Healthy Indian Drinks and Juices for Weight Loss

 Healthy Indian Drinks and Juices for Weight Loss. Juicing has become a new concept to weight loss these days. While whole fruits should definitely be one’s preferred choice as they are have all the fiber intact, juices if made the right way and consumed in right quantities at right time will help in weight loss. It is said that early morning on an empty stomach is the best time to have a glass of health potion of juice. This will help you begin your day with a nutrient and energy boost and satiate you as well.

Choose Fruits Packed with Vitamin C for Indian drinks and Juices

Amla, grapefruit, orange, sweet lime, pomegranate, strawberry, black jamun are some of the healthier options to stock up in your refrigerator. These vitamin C rich fruits help build our immune system and ward of inflammation too. Try and avoid juicing them in a hopper as that would lead to a lot of fiber loss. Use a good quality juicer instead. These days many varieties of juicers are available which help to keep most of the fiber intact while juicing. Black Jamun Apple Drink, Amla Ginger Juice and Melon and Black Grape Juice are flavourful combos to start your day with and also a good swap to unhealthy calorie laden snacks in the evening.

Toss in Handful of Veggies Too for Indian drinks and Juices

Why only fruits should be added to a juicer? There are umpteen veggies which pair well with fruits. Red capsicum, broccoli, cucumber, tomato, beetroot, carrot and greens like spinach are a few to name which top this list.

These are not only commonly available but liked by most too. You can benefit from the antioxidants they offer like carotenoids from carrot, lycopene from tomato, lutein from broccoli and so on…. These juices will accelerate your metabolism and aid in burning fat. A few suggested fruit-veggie combos include Muskmelon and Cucumber Juice, Broccoli and Pear Juice and Palak Kale and Apple Juice.  

Reach Out for Healthy Smoothies as a Mini Snack Option for Indian drinks and Juices

A tall glass of healthy smoothie whipped up with vitamin and mineral rich ingredients like fruits and curd is sure to keep you full for a long time. Remember to avoid adding sugar to these healthy variants. Sugar will unnecessarily add on to calories and waistline and increase inflammation in the body too. And that’s not what you intend… Right? Use a tsp of honey if need be as taste and flavour enhancer.

Choose fruits like peach, pear, guava, apple, papaya, berries etc. – basically fruits which are a little denser and not just water filled. These will yield thick smoothies. Papaya and Green Apple Smoothie, Green Smoothie and Triple Berry Fruit Smoothie are few options we suggest you must try.

You can be a little more wise and toss in some protein and additional fiber too by way of healthy seeds like flax seeds and chia seeds. Peach Yoghurt Smoothie is a perfect example of this which makes use of chia seeds. 

You can even add eggs or almond milk to smoothies as we have done in the recipe of Carrot Tomato and Egg Smoothie and Apple Dragon Fruit Vegan Smoothie.

Indian Teas

Mumbai’s favourite Cutting Chaai is the most famous drink to be had first thing in the morning. Though tea has antioxidants, but it’s the Green Tea without sugar and milk which reaps maximum health benefits. Try the recipe of Phudina Green Tea.

If you love exploring a variety of tea, we have many options that are essentially healthy. Fresh Mint and Lemon Tea, Tulsi Tea, Herbal Caffeine Free Tea and Orange Green Tea. These will avoid weight gain, help you rejuvenate and not hinder nutrient absorption which otherwise caffeine drinks would do to some extent.

It’s just a matter of being accustomed to the taste and once habituated to it, you would in reality long for its fragrance. Believe it or not fresh herbs do show their wonder, whatever you cook with it!

Indian Green Juices for Detox 

Juice Diets is the real zing these days. Yes juice help cleanse your system and detox you. But do not opt to consider them as meal replacements. Make a small portion of juice and enjoy it! It’s a quick and instant way of making up for your vitamins and minerals. Greens abound in antioxidants which play a major role in our body. They help ward off the free radicals which otherwise are one of the cause of chronic diseases like cancer and heart disease. Moreover they do not add on too many calories, fat nor carbs – so they aid in weight loss.

