Iron Deficiency (Anaemia) Hypothyroidism Diet, Indian Anaemia Recipes for Hypothyroidism 

Iron Deficiency (Anaemia) Hypothyroidism Diet, Indian Anaemia Recipes for Hypothyroidism. Hypothyroidism is a condition in which the thyroid gland of our body fails to produce enough thyroid hormone which means it’s not converted to its active form – T3. With the onset of hypothyroidism, the reduced thyroid levels leads to fatigue, dizziness, dry skin, shortness of breath etc. One of the major cause of these symptoms is iron deficiency. 

How are Iron Deficiency and Thyroid Hormones Related?

The reduced thyroid levels leads to suppression of bone marrow activity which in turn may lead to reduced production of red blood cells (RBC) and thus cause anaemia. This may further lead to not enough oxygen and nutrients being supplied to other parts of the body and so you may feel drowsy and tired through the day. 

In fact, some research also states that iron deficiency can be one of the cause of hypothyroidism. This is because iron is not only responsible for RBC production but also for production of thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH). Hypothyroidism also hinders the conversion of T4 to T3 leading to its decreased levels.  Some researchers also believe that women in child bearing stage often have thyroid disorders due to reduced iron stores.

Thus the two are inter-dependent.

What to Eat to Increase Iron Levels in Hypothyroidism?

Well the treatment of iron deficiency is often based on the iron levels in the body. Your doctor may prescribe you iron supplementation. Additionally, you can help yourselves by following an Iron Rich Diet along with foods to manage hypothyroidism. 

10 ways to increase Iron Levels in Hypothyroid.

1. Reach out of iron rich ingredients like dals (Dal Moghlai), pulses (Rajma Salad), sesame seeds (Cucumber and Sesame Seeds Salad), leafy vegetables like mint (Minty Quinoa), fenugreek (Methi Moong Dal Subzi) etc. fruits like watermelon (Watermelon and Mint Salad) and pineapple. 

2. Enhance your intake of vitamin C as it helps to increase iron absorption. Reach out for lemon juice, grapefruit, berries etc. 

3. Do not pair calcium rich foods with iron. It hinders in iron absorption. 

4. Limit the intake of caffeine and alcohol as they also impede iron absorption from food and medication both. 

5. Foods like spinach, soy and cruciferous veggies like cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli etc. are not very thyroid-friendly. Avoid them as far as possible. Look for other vegetables instead. Try Dal and Vegetable Idli.

6. If you have bloating problem or diarrhea, avoid gluten from wheat, semolina, rye and barley.  

7. Oats (Oats Idli), buckwheat, quinoa (Quinoa Avocado Veg Healthy Salad) and brown rice are best cereals to rely on. 

8. Weight gain is common in hypothyroidism. So control the fat added to your meals. Also keep an eye on carbs you consume along with a control over the portion size to achieve your weight loss targets if any. 

9. Have iodized salt as your thyroid needs iodine to make thyroid hormones. But do not overdo with the salt intake. Just ensure that you aren’t deficient in iodine.

10. Don’t miss out on adding antioxidants to your diet too. Carrot, tomato, capsicum, pumpkin, avocado, cucumber are few veggies you can certainly add on to your pantry. 

Iron deficiency anemia is reversible and can be treated. The best idea is to meet your doctor and understand this condition very well. Follow it by consulting a dietitian and know the foods that are best for you. Make a list of foods to be avoided and then go ahead and plan your meal. 

Enoy our Iron Deficiency (Anaemia) Hypothyroidism Diet, Indian Anaemia Recipes for Hypothyroidism and other thyroid recipe articles below. 

