beaten whipped cream

Beaten Whipped Cream Glossary |Health Benefits, Nutritional Information + Recipes with Beaten Whipped Cream | Viewed 58620 times

Beaten whipped cream is what is obtained after beating the unbeaten whipped cream in an electric beater till it is fluffy and thick. There are 3 types of whipped creams available in the market like Rich’s non dairy cream, dairy cream and in powdered form. The best results come with Rich’s cream followed by dairy cream. If using powdered cream, follow the exact instructions on the packet. The cream available in tetra packs (like Amul, Vijaya etc.) is fresh cream and cannot be whipped, due to its low fat content.

Whipping the cream to its correct stage is very crucial to make mousses. 1¼ cups of unbeaten whipped cream will approx. yield 2 cups of whipped cream and this will take approx. 8 to 10 minutes. Always use an electric beater and not a hand beater to whip the cream.

Over whipping turns the cream into butter and buttermilk. Adding sugar at the beginning of the whipping process reduces the volume greatly. Beaten whipped cream is best had right after being whipped, but it can also be covered and chilled for up to 24 hours, so ideally feel free to whip the cream just before the guests get home. And remember the heavier the cream, the lesser it needs to be whipped.

How to Select
• Since the beaten whipped cream is obtained from unbeaten whipped cream, it is advisable to check the packaging and expiry details of unbeaten whipped cream.
• Readymade whipped cream is available in tins and bottles.

Culinary Uses
• "A cherry on the top" sits perfectly on a peak of whipped cream on sodas, milkshakes, cupcakes, pies, tarts, mousse or even on a simple bowl of cut fresh fruit.
• An essential ingredient in mousse making, it adds volume and smoothness to the product while chocolate or strawberry or whatever other flavouring you choose, adds depth to it.
• The velvety texture offsets other stronger flavours and balances it out.
• Lightly flavoured with sugar, liqueur, extract or citrus zest, whipped cream takes on a new flavour dimension.
• And on days when you feel extra indulgent, top up your favourite hot or cold coffee with a generous snowy peak of whipped cream.
• Also can be mixed with chopped fresh fruits and eaten

How to Store
• Excess beaten whipped cream can be stored in an air-tight container in the refrigerator and not freezer. It remains fresh for 2 to 3 days.
• For storage of bottled whipped cream, follow the instructions given on the bottle.