basundi recipe | Gujarati basundi | how to make traditional basundi sweet | milk basundi recipe | with 25 amazing images. Gujarati basundi is a rich and delicious Gujarati mishtan of thickened milk, very similar to the North Indian rabdi, it is basically just boiling the milk in a thick bottomed pan till the milk is reduced. Almonds and pistachios add crunch to this rich , creamy basundi. Remember to keep scraping the sides of the vessel when cooking, as that will make the basundi thick and impart a real creamy texture. Use a flat spoon to scrape the vessel as it is more convenient than a round spoon. gujarati basundi can be served warm or chilled and tastes amazing with piping hot, deep-fried puris and Undhiyu. Come festivals like Raksha Bandhan, Janmashtami or Navratri, my father would start reducing the milk since 5 am for making basundi, so that the gas range would be free before my mother gets up and starts cooking the meal. Twist the authentic Basundi sweet recipe and make innovative Pineapple Basundi with fruity flavor. To fasten the cooking process, you can even make basundi with condensed milk that will get ready quickly. Aside from basundi, see our Gujarati sweet recipes like Golpapdi, Kopra Pak, Mohanthal. Pro tips for basundi. 1. Add 6 1/2 cups full-fat milk in that deep thick pan. Full-fat milk has a higher fat content than low-fat or skim milk. This higher fat content contributes to the rich, creamy texture and indulgent mouthfeel that are characteristic of basundi. The fat helps to create a smooth and luxurious experience when enjoying this dessert. 2. Reduce the flame and cook on a slow to medium flame for 45-48 minutes while stirring and scraping the sides of the pan occasionally. Image one of cooking for 15 minutes. Slow to medium cooking allows the milk to evaporate gently. This gradual process results in a smooth and creamy texture, unlike rapid boiling which could cause scorching or curdling. 3. Add 1/2 tsp cardamom (elaichi) powder. Cardamom has a distinct aroma and flavor profile, offering a combination of warm, sweet, and slightly floral notes. It complements the richness of the milk and sweetness of the sugar in basundi, adding complexity and depth to the overall taste. Enjoy basundi recipe | Gujarati basundi | how to make traditional basundi sweet | milk basundi recipe | with step by step photos.
kand tikki recipe | Indian style kand ki pattice | purple yam tikki | vrat ki tikki | faraali kand ki tikki | with 23 amazing images. kand tikki recipe | Indian style kand ki pattice | purple yam tikki | vrat ki tikki | faraali kand ki tikki is a unique snack which can be enjoyed during the festival of fasting like Mahashivratri, Janmashtami, Ekadashi etc. Learn how to make Indian style kand ki pattice. To make kand tikki, combine all the ingredients in a deep bowl and mix well. Divide the mixture into 14 equal portions and shape each portion into a round, flat 50 mm. (2”) tikki. Heat the oil in a deep non-stick pan and deep-fry, a few tikkis at a time on a medium flame, till they turn golden brown in colour from all the sides. Drain on an absorbent paper. Serve immediately. Indian style kand ki pattice is a perfect recipe to try when you are bored of potato-based snacks. In a smart twist, this recipe enables you to use kand instead of potatoes to make tikkis, especially in the winter, when this root vegetable is in season and you can’t skip a visit to the market without buying some! The nutty taste of peanuts augments the rustic taste of kand, making this faraali kand ki tikki all the more delicious. When making this tikki make sure the edges are smooth, otherwise, it might open up while frying. Coriander gives a nice peppy touch to the purple yam tikki, but it is optional and can be avoided if you don’t want it. You can use rock salt instead of regular salt and enjoy a satiating snack during vrat, upvas. You can also try other kand recipes like Kand Stir-Fry and Kand Na Bhajiya. Tips for kand tikki. 1. If you think that the mixture is not binding well, add a little more arrowroot flour. 2. Deep fry the tikkis on a mdium flame only. Deep frying on a high flame might burn the tikkis, while slow flame might make them too soft. Enjoy kand tikki recipe | Indian style kand ki pattice | purple yam tikki | vrat ki tikki | faraali kand ki tikki | with step by step photos.
