Corn chips with amba salsa

An easy, quick and mouth watering recipe.

Corn chips with amba salsa

This recipe has been viewed 3814 times

Corn chips with amba salsa recipe - How to make Corn chips with amba salsa

Cooking Time:    Total Time:    


For the corn chips-1/2cup flour,
3/4cup maize flour (makkai atta)
2tsp oil,
2tsp raw mango puree,
salt to taste,
1tsp cumin seeds,
oil for deep-frying
For the mango salsa- 1cup grated raw mango,
1/4cup pieces of ripe and peeled mangoes, 2tbsp onion, finely chopped,
1 cucumber, finely chopped, ,
1tsp tomato puree,
1tsp tomato ketchup,
1tsp freshly crushed black pepper,
salt to taste
20g. Coriander leaves,
finely chopped.
1/4tsp red chilli flakes


  1. How to make corn chips-mix all the ingredients (except the oil) and knead to soft dough. roll out and cut out 2.5c.m.squares. deep fry in hot oil till crisp. drain on absorbent paper
  2. How to makemango salsa-mix all the amba salsa ingredients and toss well. top with red chilli flakes.
  3. How to serve- in a serving plate keep corn chips and serve with amba salsa