In reality, you can explore a variety of flavours with greens like lettuce, spinach (Spinach and Mint Juice), broccoli, mint, celery, cucumber (Cucumber Cooler) etc. Each of them have their own peculiar taste. But none of them will lend sweetness to the drink. Well, don’t despair! You can balance of the taste and add a touch of sweetness by pairing it correctly with fruits and vegetables like Apple, Beet, Pear, Carrot etc. as done in Broccoli and Pear Juice to balance the strong taste of broccoli.

To further enhance the flavour, toss in some more ingredients like ginger, lemon or fresh herbs like parsley. Ginger will add on gingerol which is a powerful antioxidant again and lemon will show its health magic by way of adding vitamin C, another potent antioxidant. All these will help build a strong immune system and build a healthy YOU!

To juice greens, you will have to use a high quality juicer which cuts the veggies and juice good portions. And remember to drink it the very minute you make it to benefit from all the nutrients, as a few of them are volatile and lost in contact with air.

Indian Home Remedy Drinks

Indians have a cure for almost any ailment through wisdom passed on through centuries. The best way to top up your iron is Halim. All you need to do is just soak it for about 2 hours, add lemon juice and have it. Lemon juice adds flavour along with vitamin C – a nutrient which further helps in the absorption of iron. Start having this health drink to ward off anaemia

Turmeric, the wonder food is used in Warm Honey Water and Turmeric to cut down body inflammation which happens from eating processed foods. The day you feel you over eaten at a party, sip on a glass of this drink next morning to cleanse your body. To sleep better, try Soothing Sleep Inducer Drink. Honey Ginger Tea works great for curing cough and cold.

Neem Juice has a lot of medicinal benefits, and is especially good for your hair, skin and stomach. While diabetics are usually not advised to drink juices, a small portion of Karela Juice is proven to be beneficial for them. It helps manage blood sugar levels better. Try it out!

To improve vision, you can rely on red-yellow drinks which abound in vitamin A like Papaya Pineapple Juice, Carrot Spinach and Parsley Juice and Melon Magic.

Start Juicing TODAY!!

Enjoy our  Healthy Indian Drinks and Juices for Weight Loss and other Indian drinks and juices articles below. 

Healthy Fresh Juices

Fresh juices! Ah…the name itself is so refreshing, and these juices fit conveniently into our hectic schedules too! Here are some nutrient-packed juices, which you can include in your day-to-day diet. Various combinations of natural ingredients like fruits and vegetables are used innovatively to come up with tongue-tickling juices. Delightfully free from additives, synthetic colours and sugar, these fresh juices will leave you refreshed, and also answer your hunger pangs in a healthy and 'fruitful' way!

Turn to freshly made juices to consume a healthy portion of vegetables/ fruits daily at one go. For example, one cup of carrot juice is approximately equivalent to four cups of raw chopped carrots. I am sure a glass of juice early in the morning or anytime of the day can easily fit into our busy lifestyles.

Although eating fruits and vegetables in their natural state does provide us with a substantial amount of vitamins and minerals, juicing benefits us equally. It is true that some amount of fibre is lost while juicing in a hopper and by the process of straining after juicing in a juicer. However, the digestive enzymes and the nutrients are retained in the juice, which are easily absorbed by our body.

Remember, despite the fact that juices provide us with a quick and easy way to increase our nutrient intake, do make it a point to include whole fruits, vegetables, whole grains and legumes in your daily diet.

Top 10 Benefits of Juicing

1. Energizing and satiating

2. A chockfull of vitamins, minerals and enzymes (that make food easier to digest)

3. Provides natural sugars

4. Quick and easy to prepare

5. Easily absorbed

6. Powerful blood cleanser

7. Detoxifies the body

8. Replaces lost fluids and electrolytes (e.g. sodium and potassium)

9. Concentrated phyto-nutrients and antioxidants that help fight diseases

10.  Proven healing properties

Juices and Drinks is the way to go!