Pomegranate Tea is a unique Turkish beverage made by blending and straining cooked pomegranate. A dash of lemon juice adds to the tanginess of the drink, which is resplendent with the naturally bright colour and vibrant flavour of pomegranate. When making the Pomegranate Tea, allow the cooked mixture to cool slightly and then blend it. Don’t let it cool completely because the beverage must be warm while serving. Try other pomegranate recipes like Chatpata Pomegranate or Pomegranate Citrus Juice .
dahiwale aloo ki sabzi with rajgira puri recipe | rajgira aloo puri | dahi aloo ki sabzi for upvas | vrat rajgira puri with aloo sabzi | with 35 amazing images. dahiwale aloo ki sabzi with rajgira puri recipe | rajgira aloo puri | dahi aloo ki sabzi for upvas | vrat rajgira puri with aloo sabzi is a satiating meal for fasting days. Learn how to make rajgira aloo puri. To make aloo sabzi, combine the curds, rajgira flour and ½ cup of water in a deep bowl, whisk well and keep aside. Heat the ghee in a deep non-stick pan, add the cumin seeds and sauté on a medium flame for 30 seconds. Add the bayleaf, cloves and cinnamon and sauté on a medium flame for 1 minute. Add the curd-water mixture and green chilli paste, mix well and cook on a medium flame for 2 minutes, while stirring continuously. Add the baby potatoes, coriander and rock salt, mix gently and cook on a medium flame for 3 minutes, while stirring occasionally. Keep aside. For the rajgira puris, combine all the ingredients in a deep bowl and knead into a semi-stiff dough using enough water. Divide the dough into 15 equal portions. Roll each portion into a 75 mm. (3”) diameter circle. Heat the oil in a deep non-stick pan and deep-fry the puris a few at a time till they turn golden brown in colour from both the sides. Drain on absorbent paper. For serving, serve hot rajgira puris with hot aloo sabzi. This is an easy recipe, which can be made with few ingredients and in little time! The simple flavour of the dahi aloo ki sabzi for upvas is very soothing to the palate, and just right to nourish yourself on a fasting day. Baby potatoes cooked with curds and spices is a great combination for rajgira aloo puri. The final touch of coriander is the finishing flavor to this sabzi. With the use of rajgira flour to thicken curd, we are sure you will not miss the taste of your daily cooking. If you like vrat rajgira puri with aloo sabzi, then also try other faraal recipes like sabudana khichdi or kand aloo pakoda. Tips for dahiwale aloo ki sabzi with rajgira puri. 1. If you don’t have baby potatoes, then boil the potatoes, peel them and cut into big cubes. 2. Whisk the curd mixture very well. It should not have any lumps. 3. After adding the curd-water mixture, make sure you keep stirring continuously to prevent it from curdling. 4. After kneading the dough do not keep it for long time. This might make rolling difficult. 5. If you find rolling the puris difficult, then roll them between 2 sheets of plastic. Enjoy dahiwale aloo ki sabzi with rajgira puri recipe | rajgira aloo puri | dahi aloo ki sabzi for upvas | vrat rajgira puri with aloo sabzi | with step by step photos.
