Ginger Biscuits By Maneck

Experience the joy of munching the ginger flavoured Ginger biscuits recipe with a cup of hot coffee. An easy to follow list of instructions about ingredients, method and tips to prepare the delicious ginger biscuits.

Ginger Biscuits  By Maneck

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Ginger Biscuits By Maneck recipe - How to make Ginger Biscuits By Maneck

Preparation Time: 10 MINS   Cooking Time: 20 MINS.   Total Time:    
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150 gms plain flour (maida)
150 gms castor sugar
1 pinch of salt
2 tsp dried ginger (soonth) powder
1 egg
50 gms butter
1/4 tsp baking powder
milk ( if required)


  1. Heat the oven and prepare the baking tin by greasing it well.
  2. Cream the butter and sugar until soft and white.
  3. Add the ground ginger and a very little of the flour, salt and milk (if required) to make a stiff paste.
  4. turn out on to a lightly floured board, knead till smooth, roll out 1/8 of an inch thick, put on prepared tray and bake for 20 minutes in a moderate oven. (350 f)
  5. Cool on a wire rack.