See what Indian's are drinking. Also check out our fresh juices, green juices and vegetables juices  to live a super healthy lifestyle.

Healthy Hot Indian Drinks

Cut back your caffeine intake and pump up your morning routine with these amazing hot drinks! This section is sure to perk you up with a wonderful range of teas and other such healthy hot beverages, which are sure to boost your energy and immunity level! Enjoy these hot beverages and live a healthier, happy life.

Ginger, Tulsi and Honey Tea options

Nothing can be more comforting than a cup of garma garam chai or other such warm beverage which lifts up your spirit when you feel dull or tired. Substitute your morning tea with this wonderful hot drinks! Honey ginger tea works wonders for the body. Ginger being an anti-inflammatory agent helps in treating asthma, reduces respiratory problems, aids in digestion. Known more for its health benefits, Tulsi Tea uses one of India’s most sacred herbs – the holy basil. Fresh tulsi leaves are added to the brew and strained.  It refreshes your mind and improves your immunity!

Green Tea

Off lately, Green Tea has been a popular beverage and everyone swears by it. After all, it is loaded with anti-oxidants and has positive effects on everything from weight loss to liver disorders, type 2 diabetes, and Alzheimer's disease. It is available in powdered form, tea-bags or loose leaves. It can be made into different variants Phudina green tea which has a peppy, minty flavor or an Orange green tea which has a tangy, fruity flavor.

Hot Drinks for Cold, Sore throat and Indigestion

Grandmothers all over the world have faith in the decoctions they make or 'Kadha' as they say. These home remedies help in battling common cold, sore throat, flu, indigestion. Here are a few natural remedies for your soul. Fresh herbal tea, warm honey lemon water with turmeric, honey ginger tea, warm lemon water with turmeric are made using basic ingredients like holy basil leaves, ginger, turmeric, honey have different properties that protect you from inflammation and help in faster recovery. Binged on a lot of your favorite snack? Do not worry! Have a glass of this pudina pani that will aid in digestion.

Turmeric, the wonder ingredient

Another amazing ingredient is 'turmeric'. Turmeric offers many health benefits since it has anti-inflammatory, anti-septic and anti-oxidant properties. It is also rich in iron, vitamins, calcium and magnesium. Sip on this ajwain and turmeric milk and bid adieu to an irritating throat.

Suffering from stuffy nose and congestion? Sip on some tomato rasam to sooth your throat. Rasam means "juice" in Tamil and Telegu. It can be made in different flavours using varioous ingredients. You can also make jeera pepper rasamgarlic rasambuttermilk rasam or dal rasam.

Healthy Green Juices

Here is a super collection of Healthy Green Juices. Each juice we have chosen has ensured there all vegetabels are healthy and have a low glycemic index. The net result is that you will have a slow release of energy over time and your blood sugar will remain constant. That is the way for weight loss and a healthy life style.

At the Tarla Dalal office, this Palak, Kale and Apple Juice is made daily. Kale is considered by experts to be one of the most nutrient-dense ingredients in the world, and fortunately for us, it is tasty too, especially when you choose the mildly-flavoured, small-leaved variety. The ingredients are rich in Iron, Vitamin C and High Fiber, which makes it a nutritious snack for weight-watchers.

7 Ingredients used in Green Juices

7 Ingredients used in Green Juices
1. Spinach
2. Mint
3. Broccoli
4. Cucumber
5. Kale
6. Avocado
7. Karela

You will find our articles on Fresh Juices, Healthy Indian Drinks collection interesting. See what Indian's are drinking.

Healthy Vegetable Juices

Health professionals have always stressed about the advantages of having fresh fruits and vegetables at least 5 to 6 times a day to make up for ones nutrient requirement. But the question that arises is "Does our daily diet encompass so much raw fruits and vegetables?"