Hypothyroidism Diet Recipes
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High Blood Pressure Hypothyroidism Diet Recipes
High Cholestrol Hypothyroidism Diet Recipes
Pregnancy Hypothyroidism Diet Recipes
Weight Loss Hypothyroidism Diet Recipes
Hyperthyroidism Diet Recipes
Diarrhea Hyperthyroidism Diet Recipes
High Calorie Diet Multi Nutrient Food Recipes
Pregnancy Hyperthyroidism Diet Recipes

red lentil soup recipe | Indian style red lentil vegetable soup | heart friendly red lentil soup for weight loss | with 29 amazing images. red lentil soup recipe | Indian style red lentil vegetable soup | heart friendly red lentil soup for weight loss is a soothing bowl which can be enjoyed at any time of the day. Learn how to make Indian style red lentil vegetable soup. To make red lentil soup, heat a small non-stick pan and when hot, add the mint leaves and dry roast on a slow flame for 3 minutes. Keep aside. Combine the masoor dal, onions, carrot, tomatoes and 2 cups of water in a pressure cooker, mix well and pressure cook for 2 whistles. Allow the steam to escape before opening the lid. Cool slightly and blend in a mixer till smooth. Transfer the mixture into a deep non-stick pan, add the roasted mint leaves, chilli flakes, salt, 1 cup of water and mix well and cook on a medium flame for 3 to 4 minutes, while stirring occasionally. Serve hot. There is an unmistakable Turkish influence in this red lentil soup. Made with the humble masoor dal, this soup is so wholesome and satiating, it can double up as a one-dish meal on days when you feel tired and need a bit of pampering and soul-warming! Lentils give protein to strengthen the cells of your body and iron to build the haemoglobin stores. Vegetables like tomatoes, onions and carrot along with mint give this Indian style red lentil vegetable soup more nutrients like fibre and antioxidants along with an exotic flavour too. Munch on Baked Tortilla Chips or Jowar and Sesame Khakhra along with this heart friendly red lentil soup for weight loss for a satiating feel. Diabetics and heart patients too can include this soup as a part of their daily menu. Tips for red lentil soup. 1. If you don’t have mint on hand, replace it with any dried herbs of your choice. 2. The soup may thicken if you keepit for a long time. So it is recommended to add water and adjust the consistency of the soup before re-heating and serving. Enjoy red lentil soup recipe | Indian style red lentil vegetable soup | heart friendly red lentil soup for weight loss | with step by step photos.
If you wish to pamper yourself, there is no better way than to cook yourself some luxuriant Moghlai food! Moghlai cuisine is generally quite rich, with abundant use of spices and dairy products like ghee, cream and butter. However, we have given the classic Dal Moghlai a healthy twist, so that you can pamper yourself without any guilt. This wonderfully healthy recipe hardly uses any fat, and lets you enjoy the richness of Moghlai food and the goodness of toovar and chana dal without being burdened by extra calories. Both dals are rich in protein and fibre, while being heart and diabetic friendly too. Additionally, toovar dal is rich in folic acid and is a great choice for pregnant women to include in their daily diet. Chana dal has a good amount of potassium and low amount of sodium, which makes it effective in regulating blood pressure. Find out more about the health benefits of toovar dal and chana dal. The Dal Moghlai also uses veggies, which further boost the nutrition profile and add to the taste too. Enjoy this yummy dal hot and fresh!
Here’s one more mind-blowing way to include healthy quinoa in your diet. A lunch salad made of cooked quinoa, sprouts, avocado, yummy veggies and mushroom, this salad has a scrumptious mouth-feel and a colourful, attractive appearance. Tossed with a lemon and garlic dressing, it also has a vibrant flavour that takes it beyond the plane of commonness. What’s more, this extraordinary Quinoa Avocado Veg Healthy Office Salad is also bursting with good health! Quinoa is rich in fibre and protein . Being a whole grain, it keeps you full and does not cause your blood sugar levels to surge. Avocado is loaded with good healthy fat, while other ingredients are rich in antioxidants that prevent major diseases. Keep the dressing in a separate box, and mix it together with the salad just before eating your lunch.