potato khichdi recipe | Indian aloo khichdi for vrat, upvas | grated potato khichdi | Navratri fasting recipe | with 26 amazing images. potato khichdi recipe | Indian aloo khichdi for vrat, upvas | grated potato khichdi | Navratri fasting recipe is a quick recipe made with commonly available ingredients. Learn how to make grated potato khichdi. To make potato khichdi, peel and grate the potatoes using a thick grater. Put them in enough water to avoid discoloration. Drain well. Squeeze out the water completely by squeezing it between your palms. Keep aside. Heat the oil in a deep non-stick pan, add the cumin seeds and curry leaves and sauté on a medium flame for 30 seconds. Add the potatoes and salt, mix well and cook on a slow flame for 8 minutes, or till the potatoes are cooked, while stirring occasionally. Add the green chilli paste, lemon juice, coriander, peanuts, mix well and cook on a medium flame for 2 minutes, while stirring occasionally. Add the sugar, mix well and cook on a medium flame for 1 minute. Serve hot. A satiating and tasty khichdi made without any cereals or pulses – can you believe it? Well, here is a unique khichdi made with potato as the base. This grated potato khichdi is a good choice for people who do not like sabudana khichdi. Perked up with crushed peanuts, green chillies and lemon juice, this lip-smacking Navratri fasting recipe has a pleasing combination of spiciness and tanginess that you will surely enjoy. This Indian aloo khichdi is perfect for vrat, upvas days. While we have used curry leaves and coriander in this sumptuous khichdi for upvas, you can avoid adding it if you wish to. Enjoy this khichdi hot and fresh with a bowl of curd or peanut curd chutney as a satiating meal. Tips to make potato khichdi. 1. Grating the potatoes thickly is important to prevent it from turning lumpy. 2. Also do not keep the grated potatoes in water for too long. They might turn black. 3. Salt can be replaced with rock salt (sendha namak). Enjoy potato khichdi recipe | Indian aloo khichdi for vrat, upvas | grated potato khichdi | Navratri fasting recipe | with step by step photos.
buckwheat farali handvo | buckwheat potato handvo for vrat | buckwheat vegetable handvo | with 20 amazing images. buckwheat farali handvo is a traditional Gujarati dish that is commonly prepared during fasting periods. Vrat, upwas or fasts is observed by many Hindus on auspicious festivals like navratri, shivratri or even days like ekadashi or karwa chauth. buckwheat farali handvo is a savory cake made using buckwheat flour (kuttu ka atta) and a variety of vegetables like bottle gourd, potatoes, and peanuts. The word "farali" refers to the ingredients that are allowed to be consumed during fasting, making this dish suitable for those following a restricted diet. Buckwheat flour is gluten-free and high in nutrients, making it a healthy alternative to regular flour. The preparation of buckwheat farali handvo involves soaking the buckwheat flour with curds and mixing it with grated vegetables, spices, and herbs to form a thick batter. This batter is then steamed or cooked in a pan until it is crispy and golden brown on the outside. buckwheat farali handvo is typically served with yogurt or a side of farali green chutney. It is a flavorful and nutritious dish that provides energy during fasting periods while also satisfying the taste buds. Pro tips for buckwheat farali handvo. 1. In a bowl put 1 cup buckwheat (kutto or kutti no daro). Whole buckwheat is naturally gluten-free, making it a perfect choice for individuals with gluten sensitivities or celiac disease. This ensures the farali handvo adheres to dietary restrictions often followed during fasting. Similar to grated potatoes in farali handvo, whole buckwheat acts as a binder. It helps hold the ingredients together, creating a cohesive and sliceable cake. 2. Add 1 cup fresh curds (dahi). Fresh curds act as a natural binder in the batter. They help bind the buckwheat, vegetables, and other ingredients together, resulting in a cohesive and sliceable handvo. This is especially important as farali handvo doesn't contain eggs, a common binding agent in many cakes. 3. Add 1 cup grated raw potatoes. Buckwheat can sometimes lead to a denser texture in handvo. Grated potatoes add moisture and create a softer, more cake-like consistency. This makes the farali handvo more enjoyable to eat and prevents it from becoming dry and crumbly. Enjoy buckwheat farali handvo | buckwheat potato handvo for vrat | buckwheat vegetable handvo | with step by step photos.