The quick and simple way is to have a Vegetable juice daily. It's easy to make and you get to use the fresh Vegetables which are low in calorie and provide all the necessay Antioxidants to fight lifestyle diseases.

We have stayed away from using sugar, milk and preservatives in making juices. That keeps it simple and healthy.

Green Vegetable Juices

You can choose helathy green juices like Spinach and Mint Juice which is a healthy cleanser to start your day. Then have the cholesterol friendly and fibre rich Carrot Spinach Juice.

Tomato Based Vegetable Juices

Tomatoes are a super source of Lycopene which is a powerful anitoxidant and protects the heart.  So have the super tasty Tomato Apple Drink

Carrot Based Vegetable Juices

Carrots have the nutrient Beta Carotene which is a form of Vitamin A, helps prevent detoriation of the eye as one gets older and prevents night blindness. The Carrot Pepper Juice helps lower blood pressure and cholesterol.

5 key points to keep in mind while making Vegetable Juices

1) All vegetables should be juiced raw. Always choose vegetables that are ripe but firm.
2) Choose only the freshest produce for juicing. Wilted greens will produce juices that are neither tasty nor healthy.
3) Make sure that all the fruits and vegetables are cleaned thoroughly as they are to be consumed raw.
4) For maximum freshness, flavour and nutrients, cut or chop the vegetables just before you are ready to juice them.
5) Do not peel or core the vegetables as most of the fibre lies just beneath the skin. All leafy vegetables (spinach, lettuce, celery etc.), carrots, apples and citrus fruits (outer peel removed) can be easily passed through the hopper. A word of caution here, seeds of fruits like apple, pear, sweet lime, oranges etc. are toxic and hence should be discarded, so should the top and leaves of carrots.

Juices and Drinks is the way to go!
See what Indian's are drinking. Also check out our fresh juices, green juices and vegetables juices to live a super healthy lifestyle.

Healthy Indian Fruit Juices

Our juices and drinks are made from the best ingredients. Always choose your fruits from our Low Glycemic Index list. They help you stay healthy and keep your fat burning up. We all want to burn fat and this is one great way.

Most of us find it difficult to have 3 to 4 servings of fruits a day. Just make a fresh juice and you are set. Make that a daily habit and you are on your way to a healthier life style. Fruits are low in calorie and aid in weight loss.

Try some Muskmelon drinks even though they are medium Glycemic Indexbut yet they are healthy. On hot summer days have Muskmelon with Cardamom or try Muskmelon with Oranges for healthy breakfast.

Amla + Ginger combine to give a super healthy Indian juice. Amla is rich in Vitamin C, which helps to boost your immunity, reduce stress and fight the signs of ageing too. Ginger is anti-inflammatory, and also helps to balance the flavour of amla in this juice.

Your Guide to Juicing with Fruits at Home

Juicing is indeed a great way to add fruits to our diet, which we need for maintaining good health. To most of us though, juicing is a fairly new idea… here are a few points to help all you beginners out.

1) All fruits should be juiced raw. Always choose fruits that are ripe but firm.
2) Choose only the freshest produce for juicing. Bruised fruits, wilted greens and over or under-ripe fruits will produce juices that are neither tasty nor healthy.
3) Make sure that all the fruits are cleaned thoroughly as they are to be consumed raw.
4) For maximum freshness, flavour and nutrients, cut or chop the fruits just before you are ready to juice them, as nutrients like Vitamin C are lost as soon as the cut fruit is exposed to the atmosphere. Also fruits like apple and banana do oxidise as soon as they are exposed to air.
5) Do not peel or core the fruits as most of the fibre lies just beneath the skin. All leafy citrus fruits (outer peel removed) can be easily passed through the hopper. A word of caution here, seeds of fruits like apple, pear, sweet lime, oranges etc. are toxic and hence should be discarded, so should the top and leaves of carrots.

Juices, Smoothies and Drinks is the way to go!

See what Indian's are drinking. Also check out our fresh juices, green juices and vegetables juices to live a super healthy lifestyle.