moong dal methi sabzi recipe | healthy methi leaves with moong dal | methi moong dal ki sabzi | with amazing 18 images. Moong dal methi sabzi is a dry accompaniment to rotis and chapatis. Healthy methi leaves with moong dal is a quick sabzi which suits people of all ages. Learn how to make healthy methi leaves with moong dal. To make moong dal methi sabzi, first soak moong dal and then drain the water and cook it in just enough water. Then heat little oil and give a tempering of cumin seeds. Sauté some onions, garlic and green chillies for about a minute. Follow it by chopped methi leaves, turmeric powder and salt and cook for 1 to 2 minutes. Finally add the cooked moong dal to it and cook for a minute. The sabzi is ready for serving. The moong dal is a good source of protein, which is necessary to nourish the cells and muscles. The fenugreek leaves in this healthy methi leaves with moong dal are a good source of iron. Both the ingredients - iron (haeme) and protein (globin) together make up hemoglobin – a key pigment of blood which helps in supplying oxygen and nutrients to all parts of the body. This methi moong dal ki sabzi is an ideal option for lunch or dinner as it ensures to avoid fatigue setting in. Cooked in 2 tsp of oil for a serving of 3, it’s not very high on calorie scale too. This sabzi also makes up for some vitamin A requirement of the day by way of fenugreek. It acts as an antioxidant to give a radiant skin, strong immune system and reduced inflammation in the body. Savour the taste moong dal methi sabzi which is just perfectly spiced. Enjoy moong dal methi sabzi recipe | healthy methi leaves with moong dal | methi moong dal ki sabzi | with step by step photos.
moong dal ki chaat recipe | healthy moong dal chaat | chaat for weight loss, diabetics | with 20 amazing images. moong dal ki chaat recipe is a healthy and tasty, nutritious and flavourful snack indeed. healthy moong dal chaat has a combo of protein rich yellow moong dal and nutria-dense fruits and veggies. See why this is a healthy moong dal chaat. The fiber (4.1 g in ¼ cup) present in yellow moong dal prevents the deposition of bad cholesterol (LDL) in the arteries which promotes a healthy heart in turn. Pomegranate provides vitamin C – a powerful antioxidant which build our immunity and work towards to a radiant skin. moong dal ki chaat snack has a contribution from veggies too which add to the fibre and are low in carbs. Though small amounts of mint and coriander are added to moong dal chaat , they are necessary for flavour. Carrot adds in contrasting red colour to the greens along with vitamin A which helps in vision. So always add carrots to moong dal chaat. Don’t forget adding the raw mangoes and lemon juice, they perk up this colourful moong dal chaat. Try other health chaat like Non-Fried Pakodi Chaat and Paneer and Hare Chane ki Chaat. Enjoy how to make moong dal ki chaat recipe | healthy moong dal chaat | chaat for weight loss, diabetics | with detailed step by step photos and video below.
ginger melon juice recipe | watermelon lemon ginger juice | healthy ginger melon juice | with 15 amazing images. ginger melon juice recipe | watermelon lemon ginger juice | healthy ginger melon juice is an eye-appealing drink with many benefits to reap. Learn how to make watermelon lemon ginger juice. This lovely red coloured watermelon lemon ginger juice has its own taste and flavour, thanks to the unique taste of ginger. It is a sure shot winner with one and all! Watermelon, a vital fruit loaded with iron and is also an effective diuretic. It also abounds in vitamin C which acts as an immune boosting vitamin. Besides having the goodness of watermelon, this vitality healthy ginger melon juice also contains the miraculous power of 'gingerol', a substance present in ginger that dilates blood vessels and improves blood circulation. With not too many calories to offer, this ginger melon juice is a wise pick for weight-watchers, heart patients, cancer patients as well as senior citizens and growing kids. Enjoy it early in the morning as a part of your breakfast or sip on it anytime in the day as a replacement to sugar and calorie laden drinks and colas. Team up with Chawli Beans and Mint Burger or Green Tomato Salsa and Veggie Wrap to satiate you in a tasteful way when you are oh-so-hungry! Tips for watermelon ginger juice. 1. Add 12 ice-cubes or crushed ice. This will chill the juice. 2. This is a fresh juice and advised to be stored refrigerated. 3. While making watermelon cubes do not take the white portion of the watermelon. It may lend an unpleasant taste to the drink. Enjoy ginger melon juice recipe | watermelon lemon ginger juice | healthy ginger melon juice | with step by step photos.
