon juice because they pep up the flavour of the spinach carrot celery juice for detox remarkably. The refreshing veggies (carrot, spinach, parsley, celery) combine to make a super carrot, spinach and parsley juice which is rich in fibre to keep a check on blood cholesterol levels. Carrots and spinach have been credited with antioxidants like beta carotene, lutein, xanthin etc. which help to fight the harmful free radicals in the body. These together also contribute to eye, hair and skin health. They help add glow to skin and prevent the onset of age related eye diseases. Sip on this healthy spinach carrot celery juice for detox at any time during the day or include it as a part of breakfast and top up your nutrition quotient. Tips for carrot, spinach and parsley juice. 1. Since the juice is not strained, ensure to peel the carrots. 2. Since parsley and celery are difficult to find at times, you can replace them with fresh mint leaves. Enjoy carrot, spinach and parsley juice recipe | Indian carrot parsley juice | spinach carrot celery juice for detox | with step by step below.
beetroot juice recipe | healthy Indian beetroot juice | calcium, Vitamin C and folic acid rich chukandar juice | with 13 amazing images. Learn to make beetroot juice recipe which is a healthy Indian beetroot juice for all to enjoy for a healthy breakfast. Bones form the framework your body rests on… and this calcium, Vitamin C and folic acid rich beetroot juice will make sure they remain healthy and strong forever! This beetroot juice is not only rich in calcium but also provides a treasure trove of other nutrients like vitamin C and folic acid. Carrots make the juice sweet that works well as a base when combined with juice of other fruits and vegetables. It is advised to drink fresh healthy Indian beetroot juice as it contains more easily assimilated calcium than milk. The high nitrate content of beetroots which get converted to nitric oxide result in the expansion the blood vessels and thereby lowering the blood pressure and ensuring proper oxygen flow to all parts of the body. So this is a perfect healthy Indian beetroot juice for those suffering from high blood pressure. Skip adding the kala namak in the recipe for those with high blood pressure. Chukandar has an important colour pigment called betalain, which not only gives beet its deep red colour but also has powerful antioxidants, anti-inflammatory and fungicidal properties. Tips for beetroot juice recipe. 1. Add 12 icecubes. This will chill the juice. 2. Carrots provide the necessary sweetness to the no sugar beetroot juice. 3. Carrots have the nutrient Beta Carotene which is a form of vitamin A, helps prevent deterioration of the eye as one gets older and prevents night blindness. Enjoy beetroot juice recipe | healthy Indian beetroot juice | calcium, Vitamin C and folic acid rich chukandar juice | with step by step photos.
A bright-coloured orange drink to welcome a clear, sunny day! You will love this tasty drink as it innovative and extremely healthy too, with the goodness of fresh aloe vera. While the pineapple, papaya and aloe vera juice is a good addition to anybody’s breakfast , it is highly recommended for those with hypertension. Aloe vera helps manage blood pressure as it dilates capillaries and enhances circulation, thus ensuring a proper flow of blood. It is also rich in vitamin c, which according to scientific research helps lower blood pressure. Besides, aloe vera also works wonders for the skin! a diet that includes natural sources of potassium, such as pineapples, lessens the effect of sodium and thus lowers blood pressure. Coming to papaya, this wonderful fruit not only adds bulk to the juice but also contains a compound called papain, which helps to regulate blood pressure .
