Makhni dal (moong dal)e

This dal is very nutritious & healthy for kids & toddler, they will really enjoy as this is sweet in taste and mostly all toddlers love sweet taste. this dal only will fill their stomach, no need to add anything else.

Makhni dal (moong dal)e

This recipe has been viewed 2211 times

Makhni dal (moong dal)e recipe - How to make Makhni dal (moong dal)e


Cooking Time:    Total Time:    


1/2 cup split yellow moong dal
2 tbps ghee
pinch of haldi (tumeric powder)
3 -4tbps sugar
1 tbps grated jaggery (optional)
salt to taste


  1. 1) boil moong dal in pressure cooker adding 1 glass of water
  2. 2) once dal is soften, add all above ingredients
  3. 3) beat the dal with hand mixture to a fine smooth paste.
  4. 4) if the dal is too thick and very little water.