oats idli recipe | instant oats idli | healthy oats idli for diabetics | how to make oats idli | with 20 amazing images. Although the original idli itself is quite nutritious, this innovative version of Oats Idli is even more wholesome and filling.This instant oats idli has only 1 hour of resting time. No fermenting time needed. Learn how to make Oats Idli. To make oats idli, you have to blend the rolled oats and urad dal to a smooth powder. Add water, curd, ginger-green chilli paste and salt, mix well and keep aside for 1 hour to rest. Just before steaming the idlis add very little fruit salt and 2 tsp of water and mix well. Finally pour into idli moulds and steam in a steamer. Hot Instant Oats Idlis are ready for serving. In these healthy oats idli for diabetics, high glycemic index rice is replaced with oats. Further it has been combined with urad dal to reduce its overall low glycemic index. These healthy oats idlis can be enjoyed by heart patients and those with high cholesterol levels too. The beta-glucagon in oats is known to manage blood sugar and cholesterol levels both. You can also add some boiled veggies like finely chopped carrot, French beans and caulifower to the oats idli batter to enhance the fibre content further. Curd has been added to the batter to give slight sourness which is so very peculiar about the idli and it also helps in lending a slight fermentation touch. These instant oats idli can be prepared any time, since the batter needs to be rested only for 1 hour. However, this also means that the idlis will not rise enough when cooked, so don’t worry when you see a flat outcome. If you wish to have very soft idlis which are slight puffed as well, you can add 1 tsp of fruit salt to the batter just before steaming as mentioned in the recipe below. Enjoy oats idli recipe | instant oats idli | healthy oats idli for diabetics | how to make oats idli | with step by step photos.
This is one of the most fabulous ways to consume sprouted moong. Teamed up with Vitamin C rich colourful capsicums, juicy zucchini and yummy apples, the fibre rich sprouts turn into a terrific treat for your taste buds. Apple adds a nice fruity note to the Zucchini and Bell Pepper Sprouted Moong Salad, while lemon adds a zesty tanginess. Enjoy this salad immediately after tossing, while the textures are still crisp and fresh. Cabbage and Moong Dal Salad , Lemony Yoghurt Salad , Lettuce and Apple Salad With Lemon Dressing , Lettuce and Paneer Salad in Sesame Dressing , Orange Sesame Tabbouleh , Pear, Apple and Date Salad with Orange Dressing , Sprouts, Spring Onion and Tomato Salad , Stir-fried Paneer, Broccoli and Baby Corn Salad and Whole Masoor Salad are few more nutritious salads to enjoy during pregnancy.
sprouted matki uttapam recipe | sprouted matki vegetable pancake | healthy matki vegetable chilla | with 25 amazing images. sprouted matki uttapam is a nutritious and flavorful Indian breakfast dish that can be made quickly. Learn how to make healthy matki vegetable chilla . sprouted matki uttapam is a type of uttapam made with sprouted matki (moath beans. It is a healthier and more nutritious alternative to traditional onion uttapam, which is made with rice. To make sprouted matki uttapam batter combine the sprouted matki and ½ cup of water in a mixer and blend till smooth. Transfer the mixture into a deep bowl, add besan, coriander, tomatoes, carrot, ginger-green chilli paste, cumin seeds, hing, salt and mix well. To make sprouted matki uttapam grease a non-stick pan with ¼ tsp of oil. Pour a ladleful of the batter and spread in a circular motion to make a 125 mm. (5") diameter thick circle. Cook till they turn brown in colour from both the sides using a little oil. Serve sprouted matki uttapam immediately with green chutney or coconut chutney. With only 92 calories per sprouted matki uttapam, sprouted matki vegetable pancake is a low-calorie food that is ideal for weight loss. Main ingredients of sprouted matki uttapam . Sprouted Matki : Matki sprouts abound in fibre and thus form an ideal choice for weight watchers, diabetes, heart disease etc. The process of sprouting increases the protein count of matki by 30%. Matki sprouts are also a good way to manage healthy cholesterol in the body. Besan . In addition to binding the batter, besan also helps to give uttapam a crispy texture. Besan has more good fat than whole wheat flour and also higher protein content. Rich in complex carbohydrates and with a low glycemic index , besan is good for diabetics too. Enjoy sprouted matki uttapam recipe | sprouted matki vegetable pancake | healthy matki vegetable chilla | with step by step photos.
