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 Guide to Weaning

16 Steps to Weaning your Baby + Healthy Baby Recipes

1. Weaning is a period of experiments, both for you and your baby. It is really a matter of trial and error to find out what your baby really likes as most babies show strong preferences, even at this early age. You can begin with Rice Mash for Babies.

Rice Mash for Babies

Rice Mash for Babies


2. Wean your baby gradually over a period of months. Your little one is less likely to be distressed when weaning happens gradually.

Apple Water for Babies

Apple Water for Babies

3. During the initial days of weaning, allow your baby to lick on some foods, preferably liquids, so that she gets accustomed to different kinds of flavours and textures. When you start off, give foods that are very thin in consistency like Apple Water for Babies. As your baby gets accustomed to thinner foods, you can gradually thicken the consistency.

Along with this, most babies are ready for a mashed cereal or fruit. Encourage your baby to wean by providing other nourishment like Masoor Dal Water, Doodhi Soup in place of breast feeds.

Masoor Dal Water for Babies

Masoor Dal Water for Babies

4. Your baby will need plenty of loving attention while you both make the transition from nursing to weaning. She will be your best guide during the initial period of weaning and she is the only person whose opinion on this subject counts.

Doodhi Soup ( Baby and Toddler)

Doodhi Soup ( Baby and Toddler)

5. While introducing any foods for the first time, watch out for any allergic reactions, like cough, cold or skin rashes. If these occur, discontinue that food immediately and consult your paediatrician.

Carrot Juice for Babies

Carrot Juice for Babies

6. Sometimes she may dislike some foods so much that she may just throw them back at you. At these times, avoid giving the same food a second try immediately. Wait for a week or two before you try again. In the meantime, you can also offer her another food to introduce her taste buds to new flavours. However, if your baby continues to dislike that particular food, try and add an accepted food to a rejected one to help your baby get used to the taste. Try a variety of foods like Carrot Juice to Beetroot Soup.

Beetroot Soup for Babies

Beetroot Soup for Babies

7. Feed your baby in an upright position. Be it a juice or a Banana Puree. This will prevent her from choking on foods.

Banana Puree for Babies

Banana Puree for Babies

8. Try not to show any sort of dislike towards any food while feeding your baby as babies are good imitators and get influenced very easily.

9. It is always better to be guided by your baby’s appetite than to feel pressured into overfeeding her. Do not urge your baby to eat more than she wants. Instead, try and understand her expressions towards food. Learn the pattern of your baby’s feeding requirements from her body language. Some babies show signs of hunger by waving their hands or kicking their legs when they see food. Other babies may lean forward and open their mouth or cry loudly. When they are no longer hungry, they will reject food by turning their mouths away or spitting it out.

10. Most doctors are of the opinion that it is not advisable to add sugar or salt to baby food till at least 9-10 months of age. 

11. Salt is not considered to be a healthy addition to babies’ diet till 9 months to 1 year as the little one's kidneys are not fully developed. However some paediatricians recommend introducing salt at the age of 10 months, so the baby gets used to eating regular home-cooked food. So, go ahead and follow your paediatrician’s advice. Use restricted quantity of salt as shown in the recipe of Palak Masoor Dal for Babies and Toddlers. 

Palak Masoor Dal for Babies and Toddlers

Palak Masoor Dal for Babies and Toddlers

12. It is wiser to avoid adding sugar to your baby's meals as a sweet tooth is usually cultivated rather than inherited. If your baby develops a taste for sugary foods at this age, this in turn may lead to dental problems and obesity later in life. Instead, dates or jaggery can be used as alternative sweeteners after the seventh month. Try Roti Ladoos - most babies loev them,

Roti, Chapati Ladoo for Babies and ToddlersRoti, Chapati Ladoo for Babies and Toddlers

13. Avoid adding strong spices like pepper and garlic to your baby's meals at least till she is seven months old as she may find them unpleasant to taste and may reject foods containing these spices.

As they grow, use soothing spices like cumin seeds, which also aid in digestion. Most Khichdi and Corn Sambar for Babies are perfect examples of this. 

Corn Sambar for Kids

Corn Sambar for Kids

14. Babies generally accept lukewarm foods like Moong Dal Khichdi more readily. Avoid serving hot foods to your baby. Always bring the temperature of the food down to lukewarm and check it by feeling it on your palm or wrist.

Moong Dal Khichdi for Babies

Moong Dal Khichdi for Babies

15. It may seem tough initially and you're both going to throw your share of tantrums at meal times, but try and be patient and resourceful.