Top Recipes

anti cholesterol shake recipe | low cholesterol papaya banana orange smoothie | healthy Indian shake good for heart | with 10 images. anti cholesterol shake is a simple, quick way to keep your cholesterol in check. Learn to make low cholesterol papaya banana orange smoothie. anti cholesterol shake is a combination of orange, papaya and banana blended together to make a filling drink that beats cholesterol! This unusual combination of fruits is rich in potassium, vitamin C and fibre in healthy Indian shake good for the heart. Banana is an excellent source of potassium, the deficiency of which is associated with the change in the normal pattern of the heartbeat. This anti cholesterol shake satiates the hunger pangs while keeping the building up of cholesterol levels at all time low. Papaya in anti cholesterol shake being rich in vitamin A and vitamin C helps to protect against heart diseases by oxidizing the excess cholesterol. Enjoy anti cholesterol shake recipe | low cholesterol papaya banana orange smoothie | healthy Indian shake good for heart | with step by step photos.
minty lemongrass milk recipe | lemongrass milk with mint | lemongrass milk for cold | lemongrass ginger turmeric milk | minty lemongrass milk is a soothing drink for your throat. Learn how to make lemongrass ginger turmeric milk. To make minty lemongrass milk, combine 2 cups of water, lemongrass stalks, mint leaves and sugar, mix well and boil. Simmer for 5 to 7 minutes till the aroma is released and the water is reduced to half. Add the ginger and chai masala, mix well and boil on a slow flame for 1 minute. Add the milk, bring to a boil and simmer on a slow flame for 4 to 5 minutes, while stirring occasionally. Add the turmeric powder, mix well and boil on a slow flame for 1 minute. Remove from the flame and strain using a strainer. Pour into 2 individual glasses and serve hot. A hot glass of lemongrass milk with mint can be very comforting indeed, especially when it is pepped up with aromatic spices. Here is a hot cuppa that will soothe your senses and rejuvenate you when a bad cold saps your energy. All the ingredients in this recipe are wisely chosen. While some prefer lemongrass tea without milk, some find a hot glass of lemongrass milk for cold more soothing and satiating. Lemongrass and mint leaves add vitamin C to this pleasing beverage, helping to relieve cold and cough by improving immunity levels. Turmeric powder added to this lemongrass ginger turmeric milk also works wonders by protecting your body from infections. It exhibits its antibacterial and antiseptic properties. Ginger has a unique sharp flavour and its bioactive compound ‘gingerol’ also has antimicrobial properties. We have strained the ginger in this lemongrass milk for cold, but if you like the mouthfeel and flavour you can avoid the straining and chew on it. Tips for minty lemongrass milk. 1. You can also finely chop the mint leaves and avoid straining and enjoy chewing them. 2. The sugar in the recipe has been used in minimal quantity and also mentioned as optional. It is best avoided, since it is a source of food for microorganisms. Enjoy minty lemongrass milk recipe | lemongrass milk with mint | lemongrass milk for cold | lemongrass ginger turmeric milk | with recipe and video below.
apple beet carrot juice recipe | abc Indian juice | healthy carrot, beet, ginger, apple drink | with 14 amazing images. apple beet carrot juice is a Phosphorus and fibre rich drink. Learn to make healthy carrot, beet, ginger and apple drink. Kick start your day with this energy boosting apple beet carrot juice. Rich in flavour and nutrients, it satisfies aesthetic as well as nutritional demands. The abc Indian juice contains beetroot, which is the richest source of natural sugars. The Nitrates present in beet aid in detoxification and help lower bad cholesterol (LDL) levels. Carrots in apple beet carrot juice relieve constipation, lower blood pressure, have fibre and lower cholesterol. Tips for apple beet carrot juice. 1. Add chopped ginger (adrak). Adding ginger gives a super flavour to abc juice. 2. Only a high quality mixer will blend carrots. 3. Add 1 cup water. This makes it easier to blend the hard carrots. Enjoy apple beet carrot juice recipe | abc Indian juice | healthy carrot, beet, ginger, apple drink | with step by step photos.