anti cancer anti inflammation spinach juice | healthy Indian palak tamatar juice | cancer fighting detox juice | with 15 amazing images. anti cancer anti inflammation spinach juice is a detox juice everyone must have. Learn how to make healthy Indian palak tamatar juice. Some foods are so easy to make yet so beneficial, you feel like saying – oh, why didn’t I know about this earlier! Well, the anti cancer anti inflammation spinach juice is a perfect example. An apt blend of ingredients like spinach and tomatoes in anti cancer anti inflammation spinach juice gives it a nice taste and consistency, while at the same time these ingredients are bursting with nutrients that work against cancer and inflammation, two of today’s killer diseases. Because we do not strain the healthy Indian palak tamatar juice, make sure you blend it really well. Give the mixer a break in between to avoid overheating. Once done, chill the juice and serve to boost the taste. If you don’t want it cold, you can have it right away! anti cancer anti inflammation spinach juice is rich in Vitamin C, Vitamin A, Folic Acid. With only 20 calories for a glass of anti cancer anti inflammation spinach juice, this is a perfect detox juice to have for weight loss. You can also try other nice juices like the Muskmelon Watermelon and Wheat Grass Juice and Palak, Kale and Apple Juice. Pro tips for anti cancer anti inflammation spinach juice. 1. See that you give a break while you are blending the juice or else the mixer will get hot, if it is not a high end mixer. 2. Folate or Vitamin B9 rich spinach helps your body to produce and maintain new cells, especially red blood cells It also helps prevent DNA changes that might cause cancer. Sometimes, when you complain of fatigue, skin problems or palpitations, the doctor prescribes folic acid tablets. Simple solution is to up the Folate rich foods like Spinach. 3. When one thinks of Tomatoes, only Lycopene comes to mind. Lycopene in the blood may reduce the risk of cancer and other diseases and decrease cellular inflammation. 4. You can replace apple cider vinegar with lemon juice. Enjoy anti cancer anti inflammation spinach juice | healthy Indian palak tamatar juice | cancer fighting detox juice | with step by step photos.
tomato orange carrot and papaya juice recipe | papaya carrot juice | benefits of orange carrot papaya juice | healthy carrot papaya juice for skin | with 12 amazing images. tomato orange carrot and papaya juice recipe | papaya carrot juice | benefits of orange carrot papaya juice | healthy carrot papaya juice for skin is a perfect morning concoction to rejuvenate our senses and gain in some nutrients. Learn how to make healthy carrot papaya juice for skin. To make tomato orange carrot and papaya juice, combine all the ingredients along with ¾ cup of water in a mixer and blend till smooth. Strain the mixture using a strainer. Pour equal quantities of the juice into 4 individual glasses and top with 1 ice cube in each glass. Serve immediately. Health-freaks will definitely love this drink not just for its nutrients but also for its colour and taste. The fruits and vegetables used to prepare this papaya carrot juice have been carefully chosen, which is infused with sufficient vitamin A, vitamin C and digestive enzymes, to meet a daily requirement. There are more benefits of orange carrot papaya juice too! It is very satisfying and satiating and provides only 67 calories! All the fruits and veggies lend good amounts of fibre too. To retain the fibre, use a strainer with a big hole to strain the juice. Further, this healthy carrot papaya juice for skin is brimming with antioxidants like lycopene and papain which helps to remove the harmful free radicals from the body, which otherwise may damage our skin less and lead to early wrinkles before ageing. These antioxidants also help in preventing the onset of cancer. Health Tips for tomato orange carrot and papaya juice. 1. We suggest you use a high quality blender which requires no straining. This fibre is sure to keep you full for a long time. 2. Also serve this immediately upon blending as vitamin C is a volatile nutrient and some of it is lost on exposure to air. 3. If serving for weight loss, do not add the ice-cubes. Enjoy tomato orange carrot and papaya juice recipe | papaya carrot juice | benefits of orange carrot papaya juice | healthy carrot papaya juice for skin | with step by step photos.
carrot apple beetroot and spinach juice recipe | beet spinach and carrot juice | carrot beet spinach juice benefits | healthy carrot beet detox juice | with 19 amazing images. carrot apple beetroot and spinach juice recipe | beet spinach and carrot juice | carrot beet spinach juice benefits | healthy carrot beet detox juice is an antioxidant filled juice, perfect for morning. Learn how to make beet spinach and carrot juice. To make carrot apple beetroot and spinach juice, add the carrot cubes, apple cubes, beetroot cubes and spinach a few at a time in the juicer. Add some crushed ice in 2 individual glasses and pour equal quantities of the juice over it. Serve immediately. This healthy carrot beet detox juice is perfect to cleanse the body of toxins and also great for times when you need to concentrate. This brain-booster will keep your mental faculties in top gear! The antioxidants like beta carotene, lutein, xanthene, betalin etc work together to reduce inflammation in the body and protect the health of all the organs including the heart and the brain. Beetroots, carrots and spinach also contain iron, folic acid and vitamin C, all of which improve the oxygen-carrying power of blood and thereby increase brain power, concentration and memory. Carrot apple beetroot and spinach juice will avoid fatigue setting in. An all-in-one great drink to increase your vitality. Though some amount of fibre is lost in making carrot beet spinach juice in juicer, you can benefit from the remaining. With 63 calories per glass, it is a wise addition to a healthy diet. A glassful of paired with Mini Green Moong Dal Chila is sure to keep you and your family satiated and bubble with energy for a long time. Enjoy carrot apple beetroot and spinach juice recipe | beet spinach and carrot juice | carrot beet spinach juice benefits | healthy carrot beet detox juice | with step by step photos.