16. If your little one is sick, consult your paediatrician about changes in her diet.

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Guide To Weaning

masoor dal water for babies | masoor dal ka pani for babies | daal ka paani recipe for babies | lentil soup for babies above 6 months | with 12 amazing images. Masoor dal water for babies is a nourishing liquid food that is perfect for weaning your little one. Masoor dal ka pani for babies has a texture quite like mother’s milk, which increases the chances of its acceptance by babies. Learn how to makedaal ka paani recipe for babies in a step-by-step fashion. To make this masoor dal ka pani for babies all you have to do is clean and wash the masoor dal and cook it with water in a pressure cooker till 3 whistles. Open the lid of the pressure cooker, cool the mixture slightly and blend in a mixer with more ½ cup of water. Strain it as babies at an early age of 6 months have less digestive power. And your masoor dal water is ready for serving. By month 8 or 9, you can start giving daal ka paani recipe for babies without straining. As a variant, you can also try the recipe with green moong dal. Masoor dal in masoor dal water for babies is a source of energy and protein for growing infants. Begin with a small quantity like 1 tbsp and gradually increase it. Remember that the baby may show some dislike towards a new food, if so then try it again after a few days and preferably in the morning when they are fresh and more ready to accept new food flavurs and textures. Enjoy masoor dal water for babies | masoor dal ka pani for babies | daal ka paani recipe for babies | lentil soup for babies above 6 months | with step-by-step photos.
bottle gourd soup for babies, kids | healthy dudhi soup for babies | lauki soup for babies | doodhi soup for toddlers with 16 amazing images. Bottle Gourd Soup for Babies and Kids is a simple weaning foods for babies around 6 to 7 months. Healthy Dudhi Soup for Babies is a quick to make liquid food made in a pressure cooker. Learn How to Make Lauki Soup for Babies. To make Doodhi Soup for Toddlers you just need to peel the bottle gourd and cut into cubes. Combine the doodhi cubes with water in a pressure cooker and cook for 2 whistles so that the bottle gourd softens. Open the lid of the cooker and blend it in a mixer till smooth. Strain it since it is made for babies who have just started eating top food. Transfer the smooth mixture of Lauki Soup for Babies into a pan and bring to boil. Cool it slightly till lukewarm and serve it to your your growing tiny tot. Doodhi, a watery vegetable, is ideal for making soups for babies! It helps to fulfil their water requirement in an easy-to-digest and soothing form. The bland taste of doodhi is also liked by babies in the form of Bottle Gourd Soup for Babies and Kids. This Doodhi Soup for Toddlers is also a good source of vitamin C which will help build your baby’s immune system to fight diseases. Once your baby has grown a few months older, try and avoid straining the soup so the fiber will be retained too. The fiber and the water from dudhi will aid in digestion and prevent constipation. We have pressure cooked, blended and strained the Healthy Dudhi Soup for Babies to make it easier for the child to consume and digest. Since salt is not recommended by pediatricians at this age, we have not added any. If there is any leftover, you can drink it up with a little salt and pepper too, but not for your baby! Enjoy bottle gourd soup for babies, kids | healthy dudhi soup for babies | lauki soup for babies | doodhi soup for toddlers | with step by step photos.
Barley water for babies | how to make barley water for babies | homemade barley water for infants | with 10 amazing images. Barley is a protein-rich cereal that will do wonders for your baby. This Barley Water for Babies is a nutritious weaning food which is easy and simple to make and will not take up too much of your time during this busy and stressful timeframe, when your baby demands a lot of your attention. You can start with plain Barley Water for Babies, when you begin weaning, and once the child is 10 to 12 months old, you can start flavouring it with jaggery, if your paediatrician approves. Enjoy Barley water for babies | how to make barley water for babies | homemade barley water for infants with detailed step by step photos.
potato vegetable soup for babies | potato veg soup for toddlers | potatoes, carrots, french, cauliflower soup for babies | with 32 amazing images. This soothing and sumptuous Potato and Vegetable Soup for Babies and Toddlers features four lovely, colourful veggies – carrot, French beans, potatoes and cauliflower. After 8 months is the ideal time to introduce your baby to new flavours, and this Vegetable Soup serves that purpose well. Just ensure that your child is not allergic to any of the ingredients. Apart from exploring new flavours, this thick and creamy lunch-time Potato and Vegetable Soup for Babies and Toddlers will also provide your child with ample antioxidants, vitamin A and Vitamin C along with fiber. Serve this Potato and Vegetable Soup for Kids to your baby anytime during the day. Also try other healthy soups for babies above 8 months old like Carrot Soup for Babies and Beetroot Soup for Babies. Enjoy how to make Potato and Vegetable Soup for Babies and Toddlers recipe with detailed step by step photos below.
