Puff pastry pizza bites

You can any veges of your choice.if you are using plain tomato sauce then mix it with dry herbs like oregano,it will give nice pizza flavor to your puff pastry pizza.

Puff pastry pizza bites

This recipe has been viewed 3802 times

Puff pastry pizza bites recipe - How to make Puff pastry pizza bites

Cooking Time:    Total Time:    


1 puff pastry
1/2 cucumber
1/2 brown onion
1/2 tomato
1/2 capcicum
1 Mushroom(optional)
1 cup grated cheese
pizza sauce or tomato sauce


  1. Turn on the oven on high temperature.
  2. Cut the puff pastry in 4 pieces.
  3. Fold the edges of each square & put for blind backing.
  4. Mean while cut the veges in small pieces.
  5. After 5 mins take the pastry out of oven and spread sauce of your choice.
  6. Put the veges on that and covered it with grated cheese.
  7. Put back in oven for another five mins.
  8. Take it out carefully and serve it with sauce or just alone by it self..
