coffee beans

Coffee Beans Glossary | Health Benefits, Nutritional Information + Recipes with Coffee Beans | Viewed 5074 times

Coffee beans are seeds of the coffee plant and the source from which coffee powder is prepared.The two most common varieties of coffee beans are Arabica and Robusta. These varieties are usually used in combination, the most common proportion being 80 per centArabica and 20 per centRobusta. Coffee beans are processed from the plant in two different ways- wet processing and dry processing. Coffee beans are easily available in the market and need to be roasted before grinding into a powder. Roasted coffee beans are also available in the market for quicker use.

How to select
Choose the varieties according to your requirement. Also check for the seal and date of packaging while buying from the market.

Culinary Uses
Roasted coffee beans are commonly used to prepared filter coffee using a coffee machine.
Coffee beans also make a good garnish for coffee-flavoured desserts.

How to store
Store the coffee beans in anairtight container, preferably away from humid atmosphere to prevent them from turning moist.

Health Benefits
Coffee lifts your mood and helps treat headaches. It is known to promote the effectiveness of certain migraine drugs.
It postpones muscle fatigue and thus enhances athletic performance and endurance.
Some researches claim that coffee also protects against free radical damage to tissues.
Coffee contains compounds known as antioxidants, which may help protect against some of the most prevalent diseases.

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