minty quinoa recipe | vegetable quinoa for IBS | healthy Indian quinoa snack | with 20 amazing images. minty quinoa is an Indian vegetable quinoa made for those with irritable bowel syndrome. Learn to make vegetable quinoa for IBS. vegetable quinoa for IBS is a main course or snack that you will devour with joy! For those with an irritable bowel, it is better to use barley and quinoa in the place of cereals like rice and wheat. minty quinoa is a tasty quinoa based main course, which is perked up with loads of yummy veggies and flavoured pleasantly with mint. minty quinoa goes slow with the spices, using just bay leaves for aroma and pepper for a mild pungency. As the name suggests, this dish gets its flavour mainly from mint, so don’t compromise on that! Enjoy minty quinoa recipe | vegetable quinoa for IBS | healthy Indian quinoa snack | with step by step photos.
dal and vegetable idli recipe | instant dal vegetable idli | no rice idli | healthy Vitamin B1, Folic Acid rich idli | with 40 amazing images. dal and vegetable idli recipe is a healthy Indian breakfast dish. Learn how to make instant dal vegetable idli. A perfect breakfast option that combines a variety of pulses and vegetables, dal and vegetable idli is slightly heavier than the regular idlis. The batter can be used to make delectable dal and vegetable pancakes too. The batter for dal and vegetable idli is made from lots of nutritious ingredients like chana dal, yellow moong dal, toovar dal, fenugreek leaves, coriander, peas, coconut, green chillies, onions and carrots. Perfect for weight loss with 49 calories for one dal vegetable idli, these idlis are healthy for diabetics and heart patients too. With high folic acid, instant dal vegetable idli works perfectly for pregnant women. dal and vegetable idli is rich in Vitamin C, Vitamin B1, Folic Acid, Fiber, Phosphorus. Pro tips for dal and vegetable idli. 1. Grease the idli moulds with oil so that the idlis do not stick to the bottom. 2. Just before steaming, add 1 1/2 tsp fruit salt to the batter. Fruit salt provides a spongy, fluffy texture to the idli. Use neutral flavored fruit salt. Add the fruit salt just before steaming, else the ildis might not turn fluffy. 3. Mix gently after adding the fruit salt. If you mix vigorously then your idlis will turn flat. 4. Cool slightly and remove the Idli from the mould using a spoon. If you are facing difficulty in removing the idli then dip a knife in little oil and loosen the edges using a knife or remove them with the help of a wet spoon. 5. Use neutral (regular flavour) fruit salt. Serve dal and vegetable idli with sambar or coconut chutney. Enjoy dal and vegetable idli recipe | instant dal vegetable idli | no rice idli | healthy Vitamin B1, Folic Acid rich idli | with step by step photos.
rajma and urad dal recipe | homestyle dal makhani | red kidney bean and urad dal | healthy Punjabi rajma dal | rajma and urad dal is a daily fare of North Indian cuisine. Learn how to make Punjabi rajma dal. A pan of mixed pulses, this homestyle dal makhani is seasoned with spices and lots of garlic, cooked in just two teaspoons of oil as compared to the traditional dal which is made with oodles of oil. Apart from delighting you with its lip-smacking flavour and aroma. To make rajma and urad dal, clean, wash and soak the rajma, chana and urad dal in a deep bowl with enough water overnight. Drain the soaked dals, add 4 cups water and salt, mix well and pressure cook for 4 whistles. Allow the steam to escape before opening the lid. Keep aside. Heat the oil in a deep non-stick pan, add the garlic, onions and green chilli paste and sauté on a medium flame for 1 minute. Add the tomatoes, chilli powder, cumin seeds powder, little salt and 2 tbsp of water, mix well and cook on a medium flame for 2 to 3 minutes, while stirring occasionally. Add the cooked dals and coriander, mix well and cook on a medium flame for 2 to 3 minutes, while stirring occasionally. Add the lemon juice, mix well and serve hot. Red kidney bean and urad dal is high on the nutrition scale. It boosts your iron, fibre and vitamin C levels along with protein. The addition of a cupful of tomatoes increases your antioxidant lycopene intake too! To make a sumptuous and nourishing meal, serve this dal hot and fresh with hot chapatis instead of naan and ghee laden parathas. This healthy Punjabi rajma dal which is popular with many, suits a diabetic and healthy heart menu as well. It is a lovable dal made of common ingredients combined intelligently in a quick and easy but exceptionally tasty form! Tips for rajma and urad dal. 1. Soaking rajma and dal overnight is very important. So plan the recipe well in advance. 2. Do not cook after adding the lemon juice, as it is high in vitamin C which can be lost upon heating. 3. If you are going to serve it later, adjust the consistency with water while re-heating. Enjoy rajma and urad dal recipe | homestyle dal makhani | red kidney bean and urad dal | healthy Punjabi rajma dal | with step by step photos and video below.
