crystallized ginger

Crystallized Ginger Glossary |Health Benefits, Nutritional Information + Recipes with Crystallized Ginger | Viewed 39453 times

Also Known As

Crystallised Root Ginger, Candied Ginger, Meetha Adrak.


It is the underground stem/ tuber of the ginger plant which was originally cultivated in Asia. This rhizome is now grown in West Africa, the Caribbean etc. Ginger can be preserved in various ways and one way is to cook it in sugar and then use in recipes. It is dried and then coated with sugar. It is pungent with a spicy sweet flavour and is chewy and moist.

Crystallised ginger can be made at home. To make it, follow this easy recipe.

Slice ginger and place in a pan along with some water and bring to boil. Once ginger is tender, drain the water and keep aside to dry completely. Don't discard the ginger water. Combine same quantity of sugar as the cooked and dried ginger along with some ginger water and cook till the water has evaporated, the sugar has melted and coats with the ginger slices.
Remove and store in air tight containers. You can use them whole or chopped as per recipe requirements.

How to select

Crystallised ginger usually has a bright pale brown or amber colour. Ensure that there is no hard fiber present. Ensure that it is firm to touch and not moist. Always check the packaging details before purchasing.

Culinary Uses

· It is widely used in the bakery. Candied ginger is used in flavouring cookies, crackers etc.
· Add it to fruit cakes, breads, scones and muffins for that enhanced flavour.
· It can also be had on its own after a heavy meal to aid digestion.

How to store

Crystallised ginger should always be placed in an air tight container and then stored in the fridge. It stays fresh for up to 2 months.

Health Benefits

· Crystallized Ginger is an effective cure for indigestion, sore throat, cold and cough.
· It is used to treat nausea.
· The anti inflammatory properties help relieve pain and reduce inflammation associated with arthritis, muscle pains etc.
· Ginger's therapeutic properties help stimulate blood circulation, cleanse the bowels and kidneys, remove toxins from the body and nourish the skin.
· It is used in the treatment of asthma and other respiratory problems.

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crystallized ginger (3 recipes)