mixed spice

Mixed Spice Glossary | Recipes with Mixed Spice | Tarladalal.com Viewed 14454 times

Also Known as
Pudding Spice

Mixed spice, also called pudding spice, is a British blend of sweet spices, similar to garam masala. Allspice, cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg and ginger are the usual blend of spices, but some cooks like to add a few cardamom and coriander seeds. It is often used to complement fruits or other sweet foods.

How to Select
This typically British spice mixture can be purchased ready-mixed, but some cooks prefer experimenting and emphasizing different flavours.

Culinary Uses
· It is used in a variety of cakes and puddings, such as fruit cake, gingerbread and Christmas pudding.
· Make it up or buy it in small quantities as the mixture soon loses its full rich flavour.
· It is great for baking.
· Mixed Spice is a classic blend of sweet spices, including cinnamon and coriander seed. It adds a warm spicy note to sweet dishes.
· Sprinkle into apple pies, fruit crumbles and stewed fruit to give extra flavour.
· Add to preserves and pickles.
· Essential for fruit cakes, plum pudding, and hot cross buns, mixed spice is a great addition to other fruity desserts such as apple pie, crumbles and compotes. Try it in cream cheese desserts, pickles and mulled wine too. Add a warm spicy note to fruit cakes and biscuits.

How to Store
Keep it away from air and moisture. Store it in an air tight container.

Health Benefits
· In health terms it is one to settle your stomach and it promotes digestion
· Allspice is known to include high concentrations of antioxidants.