Corn Toppings

Corn toppings are a creamy sweet topping made from sweet corns. Find a plethora of corn recipe, corn pakodas and corn salads at

Corn Toppings

This recipe has been viewed 4021 times

Corn Toppings recipe - How to make Corn Toppings


Preparation Time:    Cooking Time:    Total Time:     6
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White sauce:

    White sauce:
  1. Take a pan and pour ghee in it .keep it for heating.
  2. Add maida to ghee and pour milk.mix it properly.
  3. Add salt ,black pepper & sugar.let it become semisolid .
  4. Add boiled vegetables i.e. corn ,green peas and carrot to it.


  1. Take monacco biscuits and spread butter on it .
  2. Put little of the mixture prepared from white sauce on it .
  3. Add grated cheese to it and tomato sauce on it!and heat it in microwave for only 1 min ! it is ready to serve!
