Nutritional Facts of Maida Tandoori Roti

This calorie page has been viewed 80399 times Last Updated : Jul 10,2024

How many calories does one Maida Tandoori Roti have?

One Maida Tandoori Naan/ Roti (80 grams)  gives 215 calories. Out of which carbohydrates comprise 148 calories, proteins account for 24 calories and remaining calories come from fat which is 30 calories.  One Tandoori Naan provides about 10.75 percent of the total daily calorie requirement of a standard adult diet of 2,000 calories.

Maida Tandoori Roti
Click here to view Maida Tandoori Roti recipe

Maida Tandoori Naan/ Roti makes 6 rotis.

215 calories for 1 maida  Tandoori Roti,  Naan, Cholesterol 4.1 mg, Carbohydrates 37.2g, Protein 6.2g, Fat 40g. Find how much fibre, iron, calcium, zinc, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, folic acid is present in Tandoori Naan.

See maida tandoori roti recipe | no yeast tandoori roti on tava | homemade butter tandoori roti |

Enjoy restaurant-style tandoori rotis at home with this simple recipe! All you need are minimal ingredients, which are readily available in every kitchen. Learn how to make maida tandoori roti recipe | no yeast tandoori roti on tava | homemade butter tandoori roti |

Craving those smoky, blistered flatbread but don't have a tandoor oven? No problem! This recipe lets you make delicious no-yeast tandoori roti right on your everyday tava.

No yeast tandoori roti, cooked on a tava (griddle), is a popular Indian flatbread that offers a quick and easy alternative to the traditional yeast-leavened tandoori roti. This version is ideal for those who want to enjoy the flavors of tandoori roti without the need for yeast or a tandoor (clay oven).

These pillowy soft tandoori roti brushed with golden butter are the perfect accompaniment to any Indian curry. Enjoy these warm homemade butter tandoori roti alongside your favorite dal or curry for a comforting and delicious meal!

pro tips to make maida tandoori roti: 1. Dough should be rested well for the fluffy tandoori roti. 2. It is very important use warm water for kneading. 3. Sprinkling salt-water helps the roti to stick properly on the tava. 4. Make sure to serve it immediately for better taste, it becomes chewy if kept for a longer time.

Is Maida Tandoori Naan healthy?

No, this is not healthy. Let's see why.

Let's understand the Ingredients.

What's good.

Ghee : Other than calories and fats, the only nutrients that ghee is rich in are the vitamins – all of which are fat-soluble. All the 3 vitamins (Vitamin AVitamin E and Vitamin K) are antioxidants which have a role in removing free radicals from the body and protecting our cell as well as help in maintaining skin health and glow. Ghee is an excellent, high-quality selection medium of cooking because of its high smoke point. As compared to most oils and butter, ghee can handle a smoke point of 230°C, 450°F, thus its less prone to oxidant and destruction of nutrients. Yes, ghee does contain cholesterol, but some amount of cholesterol is needed by the body. Cholesterol has some functions to play too. It is necessary for hormone production, brain function, cell health and lubricating the joints. It is, in reality, a high quality fat for the body and brain. Ghee is loaded with fats but that’s medium chain fatty acids (MCT) which aid in weight loss. Ghee is healthy for daibetics in small amounts and you need to check your fat intake at the same time. Learn to easily make your ghee at home which is free of preservatives. See benefits of ghee

Butter : Butter contains 80% fats and it comprises of many types of fatty acids. Butter has short chain fatty acids and medium chain fatty acids which are broken down and absorbed into the body directly and go straight to the liver and get converted to fuel to be used by the muscles. Due to this anti-inflammatory effect, it is said to have a positive effect in treating Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). Recent research shows that small amounts of butter has positive effects on heart health. So diabetics too can have small quantity of butter and balance it with other types of fats they consume. A tbsp. of butter fulfils 8% of your days requirement of vitamin A. This Vitamin A is a powerful antioxidant which is essential for glowing skin health and immune function. We suggest you read about butter the super food

Benefits of whole wheat, gehun: Whole wheat is a whole grain and so high in fibre and nutrients. The fibre in it can help to satiate you for long time and thus aid in weight loss. It also lowers the risk of stroke and reduces cholesterol. Whole wheat is a healthier option than rice or maida for diabetics too. However, since whole wheat is also high in carbs, we recommend  combining it with veggies. The insoluble fibre in it adds bulk to stools. It is also a good source of other nutrients like magnesium, phosphorus, zinc etc. Wheat has gluten in it and so it is not suitable for gluten intolerant people.

Milk and Low Fat Milk : 1 cup of milk provides 70% of the Recommended Daily Allowance of Calcium. Milk promotes strong bones. The Calcium in Milk helps to protect your teeth against gum disease and keeps your jaw bone strong and healthy. Milk is low in carbs and therefore does not raise blood glucose levels. However diabetics must consider including low fat milk as advised by their dietitian only so as to avoid any fluctuations in blood sugar levels. Protein is another key nutrient which milk is rich in - 8.6 g from a cup. So all those looking to build protein stores can add milk and its products like curd and paneer to their diet. One cup of Milk gives 10 grams of carbs.  Low fat milk has lower fat and the same benefits of milk

Curd + Low fat Curds :  Curds help in digestion as it has very good bacteria. Probiotics in curds acts as a mild laxative but, in case of diarrhoea and dysentery, it is a boon, if curd is used with rice.They help in weight reduction, good for your heart and build immunity. The only difference between curds and low fat curds is the fat level. Read the benefits of curds to include in your daily diet. 

What's the problem?

Plain flour (maida) : This recipe uses plain flour or maida which is refined carb not suitable for healthy lifestyle. Maida consumption in any food should be totally avoided or just a little bit of usage as any consumption of this will cause a larger spike in blood levels which is not good for diabeticsheart patients. Read is maida good for you to understand fully.

Can diabetics, heart patients and over weight individuals have Tandoori Naan  ?

No, this recipe is not good for diabetics, heart and weight loss. This recipe uses plain flour or maida which is refined carb not suitable for healthy lifestyle. Maida consumption in any food should be totally avoided or just a little bit of usage as any consumption of this will cause a larger spike in blood levels which is not good for diabeticsheart patients.

What is a healhier Naan option?

We suggest you use this whole wheat naan which has no plain flour added to it. 

Whole Wheat Coriander and Sesame Seeds Naan

Whole Wheat Coriander and Sesame Seeds Naan

Can healthy individuals have Tandoori Naan?

No, this is not healthy. If you want to stay fit, avoid plain flour.

Value per per roti% Daily Values
Energy215 cal11%
Protein6.2 g11%
Carbohydrates37.2 g12%
Fiber0.4 g2%
Fat4.6 g7%
Cholesterol6.4 mg2%
Vitamin A176.8 mcg4%
Vitamin B1 (Thiamine)0.1 mg10%
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)0.1 mg9%
Vitamin B3 (Niacin)1.6 mg13%
Vitamin C1.5 mg4%
Vitamin E0.3 mg2%
Folic Acid (Vitamin B9)7.5 mcg4%
Calcium53.7 mg9%
Iron1.8 mg9%
Magnesium42.9 mg12%
Phosphorus117.1 mg20%
Sodium102.7 mg5%
Potassium104.4 mg2%
Zinc0.6 mg6%
Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet. Your daily values may be higher or lower depending on your calorie needs.
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