canned lychees

Canned Lychees Glossary |Health Benefits, Nutritional Information + Recipes with Canned Lychees | Viewed 44419 times


Canned lychees are peeled, seedless lychees in syrup. The usual ingredients are water, lychee, sugar and citric acid. The creamy white flesh is juicy, smooth and delicately sweet. 1-2" in diameter. The lychee or laichi and lichu is the sole member of the genus Litchi in the soapberry family Sapindaceae. It is a tropical fruit tree, primarily found in China, India, northern Vietnam, Indonesia, Southern Africa and Mexico.

It is a fragranced fruit with a sweet taste. The inside consists of a layer of sweet, translucent white flesh, rich in vitamin C, with a texture somewhat similar to that of a grape only much less moist. The specifications for Canned Litchi include Brix : 14-17 (Light Syrup), 17-20(Heavy Syrup), and it may be either Whole or Broken. Pour a can of lychees into a bowl and it can be relished as it is or as drinks, in icecreams , cakes or cold salads.

How to select

Select the cans, which are not bulging, leaking or rusted. The lychees should be white, soft and the sugar sysrup should be clear. Any foul smelling odour or cloudiness in the syrup would indicate spoilage and hence should be discarded.

Culinary Uses

· Canned lychees can be relished any time of the year with other fruits in ice creams, custards or as cocktails.
· These make up for great salads with veggies or can be served with cream or yoghurts as desserts.
· Lychee iced tea and lemonades are also common.

How to store

An unopened can may be stored upto six months of packaging. Once opened, transfer the lychees along with the syrup in a glass bowl and refrigerate. It should be consumed within 2-3 days.

Health Benefits

· The Lychee contains on average a total 72 mg of Vitamin C per 100 grams of fruit.
· One cup of Lychee fruit provides potassium, copper and phosphorus.
· Most of the energy in a lychee is in the form of carbohydrates (sugar).