yam raita recipe | farali suran raita | senai pachadi | upvas, vrat recipes | with 13 amazing images. yam raita is a popular vrat or Faral recipe when you need too fast. Tastes splendid when served chilled. Learn how to make suran raita. To make yam raita, combine the yam, curd, rock salt, sugar, green chilli paste, pepper powder and coriander in a bowl and mix well. Refrigerate for at least 1 hour. Serve chilled. Think beyond the traditional cucumber when making raita. How about using boiled and mashed yam? Try it and you are sure to love this unconventional accompaniment - farali suran raita. While we have used rock salt in senai pachadi, you can also use the table salt if you wish to. Coriander, on the other hand, is also optional. Some enjoy it as a flavoursome treat, while others do not consider it as a part of upvas cooking. So you can make your choice amongst these 2 ingredients. You can serve this faral, upvas, vrat recipe with Potato Khichdi or with Dahiwali Aloo ki Subzi and Rajgira Puri to relish a complete vrat thali. It is sure to satiate you even on a fasting day! Tips for yam raita. 1. To cook yam, wash it and keep the whole yam peeled or unpeeled in a vessel filled with little water in a pressure cooker. Cook it for 2 to 3 whistles. Cool and peel and mash it using an aloo masher. 2. Use fresh curd for best flavour. 3. Black pepper powder can be substituted with roasted cumin seeds powder. Enjoy yam raita recipe | farali suran raita | senai pachadi | upvas, vrat recipes | with step by step photos below.
sanwa dosa recipe | crispy varai dosa for Navratri | barnyard millet dosa | upvas dosa | vrat fasting recipe | with 28 amazing images. sanwa dosa recipe | crispy varai dosa for Navratri | barnyard millet dosa | upvas dosa | vrat fasting recipe is a yummy treat which can be enjoyed during the fasting festivals. Learn how to make crispy varai dosa. To make sanwa dosa, clean, wash and soak the sanwa millet for 6 hours or overnight in enough water and drain well. Combine the soaked sanwa, potatoes and ¾ cup of water in a mixer and blend it till smooth. Transfer the mixture into a deep bowl, add 1¾ cups of water, cumin seeds, coriander, green chillies and rock salt and mix well. Heat a non-stick tava (griddle) till red hot, sprinkle a little water on the tava (griddle) and wipe it off gently using a muslin cloth. Grease the tava (griddle), with a little oil and pour 1/3 cup (approx. 5 tbsp) of the batter on it and tilt the tava (griddle), in a circular motion to make a round dosa. Cover with a lid and cook on a medium flame for 1 minute. Remove the lid add 1 tsp of oil over it and on the sides and cook on a medium flame for 2 to 3 minutes, or till it is crisp from all the sides. Fold the dosa into a semi-circle. Repeat with the remaining batter to make 11 more dosas. Serve immediately with peanut curd chutney. Barnyard millet dosa is a crispy, flavour-packed dosa just like the Rava Dosa, one of South India’s most famous snacks. Once cooked, it is difficult to differentiate between Sanwa Dosa and Rava Dosa! This is good because you get the same taste with a better grain, and also it can be had on fasting days. Though sanwa and sago combination is quite famous to make upvas dosa , here we have used an innovative batter of sanwa millet and boiled potatoes, perked up with cumin seeds and green chillies. Next what comes to your mind is sambar which is served in most South Indian restaurants with dosa. Do not despair, we have farali sambar as an accompaniment to crispy varai dosa for Navratri. This together makes a completely satiating vrat fasting meal. However, it is often served with peanut curd chutney too! Tips for sanwa dosa. 1. The batter for the dosa has to be smooth and free of lumps on blending. 2. This dosa batter is thin and it will spread on its own by tilting the pan. There is no need to spread the batter with a ladle. 3. Since this dosa is for fasting, we have used rock salt. But if you wish, you can replace it with table salt. 4. While cooking the Sanwa Dosa, make sure you cook it on a medium-low flame till it is crisp. Do not remove it while soft or increase the flame to high, because that will ruin the texture of the dosa. 5. Like most dosa, this too has to be served immediately. Enjoy sanwa dosa recipe | crispy varai dosa for Navratri | barnyard millet dosa | upvas dosa | vrat fasting recipe | with step by step photos.
