khus syrup

Khus Syrup Glossary | Recipes with Khus Syrup | Viewed 39465 times

The mature, earthy woody fragrance of khus or vetiver as it is known in English, is a dark brown, reddish liquid which when made into as essence is used with sugar, water and citric acid to create khus syrup. The essential oil of khus is extracted from the roots of the khus grass. Since the oil extracted is overpoweringly strong, it has to be diluted before being used as a flavouring agent.

How to Select
• It is easily available in shops that sell syrups, essences jams and jellies.
• The packaging size varies and the container is generally a plastic bottle.
• There are chances that it may not contain the real extract of khus grass and instead have artificial flavouring. So please read the label carefully before buying.
• Ensure that the seal is unbroken.
• Please read the manufacturing date to ensure maximum product freshness.

Culinary Uses
• Khus syrup when added to chilled water makes for a refreshing drink.
• Milkshakes and ice creams taste better with a generously serving of khus syrup.
• Khus lime soda can be made with the addition of soda, ice cubes and lime juice
• You could create a twist on mocktails like the Shirley Temple, by mixing khus syrup with lime juice in a tall glass and pouring Canada Dry over it. Garnish with a slice of lime or with a wedge of cherry.
• Use this syrup as a topping on bland desserts.

How to Store
• Until the seal is broken, store the unopened bottle in a cool, dry place at room temperature
• After breaking the seal, refrigerate the product to extend its shelf life.
• Since syrups contains a high amount of sugar, it acts as a preservative and ensures that the product has a long shelf life.
• Unopened bottles remain for a year with the flavour and taste of kesar intact.
• If these unopened bottles are stored in the refrigerator, it lasts for upto 2 years with the flavour and taste intact.

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