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Glycemic Index of Celery, 15, (LOW GI)

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Food Category : Vegetables
Calories per 100 gms : 18


Glycemic index of Celery: 15, Glycemic load: 1

Celery has become a common household staple along with carrots, onions and potatoes. Celery grows to a height of 12 to 16 inches and is composed of leaf-topped stalks arranged in a conical shape that are joined at a common base. The glycemic index of celery is 15 and the glycemic load of 1 cup of chopped raw celery is 1 due to its low carbohydrate content. Celery acts as an antioxidant and reduces inflammation which is the major cause of several lifestyle diseases. The calcium content in celery is around 230 mg which helps in muscle contraction, keep your bones and teeth healthy. Hence celery is a complete package of different nutrients loaded with countless benefits.

Is Celery safe for Diabetics?

The carbohydrate content in 1 cup of chopped raw celery is just around 4 grams which makes the glycemic load of 1. The low carbohydrate content of celery helps in keeping the blood sugar levels stable. Thus celery serves to be totally fit in the diabetic menu.  Celery has a cholesterol lowering properties due to the presence of a unique compound called as 3-n-butylphthalide. It also regulates blood pressure because of high potassium content. Celery is a good source of calcium which also proves to be beneficial in blood pressure regulation. Fair amount of folic acid found in celery helps in reducing the homocysteine levels. Elevated homocysteine levels is found to increase the risk of heart disease. Celery is an extremely rich source of vitamin A which helps in improving your vision.

Is Celery suitable for Weight Loss?

1 cup of chopped raw celery provides around 20 calories which is significantly low. Thus an ideal vegetable to be served in the weight loss menu. The calcium content in 1 cup of chopped raw celery (230 mg) aids in weight loss. This is because calcium appears to bind with the fatty acids in the intestine and thus inhibit the absorption of fats. Plus point is celery has negligible amount of fats with uncounted benefits. The fiber content in celery helps in controlling your appetite.