sabudana thalipeeth recipe | upvas thalipeeth | sago thalipeeth for vrat | Indian farali thalipeeth | with 46 amazing images. sabudana thalipeeth recipe | upvas thalipeeth | sago thalipeeth for vrat | Indian farali thalipeeth can be considered as a snack and meal in itself too. Learn how to make upvas thalipeeth. To make sabudana thalipeeth, soak the sabudana in enough water in a deep bowl overnight and drain well. Transfer the soaked sabudana and all the ingredients in a deep bowl and mix very well. Divide the mixture into 10 equal portions. Grease a plastic sheet with ¼ tsp of oil, place it on a clean, dry surface, put a portion of the dough on it and flatten it. Pat it with your fingers to form a 125 mm. (5”) diameter circle. Make a hole in the centre using your index finger. Remove the plastic sheet and place the circle on a hot greased non-stick tava (griddle) and cook using ½ tsp of oil till it turns golden brown in colour from both the sides. Repeat steps 4 to 6 to make 9 more thalipeeths. Serve immediately with sweet curds. Thalipeeth, a sumptuous, traditional Maharashtrian snack, is made in a faral-friendly way in this recipe. We have used a dough of sabudana and mashed potatoes perked up with peanuts, green chillies and other flavour-givers to make upvas thalipeeth. While the mixture for this sago thalipeeth for vrat and sabudana vada is the same, the cooking techniques are different. The former is flattened and cooked on a tava, while the latter is shaped into flat balls and deep fried, thus giving 2 recipes which are unique in texture in their own way. When flattened and cooked on a tava, you get a tasty and filling Indian farali thalipeeth. This is sure to keep you energised on a fasting day. You can pair it with a bowl of dahi or peanut curd chutney. You can also try other faral recipes like the Rajgira Paneer Paratha or Potato Khichdi. Tips for sabudana thaliepeth. 1. Soaking sago for the said time is very important as the sago has to be perfectly soaked and soft for this recipe. 2. While adding mashed potatoes, ensure that there is no moisture in them. Presence of moisture might not bind the mixture well. Also ensure that the potatoes are not hot. This might partially cook the sago grains and make the mixture sticky. 3. Use a thick plastic sheet as we have used. 4. Remember to grease the pan each time. 5. If you think that the thalipeeth is tearing while cooking, add little arrowroot flour or water chestnut flour (singhare ka atta) to the mixture. This helps in binding the sago mixture. Enjoy sabudana thalipeeth recipe | upvas thalipeeth | sago thalipeeth for vrat | Indian farali thalipeeth | with step by step photos.
Here is a fabulous snack that adds an element of fun to your upvas . Crispy, deep-fried potato slices are served with a fabulous chutney, which combines the crunch and earthy flavour of peanuts with the tang of curds and the spiciness of ginger and green chillies. You can serve the Crispy Potato Topped with Peanut Curd Chutney as a starter, or combine it with other faral snacks like Kand Aloo Pakoda and Faraali Pattice , to make a snack platter. To get the chutney right, make sure you grind it only coarsely and not too smooth.
An easy but tantalising mithai that will be welcomed by all your guests for its innovative presentation and fabulous taste! To make this Dry Fruit Stuffed Dates, you need really good quality dates that are a little large in size, so they can be stuffed with a lovely mixture of nuts and mava sweetened with sugar and laced with spices. Each and every person is sure to love this sweet, with its aesthetic flavour and nutty crunch. Dry Fruit Stuffed Dates is a perfect homemade mithai to serve for special occasions and make them memorable. Love dry fruits?, then click here for recipes using dry fruits to make a sweet or dessert out of them. Enjoy how to make Dry Fruit Stuffed Dates recipe with detailed step by step photos.
green chutney (faral recipe) | phalahari vrat ki chutney | vrat ki chatni | with 15 amazing images. faral green chutney is made with common ingredients like coriander, grated coconut, green chillies, lemon juice, sugar and rock salt. A tongue-tickling green chutney (faral recipe) that finds many uses in Indian cuisine! While it is a wonderful accompaniment to everything from puris to Samosa, this versatile green chutney (faral recipe) with the dominant flavour of coriander and green chillies, is also used in the preparation of several savouries, snacks and tiffin recipes. Notes on faral green chutney. 1. we have added freshly grated coconut in this recipe to make it a little different. It also gives a thick consistency to the green chutney. 2. Add roughly chopped green chillies. If you want a spicier chutney, then add a little more. 3. Furthermore, add the lemon juice. Lemon juice helps in retaining the bright green colour. 4. Add the sugar. It helps in balancing the sour flavor of hari chutney from lemon. phalahari vrat ki chutney can, for example, be used to line chapatis when preparing a roll. faral green chutney is also suitable for consuming on fasting days. Enjoy how to make green chutney (faral recipe) | phalahari vrat ki chutney | vrat ki chatni | with detailed step by step photos below.
