Calories of nachni roti v/s jowar roti
One nachni roti (ragi roti) is 93 calories, while one jowar roti is 49 calories. However it is interesting to note that rolling nachni roti is not as simple as jowar roti and hence nachni roti is typically thick as compared to the jowar roti. So it is likely that you may have 2 jowar rotis for a meal against 1 nachni roti.
Fibre in nachni roti v/s jowar roti
Ragi, in general, has slightly more fibre than jowar. So one nachni roti yields 3.1 g or fibre, whereas one jowar roti gives 1.4 g of fibre. The fibre is definitely a key nutrient to maintain digestive health. But do not miss out on the fact that nachni roti is thicker than jowar roti.
Protein in nachni roti v/s jowar roti
The protein content in nachni roti is 2 g per roti, whereas that in jowar roti is about 1.5 g of protein. This is a key nutrient to maintain the health of all the cells in the body including the immune cells which help fight diseases.
Is nachni roti beneficial for diabetes?
The high fibre content of nachni roti makes it suitable for diabetes as the fibre helps to prevent an instant rise in blood sugar levels. When paired with a sabzi like moong dal methi sabzi, it squares up a diabetic meal.
![Moong Dal Methi Sabzi]()
Moong Dal Methi Sabzi
Is nachni roti beneficial for weight loss?
One nachni roti has enough protein and fibre to keep you satiated for a long time. Nachni roti is definitely a better choice than the maida based rotis at lunchtime, as the latter is devoid of nutrients and has more of carbs. nachni roti is wise choice for breakfast too. But remember that the roti is a good source of carbs too which should be considered into your daily count.
![beneficial for weight loss]()
Is nachni roti beneficial for strong bones?
Yes, nachni flour is a good source of not only calcium but also phosphorus. The two nutrients together are necessary for bone health. They can help prevent the onset of weak bones and osteoporosis. Do not get mistaken by the colour of the nachni roti, instead reap its benefits.
![strong bones]()
Is jowar roti / nachni roti beneficial for high blood pressure?
Yes, both jowar roti and nachni roti can be enjoyed by people with high blood pressure. They mainly need to restrict the amount of sodium in their diet. Both jowar roti and nachni roti have least amount of sodium and appreciable quantities of potassium, which can help in maintaining the sodium-potassium balance in the body.
![high blood pressure]()
Is jowar roti / nachni roti good for gluten intolerance?
Yes, both jowar roti and nachni roti are gluten free flours and thus can safely be included in the diet for gluten intolerance. Gluten is a protein found in wheat, semolina (rava) and its products. This condition, called gluten-sensitivity, requires one to eat foods without this particular protein. Many Indians cannot think of a meal without wheat and its by-products, but jowar roti or nachni roti are tasty options too! Click here for more gluten free recipes.
![gluten intolerance]()
While both nachni roti and jowar roti are healthy, you can make your choice as per your preference and taste. It is always advisable to include a variety of flours in your diet to make up for different nutrients.