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2 chopped plums recipes

Last Updated : Jun 18,2018

कटे हुए आलूबुखारे रेसिपी - हिन्दी में पढ़ें (chopped plums recipes in Hindi)
સમારેલા આલૂબુખાર રેસીપી - ગુજરાતી માં વાંચો (chopped plums recipes in Gujarati)

Plum Compote is a quick and easy dessert sauce with a sweet and tangy flavour that tickles your taste buds. The measured but wise use of spices gives the Pl ....
Combining chopped plums and bananas into a sorbet is a really brilliant idea, because the ingredients help each other to shine! While banana gives a creamy touch to the sorbet, the plums give it a wonderful tang. Together the two result in a Plum and Banana Sorbet that has an ideal texture and ....