kand chilla recipe | purple yam chilla | Indian style kand pancake | breakfast recipe | fasting, upvas, vrat recipe | with 11 amazing images. kand chilla recipe | purple yam chilla | Indian style kand pancake | breakfast recipe | fasting, upvas, vrat recipe is a sumptuous recipe for fasting days when you yearn to eat something satiating and delicious. Learn how to make Indian style kand pancake. To make kand chilla, combine all the ingredients in a deep bowl and mix well. Divide the mixture into 2 equal portions. Heat a non-stick tava (griddle), grease it with little ghee, put one portion of the mixture and spread it evenly using wet fingers. Cover it with a lid and cook on a medium flame for 2 minutes, turn it over and cook on the other side for 2 minutes or till golden brown in colour. Repeat steps 3 and 4 to make one more chilla. Serve immediately with green chutney. Chila is a fabulous snack, which has withstood the test of time. Normally made with a batter of besan or moong dal, these thin pancakes have a very homely taste and comforting feel. Try these purple yam chilla for upvas or vrat. Although it uses only basic ingredients, it tastes awesome when had right off the tava with tongue-tickling green chutney. It is interesting to note that this breakfast recipe is held together purely by the starch in the grated kand and does not use any other binder like boiled potatoes or arrowroot flour. Some people like to replace the salt with sendha namak and have this Indian style kand pancake on fasting days, as it tastes good and gives enough energy too. Tips for kand chilla. 1. Ensure to thickly grate the purple yam as there is no other binding in this recipe. 2. Choose purple yam that are firm and do not have any cracks, bruises or soft spots, so grating is easier. Soft purple yam makes grating difficult. 3. Turnover the pancake gently, else it may break. If you love chilas, you must also try our other recipes like Stuffed Moong Dal Chilas and Nutritious Chilas. Enjoy kand chilla recipe | purple yam chilla | Indian style kand pancake | breakfast recipe | fasting, upvas, vrat recipe.
Crisp yet soft, savoury to the core, the Kand Puri is a mouth-watering way to satiate your hunger on fasting days. It is a quick and easy recipe, which you must try in the winter season when this root vegetable is available in plenty. You just need to make a dough of boiled and mashed purple yam and rajgira flour, together with peppy spice powders, shape it and deep-fry it. These puris are to be flattened with your hands and not rolled. They do not puff up as the dough contains yam, and you must make sure you serve the Kand Puri immediately, otherwise it will get soggy. As it is a fasting recipe, you can use regular salt or fasting salt (rock salt) as per your preference. Likewise, coriander is also optional and in case you do not have it during fasts, you can avoid it. You will also love our other kand based fasting recipes like Kand Wafers and Kand Sandwich .
Sweet Kand Puri is a quick and easy recipe that will keep your tummy happy on a fasting day without breaking any rules! Kand or purple yam is a winter root veggie, which arrives conveniently during the Maharashtrian month of Margashis, when fasting for five Thursdays is said to please Goddess Parvathi and bring good luck, happiness and prosperity to married couples. To keep yourself satiated and energetic even when you fast, you can take these energy-packed Sweet Kand Puris. Simple yet delicious, these puris made of sweet kand and rajgira flour have a mild sweetness, which is very enjoyable. You cannot roll these puris with rolling pins. You have to press slightly with your fingertips. It is a bit difficult, but you will get it right with a bit of practice. You can also try other recipes like Faraali Misal and Upvaas Thalipeeth .
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