amla honey juice recipe | amla honey shot | amla honey juice for weight loss | healthy amla juice with honey | Indian gooseberry juice detox drink | with 17 amazing images. amla honey juice recipe | amla honey shot | amla honey juice for weight loss | healthy amla juice with honey | Indian gooseberry juice detox drink is a nourishing drink for all the health conscious. Learn how to make amla honey juice for weight loss. To make Amla honey shotamla honey juice, combine the Indian gooseberry, star-anise powder and 1½ cups of water in a mixer and blend till smooth. Strain the liquid and keep aside. Combine the strained liquid and honey and mix well in a mixing glass. Pour juice into 4 small glasses. Serve chilled Amla honey shot, the sour indian gooseberry and honey – this is definitely a match made in heaven! Star anise contributes a faint but appreciable aroma and flavour to the drink. Amla is a storehouse of vitamin C. One glass of this Indian gooseberry juice detox drink is enough to fulfil your day’s requirement of this nutrient. It helps you cleanse the system and build immunity to fight various diseases including some chronic disease like cancer. Further star anise has shikimic acid in it which is known for its anti-viral properties. The use of honey, and not sugar, makes amla honey juice for weight loss suitable for those aiming weight loss. With 37 calories per glass, this drink can be enjoyed by heart patients too. This healthy amla juice with honey is also a good source of fibre, though some of it is lost in straining. Tips for amla honey juice. 1. Remember not to add too much star anise, else it steals the show without letting the other ingredients to shine. 2. Try and serve it immediately to benefit the maximum from the vitamin C in it. Enjoy amla honey juice recipe | amla honey shot | amla honey juice for weight loss | healthy amla juice with honey | Indian gooseberry juice detox drink | with step by step photos.
Pineapple and Cucumber Juice is a vitamin C and iron rich express to prevent the skin from drying out and to reduce facial lines. Vitamin C, in conjunction with protein, is necessary for the production of collagen - the glue that holds our skin together and circumvents sags or wrinkles. It regulates sebaceous (oil producing) glands to keep skin from drying out; helps prevent facial lines and wrinkles. This may explain why people who consume healthy amounts of vitamin C containing foods have a fresh complexion and a healthy state of mind. Snack into a scrumptious Carrot and Green Peas Sandwich or Rajma and Spinach Wrap along with Pineapple and Cucumber Juice for a beautiful you.
carrot apple beetroot and spinach juice recipe | beet spinach and carrot juice | carrot beet spinach juice benefits | healthy carrot beet detox juice | with 19 amazing images. carrot apple beetroot and spinach juice recipe | beet spinach and carrot juice | carrot beet spinach juice benefits | healthy carrot beet detox juice is an antioxidant filled juice, perfect for morning. Learn how to make beet spinach and carrot juice. To make carrot apple beetroot and spinach juice, add the carrot cubes, apple cubes, beetroot cubes and spinach a few at a time in the juicer. Add some crushed ice in 2 individual glasses and pour equal quantities of the juice over it. Serve immediately. This healthy carrot beet detox juice is perfect to cleanse the body of toxins and also great for times when you need to concentrate. This brain-booster will keep your mental faculties in top gear! The antioxidants like beta carotene, lutein, xanthene, betalin etc work together to reduce inflammation in the body and protect the health of all the organs including the heart and the brain. Beetroots, carrots and spinach also contain iron, folic acid and vitamin C, all of which improve the oxygen-carrying power of blood and thereby increase brain power, concentration and memory. Carrot apple beetroot and spinach juice will avoid fatigue setting in. An all-in-one great drink to increase your vitality. Though some amount of fibre is lost in making carrot beet spinach juice in juicer, you can benefit from the remaining. With 63 calories per glass, it is a wise addition to a healthy diet. A glassful of paired with Mini Green Moong Dal Chila is sure to keep you and your family satiated and bubble with energy for a long time. Enjoy carrot apple beetroot and spinach juice recipe | beet spinach and carrot juice | carrot beet spinach juice benefits | healthy carrot beet detox juice | with step by step photos.
