black mushroom

Black Mushroom Glossary |Health Benefits, Nutritional Information + Recipes with Black Mushroom | Viewed 24670 times

What is black mushroom, kala mushroom?

Black mushroom is a very choice, flavorful mushroom and are excellent to taste. Distinctly trumpet-shaped member of the chanterelle family has an elegant, buttery flavor. Known as the "poor man's truffle," black trumpets have a natural, smoky aroma that makes them a natural. This fragile, trumpet shaped Mushroom has a waxy, charcoal-gray outer surface, while the inside is a velvety blackish-brown. This is an incredibly rich and buttery Mushroom. This Mushroom can be found growing in large groups in damp deciduous woods, especially under oak or beech, during summer and fall.

How to select black mushroom, kala mushroom

When buying fresh Black mushrooms, select Black mushrooms that are intact and firm, with tightly closed cap. Avoid Black mushrooms that are wrinkled, slimy, ragged, or spotted. If the gills are showing, it's an indication of age, and they are probably past their prime. Discolored, broken and damaged mushrooms with soft spots should be avoided.

Culinary Uses of black mushroom, kala mushroom

" Black trumpet mushrooms have an excellent flavor which blooms to its fullest when the mushrooms are dried and then reconstituted.
" It tastes good in a sauce and is excellent in risottos, omelettes.
" It works well as a flavoring ingredient in soups and casseroles.
" Black Trumpets are great in vegetarian cooking because they add a richness and depth that is often the role of meat in a recipe.
" These Black Mushrooms are delicious sautéed and added to rice dishes, particularly wild rice.
" For easy marinated Black mushrooms, cover cleaned with your favorite vinaigrette, cover and refrigerate for 2 days.
" Black Mushrooms also make the use of pulses, beans and peas in vegetarian cookery more palatable and enjoyable

How to store black mushroom, kala mushroom

Store Black mushrooms in your refrigerator crisper where they can benefit from cool air circulation. Keep partially covered to prevent them from drying out, but never store packaged fresh Black mushrooms without venting. Paper bags are a good storage alternative. Use fresh Black mushrooms within three days.

Health benefits of black mushroom, kala mushroom

" Black Mushrooms are potential cancer-fighters. It contains a compound called lentinan, which is being used as a cancer treatment.
" Black Mushrooms are also a good source of riboflavin and niacin and contain no fat or cholesterol.
" Black Mushrooms are low in calories, low in fat and have no cholesterol and also low in salt
" It is a good source of minerals, especially potassium and also a good source of vitamins, particularly B vitamins.
" Black Mushroom protein is also superior to many other vegetable proteins on account of its essential amino acid content.