dried cranberries

Dried Cranberries Glossary |Health Benefits, Nutritional Information + Recipes with Dried Cranberries | Tarladalal.com Viewed 12229 times

Also known as

Craisins, Crazens, Dried Bearberry, Dried Craneberry, Dried Bounceberry


Dried cranberries are deeper red in colour. Cranberries can be dried by allowing cranberries to sit overnight in water-sugar solution and then freeze-drying it. They can also be blended with vegetable oil so that they do not stick to each other.  

Chopped dried cranberries
Place the dried cranberries on a chopping board and chop into small or big pieces using a sharp knife. You can chop them into coarse pieces by cutting them roughly or into smaller pieces.

How to select

Ensure that the dried cranberries are whole and not bruised or broken. Readily available dried cranberries are available in sweet and tart flavours and should always be checked for freshness and its taste.

Culinary Uses

· Dried cranberries can be added to breads and green salads.
· Sweet dried cranberries can be used as sweetener instead of sugar.
· Use them while baking muffins, cakes, pastries.

How to store

Dried cranberries have to be stored in glass jars and blended with oil so that they do not adhere to each other. Keep them away from moisture and refrigerate it.

Health Benefits

· Dried cranberries have more calories than fresh cranberries.
· They have higher count of fibre as compared to fresh cranberries.