carrot parsley juice recipe | carrot parsley celery Indian drink | healthy carrot ginger parsley juice | no sugar juice | with 15 images. carrot parsley juice is a healthy Indian juice. Learn how to make carrot parsley celery Indian drink. celery and parsley juice make for an exotic combination that takes the not-so-interesting carrot juice up several notches in the favourite list. This simple carrot and parsley juice makes a great energy and immune booster. Carrot juice has always been refreshing. Just a touch of parsley to this juice adds enough vitamin C and folic acid to your diet which is sure to do wonders to your skin. The high water content in celery makes it ideal for vegetable juicing. To make carrot and parsley juice, in a high quality blender add the carrot cubes, parsley, celery, ginger and lemon juice. Add 3 cups chilled water, 12 ice-cubes. Blend till smooth and creamy. Serve carrot and parsley juice immediately. Pair it with a wholesome salad like Masala Mixed Sprouts Salad with Coconut or Carrot Cucumber and Rajma Salad in Mint Dressing that is filling and healthy. Main ingredients for carrot parsley juice. Carrots bring a natural sweetness to the juice, balancing the slightly grassy and peppery notes of parsley. Carrot is great for the eyes. They relieve constipation, lower blood pressure, have fibre and lower cholesterol. chopped parsley. While carrots offer a sweet and earthy taste, parsley adds a peppery, slightly bitter note. Adding parsley to your meals daily will help you build your red blood cells count and haemoglobin levels and overcome anaemia. Pro tips for carrot parsley juice. 1. Add 2 tsp chopped ginger. Ginger adds a spicy, warming kick to the naturally sweet carrot and earthy parsley. Ginger is an effective cure for congestion, sore throat, cold and cough. It aids digestion and relieve constipation. 2. Add 2 tbsp lemon juice. Lemon juice adds a bright, zesty acidity that cuts through the natural sweetness of carrots and balances out the earthy undertones of parsley. Lemon juice can enhance the existing flavors of carrot and parsley, making them seem more vibrant and alive. Lemon is a very good source of vitamin C and thus helps in the production of white blood cells and antibodies in the blood which attacks invading microorganisms, prevents infection and builds immunity. Enjoy carrot parsley juice recipe | carrot parsley celery Indian drink | healthy carrot ginger parsley juice | no sugar juice | with step by step photos.
how to make pear juice recipe | fresh pear juice | homemade pear juice | pear juice for babies | with 11 amazing images. fresh pear juice is a pure fruit juice which is a healthier option to store-bought canned juices. Learn how to make homemade pear juice. To make pear juice, combine the pear and ½ cup of water in a mixer and blend it till smooth. Strain the mixture using a strainer. Serve immediately. Untainted by additives, made with fruit and nothing but fruit, this fresh pear juice is a fabulously refreshing experience. The naturally attractive aroma and pleasing colour of pear make this juice seem like nectar. Indeed, there is goodness oozing out of every sip. This homemade pear juice is brimming with vitamin C. A glass of pear juice fulfills 24% of our day’s requirement of this vitamin. This key nutrient helps us to build a healthy immune system and fight various diseases like common cold and cough. It also prevents the onset of chronic diseases like cancer and heart disease by maintaining cell health. People with heart disease can have ½ cup of this fresh pear juice. Some amount of fiber is lost in straining. Hence, we suggest they should avoid straining the juice to retain most of the fiber. It is the fiber which helps to maintain healthy cholesterol levels. Kids and senior citizens can also sip on this pear juice for babies during summers. It is the perfect way to make up for your fluid intake and maintain water balance in the body. Tips for pear juice. 1. Pear Juice is quite sweet by itself. Avoid adding extra sugar and extra calories. 2. Just make sure you have it as soon as it is blended and strained. This is to avoid the juice from changing its colour. Moreover, vitamin C is a volatile nutrient. Some of it is lost on exposure to air. 3. We do not recommend this juice for diabetics. Enjoy how to make pear juice recipe | fresh pear juice | homemade pear juice | pear juice for babies | with step by step photos.
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