Nutritional Facts of Eggless Churros

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Eggless Churros
Click here to view Eggless Churros recipe

How many calories does one Eggless Churros have?

One Eggless Churros (15 grams)  gives 67 calories. Out of which carbohydrates comprise 22 calories, proteins account for 2 calories and remaining calories come from fat which is 45 calories.  One Eggless Churros provides about 3.3 percent of the total daily calorie requirement of a standard adult diet of 2,000 calories.

Eggless Churros recipe makes 35 pieces of 15 grams each.

67 calories for 1 churro of Eggless Churros, Cholesterol 12 mg, Carbohydrates 5.4g, Protein 0.5g, Fat 4.9g. Find how much fibre, iron, calcium, zinc, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, folic acid is present in Eggless Churros.

See eggless churros recipe | cinnamon sugar churros| Nutella stuffed churros |

Churros are a crunchy snack, prepared by deep-frying stick-shaped pieces of sweetened dough. Learn how to make eggless churros recipe | cinnamon sugar churros | Nutella stuffed churros |
Conquer your churros cravings without the eggs! Eggless churros offer the same delightful experience, minus the need for special ingredients.
Churros with chocolate sauce is a popular snack in many parts of the world like Spain, France and parts of America, where it is sometimes even served for breakfast.
The magic lies in a simple dough made with water, flour, and a touch of butter.  By carefully mixing and cooking the dough, you achieve the perfect consistency for piping.  Once fried, these golden churros boast a crisp exterior that gives way to a soft, fluffy interior.
Dust them with fragrant cinnamon sugar for a classic touch, or get creative with flavored sugars or decadent dipping sauce. Enjoy these cinnamon sugar churros - a testament to delicious flavor without compromise!
pro tips to make eggless churros recipe: 1. For eggless churros, achieve structure by stirring vigorously after adding the flour to the hot water mixture. This activates the gluten in the flour, creating a slightly chewy and elastic dough. 2. You can add 1 tbsp of cornflour to the dough to achieve a crispier exterior while keeping the churros fluffy inside. 3. Use a double piping bag technique. Put one piping bag inside another fitted with a star nozzle. This reinforces the bag and allows for better control while piping. 4. Instead of Nutella you can also serve these hot churros with chocolate ganache.

Is Eggless Churros healthy?

No, this is not healthy. Let's see why.

Deep fried foods : This recipe is deep fried. Any food that is deep fried is not suitable for healthy living. Your fat levels increase as deep frying increases oil absorption. Also when you use the same oil again for deep frying then smoking point decreases which leads to the development of blue smoke which is not good for health. Processed food, Deep Fried Foods also increases inflammation in the body and shuts down the fat burning process. Most diseases from heart, to cardio vascular, diabetes, parkinsons, alzheimer, cancer and obesity result when the cells get inflamed and then they don't function correctly. Inflammation in the arteries can cause heart attacks. So your diet should contain foods that fight inflammation in the body. That's how your body gets healthier by eating the right stuff. NOTE. 5 gm per big puri (45 calories of unhealthy fat)  or samosa of oil is consumed on deep frying.  2.5 g per small one.

Plain flour (maida) : This recipe uses plain flour or maida which is refined carb not suitable for a healthy lifestyle. Maida consumption in any food should be totally avoided or used in very small quantities as any consumption of this will cause a larger spike in blood sugar levels which is not good for diabeticsheart patientsThe development of prediabetes comes from uncontrolled eating sugar and refined food products for many years and the classic symptom is if you have excess belly fat. This leads to diabetes and further onwards to heart attack, high blood pressure, strokes, impotence and kidney damage.  Reading is maida good for you to understand fully.

Sugar  (castor sugar ): Sugar used in the recipe is also called white poison. It is a simple carbohydrate with zero nutritional value. On intake, sugar will cause inflammation of the body which will last for many hours. It will spike your blood sugar level and shut down the fat burning process. This also causes high blood sugar levels in your body. The development of prediabetes comes from uncontrolled eating sugar and refined food products for many years and the classic symptom is if you have excess belly fat. This leads to diabetes and further onwards to heart attack, high blood pressure, strokes, impotence and kidney damage. 

Our thoughts.

  • High in Calories and Fat: They are deep-fried pastries, which means they are high in calories and fat. A typical churro can be from 65 to 100 calories, with a significant portion of those calories coming from fat.

  • Refined Carbohydrates: The dough is made with refined flour, which provides little fiber or other essential nutrients. This can lead to a blood sugar spike and crash.

  • Added Sugar: Churros are often coated in cinnamon sugar, adding extra sugar and calories without much nutritional value.

However, there are ways to enjoy churros more occasionally as part of a balanced diet:

  • Portion Control: Enjoy churros in moderation. Sharing an order with friends or having just a few can help limit your calorie and fat intake.
  • Homemade Option: Making churros at home allows you to control the ingredients. You can use healthier options like whole-wheat flour, less sugar, and bake them instead of deep-frying for a slightly lighter version.
  • Special Occasions: Churros are a delicious treat. Enjoy them occasionally for special events or celebrations.

Here are some healthier alternatives to churros that might satisfy your craving:

  • Baked Apple Chips: Baked apple chips are a naturally sweet and crunchy snack that is a good source of fiber.

  • Baked Sweet Potato Fries: These oven-baked fries are a delicious and nutritious alternative to fried churros.

  • Air-Fried Cinnamon Donut Holes: Using an air fryer can create donut holes with less fat than deep-frying.

Overall, churros are a delicious treat, but not particularly healthy due to their high calorie, fat, and sugar content. Enjoy them occasionally and explore healthier alternatives for most snacking needs.

Value per per piece% Daily Values
Energy67 cal3%
Protein0.5 g1%
Carbohydrates5.4 g2%
Fiber0 g0%
Fat4.9 g7%
Cholesterol1.7 mg0%
Vitamin A61.7 mcg1%
Vitamin B1 (Thiamine)0 mg0%
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)0 mg0%
Vitamin B3 (Niacin)0.1 mg1%
Vitamin C0 mg0%
Vitamin E0 mg0%
Folic Acid (Vitamin B9)0 mcg0%
Calcium1.1 mg0%
Iron0.1 mg0%
Magnesium2.5 mg1%
Phosphorus5.7 mg1%
Sodium6.1 mg0%
Potassium6.2 mg0%
Zinc0 mg0%
Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet. Your daily values may be higher or lower depending on your calorie needs.
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