pudina lassi recipe | mint lassi | Indian yogurt mint drink | mint sweet lassi | with 12 amazing images. pudina lassi recipe | mint lassi | Indian yogurt mint drink | mint sweet lassi is a perfectly sweet summer drink which is best served chilled. Learn how to make Indian yogurt mint drink. To make pudina lassi, combine the mint leaves, black salt, sugar and cumin seeds powder in a blender and blend till you get a semi-smooth paste. In a large bowl add the curd and whisk till smooth. Add the prepared paste to the whisked curd and whisk till smooth. Serve the pudina lassi immediately in small individual glasses garnished with mint leaves. Here we give a minty twist to the classic Punjabi lassi. Cool and creamy, this refreshing Indian yogurt mint drink gets even more zesty with the addition of mint. The combination of mint and black salt not only gives the drink a unique taste, but also boosts it health benefits – by improving digestion and inducing a cooling effect. Think mint, and cool is the first word that comes to mind! Indeed, mint is best known for its cooling effect, and is an ideal ingredient to include in summer drinks. This mint sweet lassi with hints of cumin seeds is pleasing to the eye and taste buds both. Choosing the perfect mint leaves is very important for this mint lassi. Look for mint leaves that have firm, unwilted leaves, are vividly deep green in color with no signs of yellowing or browning. Leaves that are smaller in size will be more tender and have a milder flavour. Tips for pudina lassi. 1. Ensure to use thick curds, else the lassi will be too runny. Prefer curd made with buffalo milk over cow’s milk. 2. To make a salty version of pudina lassi, just omit the sugar and add salt to taste instead. Try other drinks using curd like Black Grapes and Curd Smoothie, Ayran, Turkish Yoghurt Drink or Piyush. Enjoy pudina lassi recipe | mint lassi | Indian yogurt mint drink | mint sweet lassi | with step by step images.
lemon apple juice recipe | lemon and apple juice benefits | apple lemon cooler | how to make apple and lemon juice | lemon apple juice is a healthy, refreshing and energising Indian potion for early morning. Learn how to make apple and lemon juice. To make lemon apple juice, add the apple cubes a few at a time in the juicer. Add the lemon juice and mix well. Add some crushed ice in 2 individual glasses and pour equal quantities of the juice over it. Serve apple lemon cooler immediately. “An apple a day keeps the doctor away”, says the proverb and it's almost true. Apples are a storehouse of fibre which helps to keep your digestive tract healthy. Apples contain an enzyme called 'polyphenolase', which when comes in contact with oxygen produces coloured phenolic compounds that impart undesirable brown colour to the pieces. However, some amount of fibre is lost in the process of juicing. Hence we recommend that you use a high quality blender and not strain the juice, to benefit the most from apple lemon cooler. A dash of lime cuts through the sweetness perfectly and zips up the flavour of this apple and lemon juice. It also adds enough vitamin C. This key nutrient is important to build immunity and fight diseases. With 108 calories per glass, this sugar free nourishing drink is a great addition to your breakfast. From kids to adults to senior citizens and even pregnant women all can indulge into this apple and lemon juice. You can serve it to kids after play time when they need an energy boost and make up for their water requirement too! Tips for lemon apple juice. 1. To prevent the apple from browning, cut the apples just before juicing or simply squeeze lemon juice over the pieces. 2. Use unpeeled apples preferably, as much of the fibre lies beneath the skin of the fruits. 3. Serve it immediately to benefit from the vitamin C from lemon juice. This is because vitamin C is a volatile nutrient and some of it is lost on exposure to air. 4. We do not recommend this juice for diabetics as it can be a dose of excess carbs at a time. Enjoy lemon apple juice recipe | lemon and apple juice benefits | apple lemon cooler | how to make apple and lemon juice.