citrus watermelon salad recipe | pomegranate citrus Indian salad | weight loss orange sweet lime and pomegranate salad | with 15 amazing images. citrus watermelon salad is a light Indian salad made in a parsley extra virgin olive oil dressing. Learn to make weight loss orange sweet lime and pomegranate salad. citrus watermelon salad, everybody’s favourite, watermelon is God’s gift to mankind to help beat the hot summer sun! Here is one more reason to love this refreshing fruit – it is a wonderful source of iron! weight loss orange sweet lime and pomegranate salad has vitamin C rich foods like orange, sweet lime and lemon juice, which helps improve iron absorption. Aromatic parsley enhances the Citrus Watermelon Salad by bringing in more iron, and a tantalising colour and flavour too. Watermelon is low in calories and full of water, thus is good for weight loss too. Citrulline in watermelon has been studied for its effect on heart function and it was revealed that it improves heart function and helps in the treatment of heart failure. Extra Virgin Olive oil used in weight loss orange sweet lime and pomegranate salad is a strong antioxidant and good for heart. Also it has anti inflammation properties and forms the bulk of calories in the form of healthy omega 3 fatty acids. Enjoy citrus watermelon salad recipe | pomegranate citrus Indian salad | weight loss orange sweet lime and pomegranate salad | with step by step photos.
chawli, rajma and chick pea salad recipe | healthy three bean chaat salad | beans salad recipe | with 30 amazing photos. chawli, rajma and chick pea salad is a three bean salad made perfect for a healthy Indian one dish lunch meal. Learn to make chawli, rajma and chick pea salad recipe | healthy three bean chaat salad | beans salad recipe | This healthy three bean chaat salad involves soaking and cooking 3 Indian beans which is worth the effort as the rest in simple to do. Rajma used in beans salad recipe is rich in magnesium : One cup of cooked kidney beans has 26.2% of your daily magnesium requirements. Magnesium helps in formation of bones and teeth and metabolism of calcium and potassium. Kabuli Chana which is used in popularly in chole in India is a complex cab which prevents surges in blood sugar levels. The starch present in chick peas slows down the rate at which healthy three bean chaat salad is digested resulting in a healthy life style and Lowers Blood Pressure. One cup of cooked chawli in beans salad recipe has 107% of your daily folate requirements. Folate or Vitamin B9 helps your body to produce and maintain new cells, especially red blood cells. Great source of folic acid for pregnant women and those who want to conceive must start having folate rich foods even while they are planning to conceive. With the goodness of three beans, crunchy spring onions and tangy tomatoes, not to forget a peppy lemony dressing, the easy healthy three bean chaat salad is a winner in all respects – be it taste, convenience or health. Tips for chawli, rajma and chick pea salad. 1. You can chill the salad without the dressing in the fridge for many hours. Prepare it in the morning and serve in the evening, adding the dressing just before serving. 2. Instead of chawli or kabuli chana, you can replace with soaked and cooked rangoon na vaal ( broad field beans ). 3. The lemon dressing is made with zero sugar and honey. Learn to make chawli, rajma and chick pea salad recipe | healthy three bean chaat salad | beans salad recipe | with step by step photos.
Munch your way to a healthy heart! A lip-smacking combination of carrots, cucumber and cooked rajma beans dressed in mint, honey and a dash of lemon juice as well. This tangy dressing is not only healthier but also much tastier than many an oily, fat laden dressing! All the key ingredients in this salad are fibre rich, and so help reduce bad LDL cholesterol. If you are planning to make the Rajma, Cucumber and Carrot Salad, soak and cook the rajma earlier, so that you can toss it up in a jiffy.

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