strawberry essence

Strawberry Essence Glossary | Recipes with Strawberry Essence | Viewed 35568 times


Strawberry essence is a highly concentrated flavour extracted from fresh strawberries onto an alcohol base or synthesised artificially using chemical compounds. It is a pale straw coloured liquid with the aroma of fresh strawberry puree.

Artificial essence is simply chemical mixtures that mimic a natural flavor in some way. The main ingredients are Aliphatic Acids, Aliphatic Aldehydes, Cis-3-Hexenol, Maltol, Ethyl Butyrate, Esters, Ketones and Propylene Glycol USP Grade as solvent.Anything that we smell has to contain some sort of volatile chemical -- a chemical that evaporates and enters a person's nose. Strawberry essence has just one or a few dominant chemical components (usually esters) that carry the bulk of the taste/smell signal.Strawberry essence is an easy way to add strong rose flavour to baking products, sauces, ice cream, and beverages.

How to select

The essence should be food grade and lie in adherence to the international standards for food. Check the expiry date before buying.

Culinary Uses

· It is suitable for addition to Alcoholic beverages, soft drinks and cocktails
· In fruit cakes, candy, cream fillings, where strawberry flavor is desired
· In ice-cream, milk desserts, jellies, bakery products.

How to store

The rose essence is usually stored in dark coloured bottles, kept away from heat or direct sunlight. They can also be refrigerated.

Health benefits

· Since strawberry essence is usually synthetic and produced to add strawberry flavours artificially, they do not contain any substantial health benefits.

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