apple cinnamon soya shake recipe | healthy Indian apple cinnamon soya milkshake | spiced apple soy drink | with 15 amazing images. apple cinnamon soy milkshake is a refreshing and healthy Indian-inspired breakfast option. Learn how to make spiced apple soy drink. I'm thrilled to present to you a captivating and distinct indulgence that will tantalize your palate and have you yearning for another sip - the apple cinnamon soya milkshake! Imagine the perfect combination of sweet red apple flavors blended with the warm and comforting essence of cinnamon. This apple cinnamon soya milkshake is a heavenly blend of creamy goodness and autumn vibes, making it an irresistible choice for any time of the year. To make apple cinnamon soya milkshake , start by gathering the following ingredients: fresh apples, soya milk, cinnamon powder, and a touch of honey (optional) for added sweetness. Begin by chopping the apple into pieces. Leave the skin on to enjoy the complete benefits of apples. Next, in a blender, combine the chopped apples, soy milk, a sprinkle of cinnamon powder, ice cubes and blend everything together until you achieve a smooth healthy Indian apple cinnamon soy milkshake of creamy consistency. The result is a spiced apple soy drink that boasts a perfect balance of flavors. The natural sweetness of the apples pairs beautifully with the warm and aromatic notes of cinnamon, creating a harmonious blend that will leave you wanting more. apple cinnamon soy milkshake main ingredients. Apples: Being low in sodium, apples are effective against high blood pressure because of its diuretic effect. Don't peel the fruit to get maximum apple benefits. Cinnamon, dalchini, cinnamon powder: Cinnamon with its antioxidant power has the ability to reduce inflammation in the body and thus reduce the risk of various chronic diseases like heart disease, diabetes, cancer etc. Soya milk , also known as soy milk, is a popular plant-based alternative to cow's milk. Lactose-Free : Soya milk is naturally lactose-free, making it an excellent choice for individuals who are lactose intolerant or have a dairy allergy. Low in Saturated Fat: Soya milk is typically low in saturated fat, which can be beneficial for heart health. Cholesterol-Free: Soya milk is naturally cholesterol-free, which can be advantageous for heart health and reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases. To enhance the experience, consider garnishing your apple cinnamon soy milkshake with a sprinkle of cinnamon on top or a dollop of whipped cream. Whether you enjoy this milkshake as a refreshing treat on a warm summer day or as a comforting indulgence during the colder months, the apple cinnamon soy milkshake is sure to become a favorite in your repertoire of dessert delights. pro tips of apple cinnamon soy milkshake . 1. Apples are naturally sweet, so they can help to sweeten a milkshake without adding any added sugar. Being low in sodium, apples are effective against high blood pressure because of its diuretic effect. Don't peel the fruit to get maximum apple benefits. 2. Soy Milk can add creaminess to a smoothie, making it more luxurious and flavorful and a good source of calcium and protein. Milk can help to thicken a smoothie, making it more enjoyable to drink. 3. Adding a little honey is a good option to further sweeten a smoothie. It is a natural sweetener that has a mild flavor that can complement the flavors of the other ingredients in the smoothie. 4. Adding cinnamon powder to a milkshake can give it a warm, spicy, and slightly sweet flavor. Cinnamon is a spice that is often used in baking and desserts, and it can add a unique flavor to milkshakes. 5. If you want to enjoy a cold and refreshing smoothie, adding ice cubes is a must. The ice cubes will melt as they are blended, which will help to thicken the milkshake. Enjoy apple cinnamon soya shake recipe | healthy Indian apple cinnamon soya milkshake | spiced apple soy drink | with step by step photos
This duo of bananas and yoghurt will provide for plenty of calcium and energy in your diet which is helpful throughout your 9 months of pregnancy. Be it early morning or mid afternoon, this refresher is sure to lift your spirits up.