Apple water for babies | apple punch for babies | how to make apple water for babies | with 12 amazing images. An apple a day keeps the doctor away, but this is one fruit that babies initially have trouble digesting in the raw form. So, this apple water for babies is a wonderful way of introducing apples to your baby's diet ate around 6 to 7 months during the early stages of weaning. As your little one grows older (8 to 9 months) and is able to digest this apple punch for babies easily, apples can be stewed in lesser water to make a purée and served to the babies without straining as shown in the recipe of Apple Stew. Enjoy how to make Apple water for babies | apple punch for babies | how to make apple water for babies | with detailed step by step photos below.
rice mash for babies | mashed rice for babies | soft food for babies | with 11 amazing images. A safe and soothing food, Rice Mash for Babies is highly recommended once your baby has gotten used to Rice Water. This easy and healthy recipe is satiating, easily-digestible, and provides ample energy too. Making this Soft Food for Babies is very simple. Wash the rice and pressure cook it in enough water, add ½ tsp of ghee, mash it nicely to get a thick puree like consistency and serve it your little one lukewarm. Rice Mash for Babies is aromatic, thanks to the light lacing of ghee, which also lubricates the mash making it easier for the child to swallow. Ghee also provides nourishment to boost brain health. Start Rice Mash for Babies with a small quantity and give some time to the baby to get accustomed to new foods introduced. No need to add salt at this age, as babies at a small age can’t really need that extra sodium. Enjoy how to make rice mash for babies | mashed rice for babies | soft food for babies | with detailed step by step photos below.
Jowar Banana Sheera for Babies | Banana and Jowar Sheera for Babies | Jowar Banana Sheera for Kids | Jowar Banana Sheera for 7 month old baby | Banana Sorghum Sheera for Babies | Jowar Banana Sheera – Baby Food Recipe | with 15 amazing images After the age of 7 to 8 months, your baby will be ready to have foods that are of a more semi-solid consistency. This fabulously tasty and nutritious Jowar Banana Sheera for Babies will serve the purpose of familiarizing your baby with such foods. Being rich in carbohydrates, protein and iron, this Jowar Banana Sheera for Babies will keep your baby 'full' for a longer period of time. Plus, thankfully, babies usually find the natural sweetness of banana and jaggery very appealing, so your baby will not think twice before slurping up every spoonful! However use of jaggery can easily be avoided as banana itself is a very sweet fruit. Do not keep thisJowar Banana Sheera for Babies for a long time after cooking. It will turn black and also thicken because the use of banana. Enjoy Jowar Banana Sheera for Babies | Banana and Jowar Sheera for Babies | Jowar Banana Sheera for Kids | Jowar Banana Sheera for 7 month old baby | Banana Sorghum Sheera for Babies | Jowar Banana Sheera – Baby Food Recipe with detailed step-by-step photos.
palak paneer rice recipe for kids | palak paneer pulao for babies | spinach rice for toddlers | with 17 amazing images. This palak paneer rice for babies is a delicacy that appeals to most toddlers because of its bright green colour. Kids who are 1 year and above also love the soft, chewy texture of paneer, which makes it doubly delightful. Spinach in this spinach and paneer pulao provides much-needed folic acid for your growing baby while paneer is a good source of calcium and protein. Serve this satiating palak paneer rice for babies and toddlers with a cup of fresh curds, to make a delicious meal for lunch or dinner. Tips for palak paneer rice recipe for kds. 1. You need to remember to cut down on the spice while cooking for babies. 2. This spinach and paneer rice for babies and toddlers is rich in protein, vitamin A, folic acid, calcium and a few micronutrients too. 3. Since this Palak Paneer Chawal is for toddlers, add restricted amounts of salt. Use of excessive salt in cooking is a habit which is developed since childhood. Avoid it. Enjoy how to make palak paneer rice recipe for kids | palak paneer pulao for babies | spinach rice for toddlers | recipe with detailed step by step photos and video below.
carrot juice for babies | how to make carrot juice for 6 month old baby | Indian baby food – carrot juice | homemade carrot juice | with 7 amazing images. A wonder veggie, rich in vitamins and other nutrients, carrots are also tasty enough to be liked by babies! Thanks to its natural sweetness and satiating consistency, this Carrot Juice for Babies is sure to be loved by your precious one too. It is important to make this Carrot Juice for Babies in a hopper to completely eliminate fibre and get a clear juice, as carrot’s fibre is not digestible at 7th month. When serving Carrot Juice for Babies the first time, prefer day time when they are fresh and are more open to trying out new foods. When serving it the first time, always look for allergies if any. Also remember to feed it immediately on making. Enjoy carrot juice for babies | how to make carrot juice for 6 month old baby | Indian baby food – carrot juice | homemade carrot juice with detailed step by step photos and video.
muskmelon juice for babies | muskmelon for babies recipe | muskmelon juice recipe for 6 month old babies | with 9 amazing images. Ideally, foods for babies should have a soothing flavour, attractive colour (to make them grab it!) and ample nutrients. This Muskmelon Juice for Babies fits perfectly with those requirements. Your baby will get a good share of antioxidants like vitamin A and vitamin C, from this tasty Muskmelon Juice, which will improve their health and immunity too. To get this recipe right, use ripe muskmelon, but not overripe ones. Prepare the Muskmelon Juice for Babies in a hopper, so you can serve it without further straining. Try this Muskmelon Juice for Babies and Carrot Juice for Babies separately, and once your baby gets used to it, try your hand at combining the two to make Carrot and Muskmelon Juice for Babies. Enjoy muskmelon juice for babies | muskmelon for babies recipe | muskmelon juice recipe for 6 month old babies with detailed step by step photos.
papaya puree for babies | how to make papaya puree for babies | papaya puree for 6 month old baby | with 7 amazing images Papaya Puree for Babies has a large number of valuable nutrients. It improves digestion, and nourishes your baby with vitamin A, so make sure you introduce your little one to Papaya Purée at the right age, to develop an early liking for it. When preparing this easy Papaya Puree for Babies, make sure you blend the papaya well till you get a smooth, lump-free purée. To get this right, use a fully-ripened and soft papaya. Begin with a small quantity like 1 tbsp of Papaya Puree for Babies and gradually increase it to ½ cup. Enjoy papaya puree for babies | how to make papaya puree for babies | papaya puree for 6 month old baby with detailed step by step photos.
vegetable khichdi for babies and toddlers | easy homemade khichdi for babies | vegetable moong dal khichdi for babies and toddlers | mix vegetable dal khichdi for infants | with 30 amazing images. vegetable khichdi for babies and toddlers is a very simple home food which is soft in texture and soothing to the throat and tummies of the babies. It is a complete meal in itself, providing plenty of energy, protein and folic acid for your baby. Making this easy homemade khichdi for babies is like any other khichdi. Wash the rice and green moong dal and then choose some veggies and grate them. Combine these 2 food groups in a pressure cooker, add asafoetida for digestion and turmeric powder for slight colour and cook it with water till overcooked. This yummy vegetable moong dal khichdi for babies and toddlers is all the more nutritious, thanks to the addition of vitamin A rich carrots. The appealing colour, soft texture and slight sweetness of cooked carrots also improve the flavour and texture of this meal. All in all, this vegetable khichdi for babies and toddlers is a good way of introducing your child to a mildly-spiced dish. The clove and peppercorn will introduce new tastes. But remember to remove and discard them without fail, else they are sure to hurt the babies and lead to choking. Also this mix vegetable dal khichdi for infants doesn’t make use of salt. This is because most pediatricians now-a-days do not recommend adding salt to babies diet. After 1 year, it is recommended to add restricted amount of salt only. Serve this vegetable khichdi for babies and toddlers | easy homemade khichdi for babies | vegetable moong dal khichdi for babies and toddlers | mix vegetable dal khichdi for infants lukewarm. Enjoy cooking it with its step by step photos.
mango yogurt for babies, toddlers, kids, adults recipe | 2 ingredient Indian mango yoghurt for babies above 6 months | healthy no sugar, no honey mango curd yoghurt for babies | with 10 images. mango yogurt for babies, toddlers, kids, adults recipe is made with zero sugar, honey. Learn to make 2 ingredient Indian mango yoghurt for babies above 6 months. Although the King of fruits visits us only once a year, make sure you treat your baby to this delicious fruity flavoured mango yogurt for babies when this fruit is available in plenty. Mangoes give plenty of vitamin A, which aids in vision while fresh curds are a good source of calcium needed to strengthen the bones of growing babies in healthy no sugar, no honey mango curd yoghurt for babies. In the early stages of weaning, use curds made of cow’s milk in mango yogurt for babies rather than buffalo’s milk as it is easily digestible. Also, use fresh curds as soon as they are fully set and before they start becoming sour, to ensure a soft flavour of mango yogurt for babies that your child will like. Our toddler loved the mango yogurt for babies and there was some left over. Guess what, the adults had it and it was super tasty for us too. Yes, this is a healthy mango yogurt for adults also. We double the quantity of mango yogurt for babies so that there is some left for us to have also. Pro tips for mango yogurt for babies, toddlers, kids, adults recipe. 1. Mango Yogurt is a perfect recipe for babies above 6 months. 2. Consult your pediatrician before introducing curd to your baby. Discuss about the variety of curd to use. 3. Always remember to watch for allergies, if any, when feeding Mango yogurt for the first time. 4. Begin with a small quantity and gradually increase it. Enjoy how to make mango yogurt for babies, toddlers, kids, adults recipe | 2 ingredient Indian mango yoghurt for babies above 6 months | healthy no sugar, no honey mango curd yoghurt for babies | with detailed step by step photos below.
